The issues of the world......

Not storytime...Drag Shows...look it up...lots of them.
Big difference in the two.
I did. Right after I posted. All I could find was drag queen story hour. I agree it's very odd, but in essence it's a children's story being read to them by drag queens in elaborate costumes. Again I don't really understand why; my first take was that it's an in your face way of the trans community saying that they want to contribute to communities just like anyone else.
The purpose is to have storytime, and it began in libraries in San Francisco in 2015, and is not sexual in any way.
I did. Right after I posted. All I could find was drag queen story hour. I agree it's very odd, but in essence it's a children's story being read to them by drag queens in elaborate costumes. Again I don't really understand why; my first take was that it's an in your face way of the trans community saying that they want to contribute to communities just like anyone else.
The purpose is to have storytime, and it began in libraries in San Francisco in 2015, and is not sexual in any way.

Google, Facebook, Youtube constantly filter and remove anything that does not align with the Left's agenda.
These drag shows for kids were common to see in the media last summer as well.
And as said, straight, trans, whatever, present that kind of thing to children...and you are a pedophile.
Google, Facebook, Youtube constantly filter and remove anything that does not align with the Left's agenda.
So you trust right leaning sources? I tend to try and get to know a wide variety of people, and I’ve learned that most people are generally good. I definitely don’t ever use Facebook except Marketplace and YouTube only for how to. Google is hard to avoid.
I am extremely sick of the partisan divide. It’s our greatest threat as a nation.
So you trust right leaning sources? I tend to try and get to know a wide variety of people, and I’ve learned that most people are generally good. I definitely don’t ever use Facebook except Marketplace and YouTube only for how to. Google is hard to avoid.
I am extremely sick of the partisan divide. It’s our greatest threat as a nation.

I watched many videos of this on major network news organizations last summer, who broadcast this proudly on the days that they happened, left and right alike showed them, with their agreeing and opposing opinions.
Can you post a link? I could could only find storytime events that were called drag shows by people vehemently opposed to them. I’m not blind as to why someone would oppose it, but I never saw proof that anything sexual was conveyed.
Facebook has some interesting content on many subjects, with alot of bs mixed in, and I do not watch anything political there, never, have, only motorcycle, workout, or science, military, space, and physics related topics.
I stopped watching any news broadcasts late last year.
I watch youtube for above related topics and how-to's also.
Google is the biggest search engine, and yes, hard to avoid.
Can you post a link? I could could only find storytime events that were called drag shows by people vehemently opposed to them. I’m not blind as to why someone would oppose it, but I never saw proof that anything sexual was conveyed.

If you cannot search and find them, then they are as said, removed.
This is not a subject that I search, nor do I want it in my feeds.
I know what I watched, and on several occasions, and there was quite an uproar about it.
What I see around me is that Facebook takes a lot of people’s time up, and I spend enough time on this forum lol. I live alone with a big yard and an older house so there’s plenty to do, and plenty of great twisty roads for riding.
To me politics serve only for discussion and don’t actually effect our lives as much as some people think.
If you cannot search and find them, then they are as said, removed.
This is not a subject that I search, nor do I want it in my feeds.
I know what I watched, and on several occasions, and there was quite an uproar about it.
There seems to be a big push on to normalize the LGBTQ community of late...

My wife and I watch normal TV and there are more and more commercials and TV shows depicting people who live this lifestyle....

It's a way of mass desensitization.

I personally believe now that people who live this lifestyle have all the same rights as anyone else, it is time to stop all of this "pride" business and let them blend into society.....there will always be people who oppose their lifestyle but if it isn't placed directly and loudly on public display, nobody would be none the wiser as to who lives in which it should be.....

I say put people's sex lives and sexual preferences back where they belong-in the privacy of their own home.
What I see around me is that Facebook takes a lot of people’s time up, and I spend enough time on this forum lol. I live alone with a big yard and an older house so there’s plenty to do, and plenty of great twisty roads for riding.
To me politics serve only for discussion and don’t actually effect our lives as much as some people think.

I agree with that.
I don't spend much time on FB, and when I do, I do not follow or read anything about individual people's lives, friends or strangers, as I could care less.
If they are a real friend, then I speak to them in real life.
I don't even care to discuss much about politics anymore, as I see it as a stage show to divide people.
I do spend alot of time on here, as I read posts here often throughout the day.
I need to do better about staying on bike related topics only.
There seems to be a big push on to normalize the LGBTQ community of late...

My wife and I watch normal TV and there are more and more commercials and TV shows depicting people who live this lifestyle....

It's a way of mass desensitization.

I personally believe now that people who live this lifestyle have all the same rights as anyone else, it is time to stop all of this "pride" business and let them blend into society.....there will always be people who oppose their lifestyle but if it isn't placed directly and loudly on public display, nobody would be none the wiser as to who lives in which it should be.....

I say put people's sex lives and sexual preferences back where they belong-in the privacy of their own home.
I think the key statement is "blend into society"

That works for all groups.

But I'll change the topic a bit now.

For those that say immigration is fine. What's the problem?

I'll share a real time scenario.

I transport for the state Medicaid in my county. I'm the only qualified transporter in my county.

Last year I transported a little 6 month old baby with a heart defect. Which means Mom gets to also transport. Valve replacement surgery.

This was all set up by a state funded community care office.

I arrive to load. Tiny baby. 6 months old. Your heart breaks a little seeing it. Transport uneventfully.

2 weeks ago, I get called again by same agency. Mom and child (in the oven) #2 need transport to pre-natal care. And child #1 needs to be transported along Mom and #2, as child #1 can't be left alone.

Transported uneventfully.

So I won't type any further. I'll let anyone who cares to openly discuss if they see any issues with this.
There seems to be a big push on to normalize the LGBTQ community of late...

My wife and I watch normal TV and there are more and more commercials and TV shows depicting people who live this lifestyle....

It's a way of mass desensitization.

I personally believe now that people who live this lifestyle have all the same rights as anyone else, it is time to stop all of this "pride" business and let them blend into society.....there will always be people who oppose their lifestyle but if it isn't placed directly and loudly on public display, nobody would be none the wiser as to who lives in which it should be.....

I say put people's sex lives and sexual preferences back where they belong-in the privacy of their own home.
Most gay people agree with you. That said I wouldn’t call it mass desensitization. To me it’s increased sensitivity and acceptance, and that, for a time, justifies a little celebration. Keep in mind there was a long period of ridicule and shunning, what we see now is the counter balancing that. It’ll quiet down with time.
Most gay people agree with you. That said I wouldn’t call it mass desensitization. To me it’s increased sensitivity and acceptance, and that, for a time, justifies a little celebration. Keep in mind there was a long period of ridicule and shunning, what we see now is the counter balancing that. It’ll quiet down with time.
I agree...
However it is the fringe element which are striving so hard to be unique and special that they are driving people to become divisive....people who grudgingly will accept this lifestyle are put off when it is shoved into their faces in the form of a parade, cross walks, etc, etc.....

This community gets an entire month dedicated to it......but their festivities never just stay in that month as they seem to spill over all year which annoys people who are generally not annoyed.

Perhaps in time it will fade somewhat but I personally don't think it will happen any time soon......
I personally believe now that people who live this lifestyle have all the same rights as anyone else..
Does that include the right to foster children, or adopt children? That was the big pushback here with gay marriage, it gives gay men, and lesbians, the right to adopt. Which partner fulfills the mother's role, or is that not needed in society now? It's a fact that children that grow up without a mother or a father figure are prone to social issues. Even just kids from broken homes, raised by step fathers or step mothers often come out 'damaged' as they like to say. How much more a young boy raised by two bearded men in dresses and lingerie?
2 weeks ago, I get called again by same agency. Mom and child (in the oven) #2 need transport to pre-natal care. And child #1 needs to be transported along Mom and #2, as child #1 can't be left alone. I'll let anyone who cares to openly discuss if they see any issues with this.
It's just a job. Did you get paid extra for carrying three?
There seems to be a big push on to normalize the LGBTQ community of late...

My wife and I watch normal TV and there are more and more commercials and TV shows depicting people who live this lifestyle....

It's a way of mass desensitization.

I personally believe now that people who live this lifestyle have all the same rights as anyone else, it is time to stop all of this "pride" business and let them blend into society.....there will always be people who oppose their lifestyle but if it isn't placed directly and loudly on public display, nobody would be none the wiser as to who lives in which it should be.....

I say put people's sex lives and sexual preferences back where they belong-in the privacy of their own home.
Hi. Do not forget if it was normal we would not be alive!
Does that include the right to foster children, or adopt children? That was the big pushback here with gay marriage, it gives gay men, and lesbians, the right to adopt. Which partner fulfills the mother's role, or is that not needed in society now? It's a fact that children that grow up without a mother or a father figure are prone to social issues. Even just kids from broken homes, raised by step fathers or step mothers often come out 'damaged' as they like to say. How much more a young boy raised by two bearded men in dresses and lingerie?

Man, you are warped! Children need nurturing you boob, something that was apparently lacking in your upbringing.
Does that include the right to foster children, or adopt children? That was the big pushback here with gay marriage, it gives gay men, and lesbians, the right to adopt. Which partner fulfills the mother's role, or is that not needed in society now? It's a fact that children that grow up without a mother or a father figure are prone to social issues. Even just kids from broken homes, raised by step fathers or step mothers often come out 'damaged' as they like to say. How much more a young boy raised by two bearded men in dresses and lingerie?
It's also a fact that some people who grow up in traditional man/woman parent families are prone to social issues. And I'd venture to guess that a child that grows up with two mothers or two fathers are less likely to grow up to be bigots than people that grew up with traditional man/woman parents.

BTW, I grew up with a mother and a father. But I try really hard to not be bigoted or tell others how they can and/or can't live. And I expect the same from others.
I think the key statement is "blend into society"

That works for all groups.

But I'll change the topic a bit now.

For those that say immigration is fine. What's the problem?

I'll share a real time scenario.

I transport for the state Medicaid in my county. I'm the only qualified transporter in my county.

Last year I transported a little 6 month old baby with a heart defect. Which means Mom gets to also transport. Valve replacement surgery.

This was all set up by a state funded community care office.

I arrive to load. Tiny baby. 6 months old. Your heart breaks a little seeing it. Transport uneventfully.

2 weeks ago, I get called again by same agency. Mom and child (in the oven) #2 need transport to pre-natal care. And child #1 needs to be transported along Mom and #2, as child #1 can't be left alone.

Transported uneventfully.

So I won't type any further. I'll let anyone who cares to openly discuss if they see any issues with this.
I'm not sure what your message is that you are trying to convey here. Is it that you think one of the children should have been aborted?