The issues of the world......

Ok in my defense, you have a strange way of wording things. I suppose our prior discussion about homosexuality has me wondering what you really think. That said, it’s not right for me to project what you think about it.
The part about saying pressure or circumstance won’t turn someone gay. There is no definitive study but in my opinion it’s not possible. Did you as a child ever wonder what gender you should be attracted to? Did your parents, school or societal norms have anything to do with it? Neither does anyone else. It’s instinctive. For straight and gay people. There is no deciding or turning.
What you see as strange I see as normal.......crazy how that works seeing as we are from two entirely different yet similar cultures.

I believe I'm pretty good at wordsmithing and articulating my thoughts for the most part.

So, to recap what I was attempting to convey.........

If a child is reared by a same sex couple, it doesn't automatically mean the child will use this example to follow their lifestyle and "become" gay. For instance there is a lesbian couple who live in our neighborhood and their kids are all in heterosexual relationships.

I also agree that people are who they are and nothing changes that........this leads me to substantiate my opinion that all the "pride" stuff needs to go away and these people integrate quietly into society without all the fanfare known as "pride.'
If a child is reared by a same sex couple, it doesn't automatically mean the child will use this example to follow their lifestyle and "become" gay.
To me that's like saying that 'in my amateur medical opinion, a person won't grow a second head because they own two hats."

I also agree that people are who they are and nothing changes that........this leads me to substantiate my opinion that all the "pride" stuff needs to go away and these people integrate quietly into society without all the fanfare known as "pride.'
Maybe we should do away with all public celebratory behavior. Ban public celebrations. Sports championships, Independence Days, heck even outdoor birthdays, anniversaries; someone somewhere is sure to have a problem with it.
To me that's like saying that 'in my amateur medical opinion, a person won't grow a second head because they own two hats."

Maybe we should do away with all public celebratory behavior. Ban public celebrations. Sports championships, Independence Days, heck even outdoor birthdays, anniversaries; someone somewhere is sure to have a problem with it.
It needs to absolutely go back to where it belongs and that is in the privacy of one's own home. All it is doing is creating division.

There is no comparison between the other things you mentioned to a the LGTB community......none.....and although that is my opinion, I feel I am not alone in this way of thinking.
It needs to absolutely go back to where it belongs and that is in the privacy of one's own home. All it is doing is creating division.

There is no comparison between the other things you mentioned to a the LGTB community......none.....and although that is my opinion, I feel I am not alone in this way of thinking.
The other things I mentioned I have nothing in common with each other either. Just reasons to be happy and celebrate.
To me that's like saying that 'in my amateur medical opinion, a person won't grow a second head because they own two hats."

Maybe we should do away with all public celebratory behavior. Ban public celebrations. Sports championships, Independence Days, heck even outdoor birthdays, anniversaries; someone somewhere is sure to have a problem with it.
Hi. AH NO. I say we also have a stright month with celebrations every day and night. And NO WORK.
Hi. AH NO. I say we also have a stright month with celebrations every day and night. And NO WORK.
The no work part might be tricky but why not?
They can be just as happy and celebrate their lifestyle in the comfort of their own homes as far as I'm concerned.
So maybe people should celebrate sports victories or holidays in the privacy of their own homes too. In fact let’s never show enthusiasm or happiness in public.
Don’t want to anger anyone do we?
So maybe people should celebrate sports victories or holidays in the privacy of their own homes too. In fact let’s never show enthusiasm or happiness in public.
Don’t want to anger anyone do we?
Completely different things between a sexuality lifestyle and a sporting event or holiday.....not comparable by any stretch of the you'll be saying we should be celebrating Remembrance/Veteran's day in our homes....

The LGBTQ community have no further requirement to hold these events any one time they were designed to raise awareness....we are all aware now so it can go away. If the people within this community want to celebrate together, they can rent a hall like everyone else who celebrates some sort of personal event. That's what a sexual preference is....a personal thing and not to be out in the public.

Any way you want to swing your take on this, you will never sway my way of thinking so you are actually wasting your time typing.
I'm not sure if you're implying that my view of homosexuality is like looking at life through rose colored glasses, but I think it's best we leave it at this: we each have our own understanding.
Nope......just stating "rose colored glasses" as a general statement to describe my point of view....not anyone else's.....
Last evening my wife and I were out walking in the neighborhood when we passed by the resident grumpy guy he called us in to say howdy....

After a short time he was bashing my Ram truck saying it wasn't good and other nastiness that washed off my back...

Then as he knows I was a former military member, started bashing the military which also washed off my back but when he started making light of the military members that died in Afghanistan, I started to get a little hot under the collar and that is when my wife dragged me away but not before I threw in the fact he never wore a uniform so how could he possibly know even a little bit of the sacrifices they make on a daily basis yet alone in a war zone....

I drove by his house this morning and he smiled and waved as usual and I waved back......ignorance is bliss...
Last evening my wife and I were out walking in the neighborhood when we passed by the resident grumpy guy he called us in to say howdy....

After a short time he was bashing my Ram truck saying it wasn't good and other nastiness that washed off my back...

Then as he knows I was a former military member, started bashing the military which also washed off my back but when he started making light of the military members that died in Afghanistan, I started to get a little hot under the collar and that is when my wife dragged me away but not before I threw in the fact he never wore a uniform so how could he possibly know even a little bit of the sacrifices they make on a daily basis yet alone in a war zone....

I drove by his house this morning and he smiled and waved as usual and I waved back......ignorance is bliss...

Very disrespectful, and more like stupidity.

But, on a lighter note...I thought You were the neighborhood grumpy guy?
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I have just read that the Taliban have banned female voices in public along with total facial covering for all females...

The first thing I thought of is there were a lot of females who were born after the Taliban were ousted and basically raised as a western woman with all the liberties and freedoms western women they are being subjected to sharia must be a real shock to them.......

I know NATO couldn't have stayed in Afghanistan forever but we should have been able to go into their sanctuary countries to wipe the Taliban out. Pakistan threatened to go to war if we went in there after there was that.....but the Taliban also hid in many other countries where NATO wasn't welcome......
Taliban fighters began rounding up large numbers of addicts from the streets of Kabul, Kandahar, and other Afghan cities, often using whips and the barrel of a gun to force them into rehab. It works, what else can you do with them? These sort of people have no rights in my book, they gave them up when they fell into hopeless addiction. The cities of our nations are blighted with addicts because we're too weak to take appropriate action. Sure the Taliban were a little too heavy handed, but it's solving the problem. We do nothing but put up sharps bins and offer voluntary rehab, meanwhile break and enters and muggings go through the roof. Without strict laws and enforcement societies crumble.

"El Salvador Decimated Its Ruthless Gangs. But at What Cost?" Reads a new york times article. Woke western media crying over some injustices when now millions can live in safety because the government down there took decisive action.

El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America, was once known as the hemisphere’s murder capital — with one of the highest homicide rates anywhere in the world outside of a war zone. But in the year since the government declared a state of emergency to quell gang violence, deploying the military onto the streets in force, the nation has undergone a remarkable transformation.

Now, children play soccer late into the evening on fields that were gang turf. Ms. Inglés gathers soil for her plants next to an abandoned building that residents say was used for gang killings. Homicides plunged. Extortion payments imposed by gangs on businesses and residents, once an economy unto itself, also declined, analysts said. “You can walk freely,” Ms. Inglés said. “So much has changed.”

El Faro, El Salvador’s leading news outlet, surveyed the country earlier this year and delivered a stunning assessment: The gangs largely “do not exist.” But that achievement, critics say, has come at an incalculable price: mass arrests that swept up thousands of innocent people, the erosion of civil liberties and the country’s descent into an increasingly autocratic police state. Most Salvadorans appear willing to accept that deal. Fed up with the gangs that terrorized them and forced so many to flee to the United States, the vast majority of people here support the measures and the president behind them, surveys suggest. With approval ratings around 90 percent, El Salvador’s president, the 41-year-old Nayib Bukele, has become one of the world’s most popular leaders and has earned fans across the Western Hemisphere.

I'm a fan. The results speak for themselves!

Here's one little boy that won't grow up with tattoos all over his face and a pistol in his belt.

I ran into a former colleague of mine yesterday...he is at least 10 yrs younger than I am but looks 20 yrs older....meth will do that I'm told...

When he was serving he was going places, he was extremely fit, eager and keen....he made it all through special forces selection and was assigned to a team and was doing very well....something happened that even counselling and therapy couldn't help and left the military and turned to drugs resulting in his life taking a downward spiral....the sad part is his girlfriend followed his decent......she was once an olympic hopeful in gymnastics....

He said he is 10 yrs sober and is doing well working in construction, his girlfriend also got sober and cleaned up her life so they stayed together.

I and other spent a lot of time trying to help him but once a person gets on this stuff, they totally change and are beyond help in most cases..

Sad to see but glad he and his girlfriend are sober....

The problem with drugs is the number one issue of the world and more needs to be done...instead of the governments wasting time with climate change and other things, they need to buckle down on drug addiction...

Even here in the little backwater city I live near, we are number 2 in our province for drug addicts......and we have a population of 14k......pretty sad...