The issues of the world......

he problem with drugs is the number one issue of the world and more needs to be done...instead of the governments wasting time with climate change and other things, they need to buckle down on drug addiction...
You write a heartfelt post about drug addiction and then cheapen it by downplaying a different evil. How about we address more than one issue? That would not be wasted time. Add hunger to the list. If you need to rank them, yes, I agree, put drug addiction at the top as I think it would have overlapping effect.
You write a heartfelt post about drug addiction and then cheapen it by downplaying a different evil. How about we address more than one issue? That would not be wasted time. Add hunger to the list. If you need to rank them, yes, I agree, put drug addiction at the top as I think it would have overlapping effect.
Let’s address the hunger one: Where do we stop, when feeding those who cannot feed themselves, yet they continue multiplying? Africa being a prime example?

True story:

I ran Chicken Of The Sea, in American Samoa, for three years. Tiny island in-between Hawaii and New Zealand.

Company house, stray dog comes every morning, turns over the trash can looking for food.

Wife decides to feed her, names her Vailima. Name of beer brewed in Western Samoa. I warn wife, “If you feed someone who can’t feed themselves, they will multiply and you will have to feed those who are added, making a small problem a bigger problem, and the bigger problem multiplied until it becomes a massive problem.”

Wife feeds Vailima, morning and evening.

Three months later this wild jungle dog has seven pups. Wife feeds Vailima, now on the patio with seven pups. One pup has infection on her foot, wife takes her, cleans her up, treats infection. Wife gives her back to Vailima, who says, don’t want her back, she smells different, she ain’t mine. So now wife feeds Vailima three times a day and bottle feeds the two weeks old pup, six times a day.

Long story short, those dogs kept multiplying until the city had to intervene.

The bottle fed pup, was named Juliette, I had to fly her all the way to the USA, she became a citizen, and lived a long happy life. But she remained a wild jungle dog, almost got me into court a couple of times. Once had the UPS man pinned at my front door for almost an hour.

We had her DNA analyzed, came back as an American Village Dog, belongs to no breed, origins date back 2000 years from Asia, when Humans associated with dogs next to the camp fires.

From her linage was bred, the American Pit Bull, Rottweiler, Doberman Pincher, German Shepard.

You write a heartfelt post about drug addiction and then cheapen it by downplaying a different evil. How about we address more than one issue? That would not be wasted time. Add hunger to the list. If you need to rank them, yes, I agree, put drug addiction at the top as I think it would have overlapping effect.
"Cheapen it?"

Look around you and see the people suffering right now from this addiction crisis.....the planet has been changing for millions and millions of years and although humans have contributed minutely to climate change.....I firmly believe the earth would have been going through a change with or without humans being on it.....

Drugs and their influence are 100% manmade and that's irrefutable unlike climate change....

As you've read from previous posts, I'm not an advocate for man being responsible for climate change so why do you ask would I start now?

You and I both have opinions and are allowed to voice come mine are wrong
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"Cheapen it?"
Yes. By clearly stating that drugs should be dealt with INSTEAD of the environment. That, is taking away, or cheapening", the issue.
As you've read from previous posts, I'm not an advocate for man being responsible for climate change so why do you ask would I start now?
If you're going to post your opinions, own them and don't act like you didn't dismiss the problem of the environment.
You and I both have opinions and are allowed to voice come mine are wrong
You are entitled to your opinion but don't question it when someone calls you on it.
The drug crisis is terrible and I stated that in my first response to you, adding that the direction doesn't have to be limited to one issue. You used the words instead of, as in taking the place of.
Tell me how I'm wrong about that last sentence, and in that, that the world's environmental crisis doesn't merit concern.
and I stated that in my first response to you, adding that the direction doesn't have to be limited to one issue. You used the words instead of, as in taking the place of.
Tell me how I'm wrong about that last sentence, and in that, that the world's environmental crisis doesn't merit concern.
Concern yes......the same concern as cleaning up pollution but that has to be a global initiative, not just Canada and the US...word smithing the word "instead" is just a matter of speaking which might be a part of our cultural differences....what I meant was not to just focus on climate change like they seem to be doing.

However there was a term we used to use and that is "we must deal with the alligators closest to the boat" and the drug addiction crisis is just that....

Putting trillions of dollars in a natural event such as climate change and then putting millions into the drug addiction issue makes little sense, the drug addiction crisis demands to be sorted out.....
If someone uses drugs or sells drugs they have no moral ground to stand on when it comes to saying drugs are bad. Likewise if someone is driving a Gas powered vehicle, buying stuff from all over the planet, buying plastic bags, eating supermarket foods brought in on trucks from all over the country, they have no right to get holier than thou over human induced climate change, because THEY are causing it. It's hypocritical, in the extreme.

If someone uses drugs or sells drugs they have no moral ground to stand on when it comes to saying drugs are bad. Likewise if someone is driving a Gas powered vehicle, buying stuff from all over the planet, buying plastic bags, eating supermarket foods brought in on trucks from all over the country, they have no right to get holier than thou over human induced climate change, because THEY are causing it. It's hypocritical, in the extreme.

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This fact is often lost to people....

All these "stop oil" protesters are all hypocrites and should be looked at more as terrorists than protesters when they destroy ancient artifacts or paintings.....
While out walking earlier, I was talking to a 30 something yr old lady who lives in the neighborhood with her parents, she is university educated with a good job, congenial and pretty.....I've known her since she was a girl in school so we usually have good talks....

I jokingly asked her if she was married off yet and she snorted and said she wishes but all the men she has had dates with are little boys in men's bodies or are beta males which doesn't interest her....she was saying she had a blind date one evening and they met at a local restaurant....the fellow walked in wearing a man-bun and wearing a man purse in blue jeans and sandals....leather sandals that had the straps around the ankle....

She was going to leave but gave him a chance, she said he was exactly what she didn't want in a man, paid for her own meal and beat feet as soon as she could...

She was saying her friends are having similar issues dating and have asked her where are all the real men these days..?

I told her to be patient, someone will come along eventually......she said she wishes she was born in a different generation when men were men and women were women....I said there were issues in those generations too....

I know I sure wouldn't want to be out there in the dating scene these days....
While out walking earlier, I was talking to a 30 something yr old lady who lives in the neighborhood with her parents, she is university educated with a good job, congenial and pretty.....I've known her since she was a girl in school so we usually have good talks....

I jokingly asked her if she was married off yet and she snorted and said she wishes but all the men she has had dates with are little boys in men's bodies or are beta males which doesn't interest her....she was saying she had a blind date one evening and they met at a local restaurant....the fellow walked in wearing a man-bun and wearing a man purse in blue jeans and sandals....leather sandals that had the straps around the ankle....

She was going to leave but gave him a chance, she said he was exactly what she didn't want in a man, paid for her own meal and beat feet as soon as she could...

She was saying her friends are having similar issues dating and have asked her where are all the real men these days..?

I told her to be patient, someone will come along eventually......she said she wishes she was born in a different generation when men were men and women were women....I said there were issues in those generations too....

I know I sure wouldn't want to be out there in the dating scene these days....
Hey at least she has some class and pays for her own meal.
She's a very nice young lady.....always has a smile on her face kind of person....
Here where I live it's considered affluent. And there is a pretty consistent push to open an eating and drinking establishment. A beer is $8 for a domestic, and $10 for import. A cocktail is $12-$20 depending on where you are and how it's made. For instance I last had a smoked old fashioned about 2 weeks ago. The woman I was meeting there, ordered a Long Island Ice Tea. We each had 2. And we ordered an appetizer of a spinach cheese dip on some garlic Pita chip. We found we didn't have much in common. No argument from me. She said "It was nice to meet you", shook my hand and left. Never once slowing down to ask the staff Hey, can I get my bill please? She just left.

$125. Without tip. The dip was $22.

You're welcome......

Which sadly is the norm. They want equality. Until they don't. And they usually don't, if it means it cost something.

I'd be thrilled to meet your neighbor lady.
Here where I live it's considered affluent. And there is a pretty consistent push to open an eating and drinking establishment. A beer is $8 for a domestic, and $10 for import. A cocktail is $12-$20 depending on where you are and how it's made. For instance I last had a smoked old fashioned about 2 weeks ago. The woman I was meeting there, ordered a Long Island Ice Tea. We each had 2. And we ordered an appetizer of a spinach cheese dip on some garlic Pita chip. We found we didn't have much in common. No argument from me. She said "It was nice to meet you", shook my hand and left. Never once slowing down to ask the staff Hey, can I get my bill please? She just left.

$125. Without tip. The dip was $22.

You're welcome......

Which sadly is the norm. They want equality. Until they don't. And they usually don't, if it means it cost something.

I'd be thrilled to meet your neighbor lady.
There is a desire for equality yet no reality for it in this case it seems....

I think she (the young lady I'm speaking about) just didn't want to owe this guy anything......

Her last boyfriend would rather play video games than do anything else....she said she got tired of that pretty quickly....and he wasn't in her life for long.
Here where I live it's considered affluent. And there is a pretty consistent push to open an eating and drinking establishment. A beer is $8 for a domestic, and $10 for import. A cocktail is $12-$20 depending on where you are and how it's made. For instance I last had a smoked old fashioned about 2 weeks ago. The woman I was meeting there, ordered a Long Island Ice Tea. We each had 2. And we ordered an appetizer of a spinach cheese dip on some garlic Pita chip. We found we didn't have much in common. No argument from me. She said "It was nice to meet you", shook my hand and left. Never once slowing down to ask the staff Hey, can I get my bill please? She just left.

$125. Without tip. The dip was $22.

You're welcome......

Which sadly is the norm. They want equality. Until they don't. And they usually don't, if it means it cost something.

I'd be thrilled to meet your neighbor lady.
Hi. Wow food is sky hight. We went camping $65.00 a night no water no elec. 1 pancake $8.00 coffee $3.50. I have just today found a camp where it is just $3.00 a night. Great place too.