The issues of the world......

They are already out of those markets. They systematically make sure they don't pay out.

Insurance has more $$ than a lot of banks now.
A finance guy once told me that they were just like banks. They take your deposits, premiums, and invest them across various markets. In the boom years they make a fortune and the claims department gets the nod to just pay out. In bad economic times though, or when under stress from large disasters, they tell the claims boys to stall and stall and reject payouts. It's a racket, like everything else today.
Biden's Latest DEI Hire Deletes Past Anti-White And Anti-Police Tweets

Meet the new Associate Communications Director

Not sure if he/she is the bride or the groom here?

While out for a walk this morning, I saw small car tailgating another while the driver had a smoke in his lips, a phone in one hand and a coffee cup and steering wheel in the other....

I watched them as the tailgater with all the distractions whipped out to pass on a double yellow on a hill and just (just) made it in before a semi crested the hill.......
I was talking on the phone with a former colleague.....he took his dog to the vet for a check up and while there a younger lady came in with her cat...

The receptionist asked a few questions and asked if the cat was male or female where the young lady said her cat didn't identify with gender and used pronouns same as colleague tried to stifle his chuckle but was heard and was given the stink eye from the young lady....he's a big scary guy and his dog is a retired K-9 Malinois so not much would have been said I'm sure.

The cat went into the back and when the vet came out, he said "well, they don't know they don't identify as a female and neither did the tom cat so they are going to have kittens......" The young lady didn't know what to say...

At that my buddy couldn't hold himself any more and burst out laughing and said two other people in the waiting room did too......

He said he hates going anywhere in case he runs into people like that....
He's like me......I avoid places whenever I can run into these people as well....

If you've lived the sort of life he and I did, you'd understand.
With all due respect, I would not feel like you do about this, ever. Everyone processes differently.
With all due respect, I would not feel like you do about this, ever. Everyone processes differently.
Maybe, maybe not...walk a mile in our shoes and see......what we did for a living altered how we view things....and in this we aren't alone.

I for one respect these rights but it doesn't mean I have to associate with or interact with these sorts of people if I can avoid doing so.
With all due respect, I would not feel like you do about this, ever. Everyone processes differently.
For thousands of years people processed with common sense, but now, just because some weirdos in a couple of degenerate Western Nations have found government sanction, I am expected to change my outlook on all this? Burn all my Biology texts? I don't think so. You don't believe it in your heart either, you're just taking the course of least resistance, agreeing with it all because you think that's the "right thing" to do. It's a sort of virtue signalling exercise on your behalf. That's the problem with human nature, it takes very few irrational voices to change the direction of a nation. All they have to do is shout loudly enough for long enough. Joseph Goebbels proved that! A handful of men turned a nation of highly intelligent modern thinking people into a rabid mob of exterminators in less then a decade.
For thousands of years people processed with common sense, but now, just because some weirdos in a couple of degenerate Western Nations have found government sanction, I am expected to change my outlook on all this? Burn all my Biology texts? I don't think so. You don't believe it in your heart either, you're just taking the course of least resistance, agreeing with it all because you think that's the "right thing" to do. It's a sort of virtue signalling exercise on your behalf.
Wrong. I KNOW in my heart and mind that gay people are fundamentally attracted to their same sex, with all of their beings, just like straight people are attracted to the opposite. You should open some newer biology books that explain some different genetic makeups in a gay person.
I also believe that gay people should be able to express themselves and celebrate their lives just like anyone else. Look away or change the channel for pete's sake.

Maybe, maybe not...walk a mile in our shoes and see......what we did for a living altered how we view things....and in this we aren't alone.

I for one respect these rights but it doesn't mean I have to associate with or interact with these sorts of people if I can avoid doing so.

You might try walking that mile in a gay person's shoes.
You might try walking that mile in a gay person's shoes.
I have zero issues with anyone regardless of their sexual orientation as long as they live their lives and don't expect me to alter mine to accommodate theirs....I don't push heterosexuality on them and I don't expect their orientation to be pushed onto me...this is why I have zero use to any of this pride nonsense......just live your life and leave it off public display.

When I have to refer to a human being as a pronoun instead of a visual gender, I avoid these people as what they are asking me to do goes against nature....honestly I could care less if this woman was married to her cat....the world doesn't need to react to this, just accept it and move on and she (or whatever) needs to back off and allow people to do so without adding to it by demanding the use of pronouns.

I have found through experience that people who demand extremes (such as these pronoun or neutral gender people) often have far more underlying issues that have gone undiagnosed and by catering to these extremes, we are compounding these issues.

I've worked with and had gay people work for me with zero issues, they never let their sexual orientation become the focal point of their being. None of the ones I knew ever attended any pride activities because in their view, their personal lives were just that, personal.
I have zero issues with anyone regardless of their sexual orientation as long as they live their lives and don't expect me to alter mine to accommodate theirs....I don't push heterosexuality on them and I don't expect their orientation to be pushed onto me...this is why I have zero use to any of this pride nonsense......just live your life and leave it off public display.

When I have to refer to a human being as a pronoun instead of a visual gender, I avoid these people as what they are asking me to do goes against nature....honestly I could care less if this woman was married to her cat....the world doesn't need to react to this, just accept it and move on and she (or whatever) needs to back off and allow people to do so without adding to it by demanding the use of pronouns.

I have found through experience that people who demand extremes (such as these pronoun or neutral gender people) often have far more underlying issues that have gone undiagnosed and by catering to these extremes, we are compounding these issues.

I've worked with and had gay people work for me with zero issues, they never let their sexual orientation become the focal point of their being. None of the ones I knew ever attended any pride activities because in their view, their personal lives were just that, personal.
Hi. I have had worked with everyone and type of people we have all been fine with each other. They never push themselfes on anyone. I have never meet any wild pushey people like thoes and if I did I really do not know what I would do.
I have zero issues with anyone regardless of their sexual orientation as long as they live their lives and don't expect me to alter mine to accommodate theirs....I don't push heterosexuality on them and I don't expect their orientation to be pushed onto me...this is why I have zero use to any of this pride nonsense......just live your life and leave it off public display.

When I have to refer to a human being as a pronoun instead of a visual gender, I avoid these people as what they are asking me to do goes against nature....honestly I could care less if this woman was married to her cat....the world doesn't need to react to this, just accept it and move on and she (or whatever) needs to back off and allow people to do so without adding to it by demanding the use of pronouns.

I have found through experience that people who demand extremes (such as these pronoun or neutral gender people) often have far more underlying issues that have gone undiagnosed and by catering to these extremes, we are compounding these issues.

I've worked with and had gay people work for me with zero issues, they never let their sexual orientation become the focal point of their being. None of the ones I knew ever attended any pride activities because in their view, their personal lives were just that, personal.
Let’s hope nobody calls the things you are proud of nonsense. Everyone matters and no respectful person expects you to do anything.
Let’s hope nobody calls the things you are proud of nonsense. Everyone matters and no respectful person expects you to do anything.
I don't know who would think what I am proud of as being nonsense.....

I don't wear my sexual orientation on my sleeve, I keep it where it belongs, in the privacy of my home and not out on the streets or in the face of others.

The day of all this pride business is over.....the marginalized people affected have the same rights as anyone else so they have nothing more to display.....

The issue with the sorts of people I am identifying is they don't respect anyone but themselves.....and their ideology.....
The day of all this pride business is over.....
Doesn't appear to be your call on that.
The issue with the sorts of people I am identifying is they don't respect anyone but themselves.....and their ideology.....
Rather projecting of you
I don't know who would think what I am proud of as being nonsense.....
You might be surprised. Do you think that what you consider nonsense is the only nonsense?
Doesn't appear to be your call on that.

Rather projecting of you

You might be surprised. Do you think that what you consider nonsense is the only nonsense?
Of course it's not my call...that's obvious...if it would be banned.

Of course it's projection from observation and experience. That's how projections are formed.

I obviously do think that what I consider to be nonsense is not the only nonsense as there are most likely many other things I'd consider nonsense....

My pride comes from my family, accomplishments (of my family and I), my country (such as it is), and down the line somewhere are my material things such as my bike and such....

But not my sexual orientation......being proud of that is nonsense of the highest is what it is....and the people who identify with the alphabet group have no more control over that as anyone does.

They need to take it back into the privacy of their own homes and off the streets.
We didn’t need the definition of projection.
When you project your thoughts and opinions as the intentions of others, what are you doing?

lol my favorite phrase. The World According to Bee.
From my point of personal thoughts and feelings on the subject are being dismissed....

It's as though I have to defend my point of view at each and every turn.........I've said what I said and I stand behind it...if it hurts feelings, that's unfortunate but that's the way it is.

When we heterosexual people are labelled, that's perfectly fine.....the minute we have anything to say on the subject we are automatically wrong and oppressive.