The most bizare things you eat.....

All manor of raw fish
chicken Gizzards are good eatin, So are the hearts.
Cat food once or twice, (Hey Hungry and broke?)  Not too bad.

Cuddle Fish
Stone Crab Claws
Grand dad used to feed us Squirrel

Hell, there isn't much I don't eat, but I tell ya the Japanese from what I see on Iron Chef and such?  They will eat Fuggin everything.  
Aah yes...forgot about the eel. I love that stuff!!!

Also forgot to add to the list a couple:

Sea Urchins - yum! Delicious in Sushi!

Cod Roe - soso...s'okay, I guess.

Raw fish - but again, not too bizarre over here.

escargot - Yummy!

Rev, if you think the Japanese are bad, you should see the Chinese. Interesting menu they got...

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yah...I'll hafta admit it takes some courage to eat that one, NJ. Perhaps even an acquired taste.

still good eats, though. Salt an some crushed fresh pepper? Yum.
I have a tough enough time putting down steak and chicken, so "adventurous eating" isn't in my vocabulary...

Most of that stuff you guys have listed would make me ill if I even saw it in front of me LOL

Wait, I did have escargo in high school...stupid French class
Ok so far the only thing on the list to this point that I haven't tried is Balut... its on my list of try this out though...

How about rattle snake? bar b q'd or smoked its great!
I have had a Mexican delicacy called "Escamoles" also referred to as Mexican Caviar. It is really

ANT EGGS, kind tastes and looks like a bunch of okra seeds, but slightly bigger.
lets see
frog legs are good
chocolate cover ants aren't bad
sword fish
of course oysters
calf fries (aka Bull Balls)
something in southern louisiana even south of New orleans that I had NO idea what it was but it was good some kind of etoufee
pizza made with goats milk (talk about tangy)
O.k., Lets rename this thread, "BUSA Fear Factor"!

Lets see...........................

I have tired Calamari, or what us down to earth folks call, Squid!

Alligator is really good.

Shark is good too, kinda tastes like revenge!

I had turtle, frog legs, and rabbit when I was a kid. Did not care for any of them.

Buffalo burgers, was O.K. but still prefer Beef.

Oh yeah, my Grandmother used to feed me pork rinds. Utterly disgusting

. That is truly cardiovascular DZ in a bag!!

I ate at an Ethiopean place once and did not ask any questions, but the bread was really weird. You were supposed to use the bread to pick up your food because they use no utensils.
oh yea Squirrel stew,  Rabbit, Buffalo, snake, Cool little snack I used to eat alot when younger was a funyon sandwich, which was ham,bread, Miracle Whip,Cheese and Funyons(yep the chips)


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I would eat peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches when I was a kid because my uncle did it. The thought makes me want to puke now.

Ethiopian bread is real wierd. Sort of like thin rubber foam.

I tried some of my wife's beef tongue tacos at a restaurant once. Not bad, if you don't think about a cow in a field staring at you with it's tongue up its nose.

My wife's grandma in Mexico would make chicken foot soup when she was a girl. I don't care if they do peel the skin off, I'm not eating it. She says it's good.

My friends tried monkey when they were in Peru.

Another friend had to eat balut while being "serviced" by a old toothless ##### as his initiation in the service in Korea. Both my sister and brother served in Korea, but they aren't telling anything about what they did there. My sister said she walked into a bar where a "dog" show was going on though.

My 3 year old son eats dirt in the back yard.

And, I will never touch yogurt. Makes me want to puke just looking at it!
Blow fish ( both cooked and raw ) in Japan
Reindeer and whale in Norway.
I would eat peanut butter and mayonaise sandwiches when I was a kid because my uncle did it.  The thought makes me want to puke now.
Peanut butter and Miracle Whip samich with a right thick layer of 'tater chips in the middle, with a tall COLD glass of milk!


I just did a Google search on Balut... that's just NASTY!

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