WARNING - 10 Things You Need To Know About The Swine Flu Vaccine.

never got a flu shot and have no intentions to get one. I have had the flu maybe 2 times in my 52 years on earth. Yea, I'll probably get the crap next week now. I do wash my hands after I get out of certain cars. Man, They some nasty people in this world.
Really how much sense does the "government's form of Genocide" make. They (the Govt.) wants as many people as possible to pay out their nose for taxes, now people are saying they want them dead. All of this is BS!!!!!!!! To each their own as far as beliefs go. I have had many different vaccines while in Military and since I have been out and find myself sick about 1 time a year and that is with just the normal run of the mill cold. Vodoo is real too, IF YOU BELIEVE IN IT!!!!!
I remember those days....funny thing is when you get 8 shots in basic and only 6 are listed in your medical files??? Kinda makes you wonder, dont it? When I was in the national guard, they still had madatory flu vaccines but when your a weekend warrior, you get to use the "i already got one at the doctors office" excuse and they let you skip out. :laugh:

as for the building your own immune system thing I posted earlier, it only takes common sense to figure that one out. Your immune system is like you...if you sat in a chair all day and did nothing, you get lazy and out of shape, then when you actually have to get up and try to move you chair you end up throwing your back out or you find out youve just become too damn weak to do it. Immune system works the same way. If you dont let it keep in sahpe by dealing with the little bacterias and things that its intended to deal with on a daily basis, then when something bigger and badder comes along,(like the swine flu) it cant handle it! Constantly washing your hands and using hand sanitizer, and using tons of allergy meds and getting vaccines for every little bug that comes out only serves to leave your immune system "sittting on the couch". People have become germophobes and are to ignorant to realize that all the little "harmless" germs that they try to avoid every day were put here to help them. Use your friggen heads people! You learned this crap is 10th grade biology for christs sake! :banghead:

I am not a doctor but I play one on Internet forums. How then based on this logic do you explain the flu epidemics prior to vaccinations that killed thousands?
I am not a doctor but I play one on Internet forums. How then based on this logic do you explain the flu epidemics prior to vaccinations that killed thousands?

36000 die from flu causes anyway. from the cdc.

its all a work and shenanigans. misdirection smoke and mirrors.
Why wear a Helmet. People Die wearing helmets every day?

that was a response about thousands dieing before vaccinations. thousands die anyway was the point.

people die doing everything, people die from vaccines, people die from seatbelts. its about risk management. a flu shot isnt any more of a preventive measure than saying a prayer and hoping for the best. its a crap shoot.
This is like the 3rd or 4th thread on this topic. And each one has made me giggle.
A buncha Hayabusa riders that magically become doctors and history professors. :laugh:
All brought on by one so called controversial topic. Quite intriguing really. Keep em coming........:popcorn:
This is like the 3rd or 4th thread on this topic. And each one has made me giggle.
A buncha Hayabusa riders that magically become doctors and history professors. :laugh:All brought on by one so called controversial topic. Quite intriguing really. Keep em coming........:popcorn:

I'm not a doctor but I did stay at a holiday in last night .....:poke:
I'll be the first to admit I haven't research the effectiveness of Flu shots, however my only experience did not turn out well. I caught the flu one time when I was a kid and that was it. I got married and let my wife talk me into getting the flu shot. Two days after getting the flu shot I got sick and missed three days of work. Based on my own personal experience I'm not sold.

As far as the other stuff concerning government conspiracy.......:tiptoe:
I am not a doctor but I play one on Internet forums. How then based on this logic do you explain the flu epidemics prior to vaccinations that killed thousands?

LOL,Dont have to be a doctor to figure this out...just need a 10th grade education. :poke:
And as far as the death count, its closer to 36,000 deaths per year from flu related complications and the introduction of vaccines has neither significantly raised or lowered this number. Thats the reason people question it in the first place. before and after vaccine introduction, roughly 20% of the US population will still get it every year so the only real question is, do you want to have something injected into your body that have just as good a chance of harming you as it does helping you? Obviously some people do and some people dont....thats why we're having this discussion. :beerchug:
I'll just stick to my vitamins. I personally had enough of doctors injected unwanted and unknown vaccines in me in the army. :whistle: I'm doen with the whole "human guinni pig" thing. I dont really think its some big government conpiracy....just to much evidence and personal experience showing that it does more harm than good.
the only real question is, do you want to have something injected into your body that have just as good a chance of harming you as it does helping you? Obviously some people do and some people dont....thats why we're having this discussion. :beerchug:

What I find amazing is that people believe that just because they "hear" in the "news" that they "should" go quickly in somewhat of an orderly fashion, but with a hidden built in panic and fear, to get into long lines lines with other unsuspecting and equally gullible crowds of fools to openly and wantonly subject themselves to a hypodermic needles' shot of "preventative medicine" of unknown chemical properties, to ward off a potentially viral infection or cold into their own arm, let alone the consideration of their young offspring, is beyond literal comprehension.
LOL,Dont have to be a doctor to figure this out...just need a 10th grade education. :poke:
And as far as the death count, its closer to 36,000 deaths per year from flu related complications and the introduction of vaccines has neither significantly raised or lowered this number. Thats the reason people question it in the first place. before and after vaccine introduction, roughly 20% of the US population will still get it every year so the only real question is, do you want to have something injected into your body that have just as good a chance of harming you as it does helping you? Obviously some people do and some people dont....thats why we're having this discussion. :beerchug:

Polio, Meningitis C, Small Pox....All but wiped out because of vaccine. The 36,000 flu deaths are estimated and based on stastical models not actual death certificates. Millions died as a result of the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.