Your lack of faith in mankind in general is just sad. Personally I have yet to see or feel where the "government" as you have referred to....has influenced or forced my hand to make any decision regarding this vaccine.
I hear a lot about it on the news, but I don't have the conspiracy mind set that you appear to carry. I just see the news informing us of a really bad strain that is effecting & will effect hundreds of thousands of humans in a potentially negative manner. Therefore the news is compelled to cover it.
As humans as a whole, I feel that we will always do what is best for our survival. The vaccine/drug scientists were struck w/ a very small window to come up w/ some kind of response to this strain. Will it help or will it succeed and minimize those effected? I really have no idea. But I believe they did the best they could given the circumstances.
Sorry, no one will convince me this was a preconceived plan to release out to the public for government or monetary gain. (yes there was money to be made as a result of this,no doubt. But not the reason for its origin) Although I did always respect Fox Mulder's opinion