WARNING - 10 Things You Need To Know About The Swine Flu Vaccine.

oRgsters - today is a great day - and this is actually an interesting topic - let's not dilute it by taking a personal turn, especially not a negative one. We'll keep the topic/thread going as long as it stays informative and respectful.

I deleted the posts that were nothing more than personal attacks which did not contribute to the conversation. Please keep posts on topic.
What I find amazing is that people believe that just because they "hear" in the "news" that they "should" go quickly in somewhat of an orderly fashion, but with a hidden built in panic and fear, to get into long lines lines with other unsuspecting and equally gullible crowds of fools to openly and wantonly subject themselves to a hypodermic needles' shot of "preventative medicine" of unknown chemical properties, to ward off a potentially viral infection or cold into their own arm, let alone the consideration of their young offspring, is beyond literal comprehension.

Your lack of faith in mankind in general is just sad. Personally I have yet to see or feel where the "government" as you have referred to....has influenced or forced my hand to make any decision regarding this vaccine.
I hear a lot about it on the news, but I don't have the conspiracy mind set that you appear to carry. I just see the news informing us of a really bad strain that is effecting & will effect hundreds of thousands of humans in a potentially negative manner. Therefore the news is compelled to cover it.

As humans as a whole, I feel that we will always do what is best for our survival. The vaccine/drug scientists were struck w/ a very small window to come up w/ some kind of response to this strain. Will it help or will it succeed and minimize those effected? I really have no idea. But I believe they did the best they could given the circumstances.
Sorry, no one will convince me this was a preconceived plan to release out to the public for government or monetary gain. (yes there was money to be made as a result of this,no doubt. But not the reason for its origin) Although I did always respect Fox Mulder's opinion :whistle::laugh:
i also agree nothing about any pandemic is gov based. theres alot better ways and less comical ones for genocide or whatever you may wanna believe is taking place. maybe its really a leftover device from the fuhrer....

but i do believe all coverage and drug synthesis is monetarily based. media covers it because are you ready.......

people watch it. drug companies make it because people want it. they dont make viagra and cialis because theyre needed for reproduction.

does anyone die from the flu or do they die from the symptoms? every death im aware of is from symptoms, mostly being dehydration and such. could be wrong. my name is not Dr. Mattstang

maybe the old pandemics and such havent happened because health care and quality has increased slightly in the past 50 years.???
You realize that they (the govt) is screwed either way..

they take the year to fully test or they hustle it out the door... lesser of 2 evils...

We either take a chance that the vaccine wont get out in time (if we even make the right vaccine)
We wonder whether shooting a lab rat with 1000X the dose getting sick is relevant to a human.. (not that testing tends to overdose by many times in most cases)

The occurrences of side effects really is not very good at this point.. (note the heated debates by the professionals with out good data)

They inject literally hundreds of thousands of people with placebos in many trials and the incidence of side effects is often close to that of the actual medications.. (we do trials here).. most interesting that people can be cured or made sick with placebos..
Polio, Meningitis C, Small Pox....All but wiped out because of vaccine. The 36,000 flu deaths are estimated and based on stastical models not actual death certificates. Millions died as a result of the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.

and as soon as they create a vaccine that actually DOES work for flu prevention as they did with polio,smallpox,etc, then I'll be the first one in line to get it. those diseases were all but wiped out because the vaccine for them actually worked instead of giving people the diseases they were intended to treat causing more mutations and stronger strains to develope. Yes, a REAL vaccine would be great. why dont we get someone on that immediately. and while we're at it, lets go ahead and get the pharmecuetical companies to release those cures for aids and cancer to so they can stop making money on long term care for those diseases. It'll never happen. you see, people dont care about people anymore...only profit. thats why there will never be cures...only vaccines that dont work until such a time that they feel that these virus's are killing TOO MANY people. then they'll fix it. but only because profits are dropping due to a lack of living customers to pay for bogus vaccines.
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and as soon as they create a vaccine that actually DOES work for flu prevention as they did with polio,smallpox,etc, then I'll be the first one in line to get it. those diseases were all but wiped out because the vaccine for them actually worked instead of giving people the diseases they were intended to treat causing more mutations and stronger strains to develope. Yes, a REAL vaccine would be great. why dont we get someone on that immediately. and while we're at it, lets go ahead and get the pharmecuetical companies to release those cures for aids and cancer to so they can stop making money on long term care for those diseases. It'll never happen. you see, people dont care about people anymore...only profit. thats why there will never be cures...only vaccines that dont work until such a time that they feel that these virus's are killing TOO MANY people. then they'll fix it. but only because profits are dropping due to a lack of living customers to pay for bogus vaccines.
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Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Making profits.

I agree with you to some extent, lots of people get rich off of illness. Why do you think there is so much opposition to Gov health care, it is because all the insurance companies get rich off of us. As well as pharmaceutical companies. If I can sell you 100,000 pills to treat a disease why in the hell would I want to cure it? Of course if I can spend $$$$ on TV ads and buy off politicians to make you believe the gov health care is bad then, I can ensure my continued profits.
Isn't that what capitalism is all about? Making profits.

I agree with you to some extent, lots of people get rich off of illness. Why do you think there is so much opposition to Gov health care, it is because all the insurance companies get rich off of us. As well as pharmaceutical companies. If I can sell you 100,000 pills to treat a disease why in the hell would I want to cure it? Of course if I can spend $$$$ on TV ads and buy off politicians to make you believe the gov health care is bad then, I can ensure my continued profits.

I know bro, its a sad world we live in when a dollar amount can be placed on human life.
Posted via Mobile Device
Thanks for the info Cookie. A question. Is there a difference between the nasal spray containg the live virus? Kids are getting that one .
Thanks for the info Cookie. A question. Is there a difference between the nasal spray containg the live virus? Kids are getting that one .
don't quote me on this, but i believe the nasal is the dead virus and the injection is the live so to speak.
First we had mad cow disease, then bird flu and now swine flu. What is this? Farmageddon? :laugh:
don't quote me on this, but i believe the nasal is the dead virus and the injection is the live so to speak.

The nasal is the live virus. My neighbor just had his kid vaccinated. He didn't know the difference other than the dead virus was causing more problems, and the hosp. was recommending the spray for children because it contained the live virus.
Your lack of faith in mankind in general is just sad. Personally I have yet to see or feel where the "government" as you have referred to....has influenced or forced my hand to make any decision regarding this vaccine.
I hear a lot about it on the news, but I don't have the conspiracy mind set that you appear to carry. I just see the news informing us of a really bad strain that is effecting & will effect hundreds of thousands of humans in a potentially negative manner. Therefore the news is compelled to cover it.

As humans as a whole, I feel that we will always do what is best for our survival. The vaccine/drug scientists were struck w/ a very small window to come up w/ some kind of response to this strain. Will it help or will it succeed and minimize those effected? I really have no idea. But I believe they did the best they could given the circumstances.
Sorry, no one will convince me this was a preconceived plan to release out to the public for government or monetary gain. (yes there was money to be made as a result of this,no doubt. But not the reason for its origin) Although I did always respect Fox Mulder's opinion :whistle::laugh:

Well, Sir, you are wrong on that account - I do have faith in humanity. However, I do feel that the power of propaganda is more powerful when produced by government that needs to have their population believe in fear based information.

The point of the article posted isn't to aim at one person but to have eyes opened by readily available information in hopes of educating and making those that are potentially subjected more aware and not easily swayed.

Thanks for your comments but again, this isn't about me. Please try and stay on topic.
Originally Posted by Datsun350Z
I usually just pick my nose and eat it to keep my immune system strong. :dunno:

I know I saw that this is actually documented... gross but true... :rofl:

Dino, you can not pick the ones off the bottom of the table from others, it does not work that way no matter how hungry you are...
Originally Posted by Datsun350Z
I usually just pick my nose and eat it to keep my immune system strong. :dunno:

I know I saw that this is actually documented... gross but true... :rofl:

Dino, you can not pick the ones off the bottom of the table from others, it does not work that way no matter how hungry you are...

Thanks for the tip, there nothing better than the voice of experience to guide you.