This Weather Sucks...

As I posted in another thread,
108 (degrees F) around here tomorrow,
113 down South.

A lot hotter inland in some areas.

My nephew is from New Zealand ~ you'll get yours when we're out riding . . .

Yes, we'll get our winter when you guys get your summer.
Good thing about winter here is its cool and dry,
Summers are hot and wet (storm season)
Haven't seen a frost in 13 years so winters are quite nice
and in Queensland a lot milder than in NZ, partly why I moved here not NZ
or the Southern Coast of Australia.

Wife and I have fed the hens, cleaned them out and watered the garden this morning.
It's 5.30am now and she's gone back in the aircon.
We were going North past Gatton to look at a house today but they have forecast temps around 43 degrees C (109.5F). I think I'll take the car !