time 4 a BigDiesel public service announcement

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sets a pos. example to other riders on the rode seeing a motorcycle club putting safety first. Good idea
Glad you made changes in your chapter of the RR BigD cause most of the RR around the Austin area are a bunch of douche bags and do not promote safe riding habits at all
Great thread, I went down about 10 years ago and did'nt have proper gear, needless to say, I wear my gear now, that road rash don't feel so good.
Jeans isn't gear. How about if you wanna wear jeans, you have to wear knee pads under it.

Set a real standard. While blocking the freeway to stunt on public roads, it would be nice to see the ruff riders in total gear head to toe.
Well, I just got home from a 4000 km. trip through New England.

Let me be as polite as possible....

You, "Dumb Arse, Motorcycle Riding, Brain Dead, Muther Freakin' Frackers",...

...are out of your minds.

Out of the thousands of bikes I saw,less than 1 percent of the riders wore helmets.
Never mind boots and gloves.

I stopped into a couple of shops in New Hampshire ,looking to buy boots, mine got soaked,
but, there was little or none to choose from.
Not to mention, helmets.....only six to choose from.

I notcied it says, "Live free or die" on the license plates,...........I guess bike riders there are choosing the latter.

Having said that, it is a beautiful country, and the folks and food and fun are amazing!!
Only saw one other Busa.  
Funny you should post this. I just noticed your avaitor...you lack a little gear in the pick.
Funny you should post this. I just noticed your avaitor...you lack a little gear in the pick.
Not to bash you BigD but dont let your "prospects" see your avatar picture. they might not take your advice very well.
I think the issue of no gear is one of a loosing battle, especially when your in a club.
Correct them today and they'll be doing it again tomorrow.
Burnouts with no gear are okay..
way to go BigD, i could not agree with ya more
. Pavment hurts and it is not forgiven, we are at a disadvantage already just riding at least gear helps us shorten that gap.
Funny you should post this. I just noticed your avaitor...you lack a little gear in the pick.
funny out of this entire thread thats the best contribution in words that you care to make.

and it if helps you sleep better at night, I was in the parking lot behind my friends Suz. dealership 25' from the entrance to the garage where I was about to change out the tire I was in the process of frying off-my helmet, gloves and jacket were inside said garage where i just took them off and set them down so I could take a picture of what idiots like me like to do to a perfectly nice bike and a perfectly run-down tire before swapping to a new one
Jeans isn't gear.  How about if you wanna wear jeans,  you have to wear knee pads under it.

**well, when these 20-somethings have the money for more gear, I'll tell them what to buy. please dont try to compare you average young just-starting-out rider to those of us with long-standing steady GOOD income(or TWO if you're married)...being a GEAR-Nazi just makes young folks think "f**k off, I'll do what I want" you have to work them into it slowly. At least that method has workd for me in the past-because I have been doing this for awhile now**

Set a real standard.  While blocking the freeway to stunt on public roads,  it would be nice to see the ruff riders in total gear head to toe.
**thanks for the words of encouragement, but I dont control all the RR chapters and dont care to try-but I dont go around bashing anyone else's club just because I think they all look and ride like tools, I prefer to keep my mouth shut in those situtations.
and we have never blocked a public road to engage in any illegal activities here as a club. what the members do on their own time, in their regular gear (sans RR vest) or lack thereof, is their business.
Funny you should post this. I just noticed your avaitor...you lack a little gear in the pick.
funny out of this entire thread thats the best contribution in words that you care to make.

and it if helps you sleep better at night, I was in the parking lot behind my friends Suz. dealership 25' from the entrance to the garage where I was about to change out the tire I was in the process of frying off-my helmet, gloves and jacket were inside said garage where i just took them off and set them down so I could take a picture of what idiots like me like to do to a perfectly nice bike and a perfectly run-down tire before swapping to a new one
Funny you should post this. I just noticed your avaitor...you lack a little gear in the pick.
Not to bash you BigD but dont let your "prospects" see your avatar picture. they might not take your advice very well.
I think the issue of no gear is one of a loosing battle, especially when your in a club.
Correct them today and they'll be doing it again tomorrow.
Burnouts with no gear are okay..
my prospect dont need to se my avatar, I have a much bigger picture of that in my myspace pics along with some of me doing donuts in 8" of snow during a blizzard...not wearn a helmet in any of those pics, because???
the bike wasnt GOING anywhere. and my lid was just outside of the frame, in the case of when i rode to go swap out tire...

and if you were one of my prospects, trust me-you'd do whatever I said if you wantd to have any chance at getting a vest-and not getting smacked in tha mouf
Jeans isn't gear.  How about if you wanna wear jeans,  you have to wear knee pads under it.

**well, when these 20-somethings have the money for more gear, I'll tell them what to buy. please dont try to compare you average young just-starting-out rider to those of us with long-standing steady GOOD income(or TWO if you're married)...being a GEAR-Nazi just makes young folks think "f**k off, I'll do what I want" you have to work them into it slowly. At least that method has workd for me in the past-because I have been doing this for awhile now**

Set a real standard.  While blocking the freeway to stunt on public roads,  it would be nice to see the ruff riders in total gear head to toe.
**thanks for the words of encouragement, but I dont control all the RR chapters and dont care to try-but I dont go around bashing anyone else's club just because I think they all look and ride like tools, I prefer to keep my mouth shut in those situtations.
and we have never blocked a public road to engage in any illegal activities here as a club. what the members do on their own time, in their regular gear (sans RR vest) or lack thereof, is their business.
If these "young people" want to ride with a group of experienced bikers then they should be aware of the accidents, problems, potential problems that have occured to the "not young people". If you allow them to ride with your group, even as rookies or prospects or wanna-be's or whatever, than you are accepting of their choice of apparel, like it or not. Lamb did provide a choice to you. Have your peeps wear armor under their "cool" clothes. That way they can look like they don't care about themselves or anyone else, and still be protected from the accident sure to happen, sooner or later.

Good luck with the public stunting!
why do tha haterz always find my threadz to poop in?

if u dont like what I stand for n those I associate with-guess what? same to youz. stick 2 your own, n try minding it too. aint got nothin intelligent to add without being beligerant about it? save your fingers the trouble, n the.org the bandwidth.

if you dont like the Ruff Ryders-i could give a f**k. mind your own beeswax n post somwhere else where you can be of some use to someone.
Prospects? Dudes seriously?

Do I need to smuggle some smack into the state pen in my butt or something? Is this a serious thing still? People prospecting to get into certain clubs? Im not being short I just didnt think this existed beyond anything but like Hells Angels or some other hardcore dope dealing, killing gangs. I didnt realize that this stuff was still going on. I guess with work, family, and everything else I just never thought of spending that kind of time on something like a bike club. To each their own I guess I just honestly thought this kind of thing had been gone since like the 70's, or that if it was still going on the only way to actually get in was to shank someone in the shower.....

I think I'm just getting old and missing out on everything. If anyone needs me I will be in the rockin chair on my front porch.


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