time 4 a BigDiesel public service announcement

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BD I know that the RR's are your crew but this is why I have never wanted to ride with the RR's. The reason I say this is because I think that really suxs you try to enforce a good policy for your prospects and show them the importance of proper gear and the Prez and V-Prez go and set a fine example and break the rules you just inacted boy that is the best way to support you. I think I would have to have a sit down with those 2 for sure. I hope they show you some better support and help back you a little better when it comes to the propects D. Keep up the good fight man

BD I know that the RR's are your crew but this is why I have never wanted to ride with the RR's.  The reason I say this is because I think that really suxs you try to enforce a good policy for your prospects and show them the importance of proper gear and the Prez and V-Prez go and set a fine example and break the rules you just inacted boy that is the best way to support you.  I think I would have to have a sit down with those 2 for sure.  I hope they show you some better support and help back you a little better when it comes to the propects D.  Keep up the good fight man  

and it all comes down to what you personally believe in and stand for.if you dont like the lack of support you get with something you feel that strong about....well,if it were me,Id walk away.I wont be apart of something i dont believe in.otherwise you are left to sit and watch with your mouth closed as another kid gets hurt,for what,just to belong to a MC...pleezze brotha,we know your smarter then that.

thats why I got out of the Marine Corps after 6yrs,I had enough of the back stabbing honey boy BS,everyone kissing everyones ass just to get what? another stripe..F-that,I left the corps a Lance Cpl....and that was after getting busted back to pfc a half dozen times,if i dont believe in something then im not on board I dont care who you are,you can go F yourself. thats how I live my life,I aint bending over for anyone.....

BD, I know what youre going through. I assume that youre facing the same challenges that I have. The Corps requires a Safety Club in every battalion. Ive been the president of two clubs now. Unfortunately, most of the riders who need the safety advice didnt buy the bike for the safety aspect. motorcycle = IED. Image Enhancing Device. The gear doesnt enhance the image. Even when they hit the pavement, the road rash is something they brag about. The bike damage also gives them stunta street cred.

I wear my Stich 24/7. Its reaching the upper 90's in Eastern Carolina. During our last ride, I was happy that the squids in the club asked me about the suit. Its getting them to think about gear.

Lead by example is the best we can do.
HEY D...which chapter are you part of? I went on the Philly RR web site (link below) I odnt see one fo ryour area..

thought maybe i could join?? haha..think i would stick out like a sore thumb though looking at the pics of the members........


click on links on the home page and it lists the chapters
Yeah, I wasn't going to call him out like that but...I can't find anything on a chapter from Wisconsin. What's your chapter city?
Yeah, I wasn't going to call him out like that but...I can't find anything on a chapter from Wisconsin.  What's your chapter city?
His location is under his avatar.
But if ya cant read it, he is in Milwaukee.

Scott, my girl in blue is doin good. Just put a fresh coat of wax on her at about midnight last night. Dayum she looks good.
sorry but the whole RR thing is squid oriented anyways, it's all about posing instead of riding, the RR i'v seen in action fly around town then park
Yeah, I wasn't going to call him out like that but...I can't find anything on a chapter from Wisconsin.  What's your chapter city?
Wasnt calling him out,just didnt see a chapter in his area,I also thought he was in Wisconsin because of the "cheese" thing in his avatar but i dont see one for Milwaulkee either

was just curious.....
sorry but the whole RR thing is squid oriented anyways, it's all about posing instead of riding, the RR i'v seen in action fly around town then park
Yeah, it's really posing when you see them flying around doing charity rides or toy runs for kids. Or when they work the soup line, serving food to the homeless. Like I said before, if you dont know what they do then you prolly dont need to know
Ok, Milwaukee South Chapter has been confirmed...but...it appears that D is the ONLY one with any since in that group.  D can be seen at 1:22 and 2:11 wearing gear despite everyone elses disregaurd.  I know they're your friends, but you may wanna find another pack.  Just my

sorry but the whole RR thing is squid oriented anyways, it's all about posing instead of riding, the RR i'v seen in action fly around town then park
Yeah, it's really posing when you see them flying around doing charity rides or toy runs for kids.  Or when they work the soup line, serving food to the homeless.  Like I said before, if you dont know what they do then you prolly dont need to know
yeah,I dont feel that vibe from all the chapters,i get that from the Philly group but read the Miami web site,, they say something to the effect that "Ruff Ryders of Miami is not just an ordinary Motorcycle Club. We're a unique group of people enjoying and living a lifestyle that's fun and fast pace. Somewhat radical but not far from the norm. We all ride ruff but it isn't just limited to the sport bikes that we ride, we roll ruff on all four as well. Our lifestyle is not for the faint at heart but can be enjoyed and respected by all. If you can't do it on two but roll on all four, we still welcome you to be apart of the "Ruff Ryder Lifestyle" so feel free to contact us..."

You have to stand for what you believe in regardless of all the flame happy wanksters... Somebody has to start the revolution even in a crew that tends to think little of gear...
I feel your pain Diesel.... being the Pres of an ALL GIRL crew (even though we are an Association not an MC) .. it is hard to beat the BW (bike *****) mentality out of these girls....

They think Short Shorts, cute tennis shoes and a bikini top are the way to ride on the beach.... I'd love to walk up to them with a wire brush and rub it up and down their leg a few times.

I try to lead by example.... my actions speak louder than my words.. and when I refuse to ride with them.. they can take it or leave it.
sorry but the whole RR thing is squid oriented anyways, it's all about posing instead of riding, the RR i'v seen in action fly around town then park
Yeah, it's really posing when you see them flying around doing charity rides or toy runs for kids.  Or when they work the soup line, serving food to the homeless.  Like I said before, if you dont know what they do then you prolly dont need to know
yeah,I dont feel that vibe from all the chapters,i get that from the Philly group but read the Miami web site,, they say something to the effect that "Ruff Ryders of Miami is not just an ordinary Motorcycle Club. We're a unique group of people enjoying and living a lifestyle that's fun and fast pace. Somewhat radical but not far from the norm. We all ride ruff but it isn't just limited to the sport bikes that we ride, we roll ruff on all four as well. Our lifestyle is not for the faint at heart but can be enjoyed and respected by all. If you can't do it on two but roll on all four, we still welcome you to be apart of the "Ruff Ryder Lifestyle" so feel free to contact us..."

Scott wasn't talking about other chapters. He was talking about his.
I just don't quite get making videos doing illegal things on a public road then posting videos of them and even telling everybody what town you are in.. But hey they have stunting down. But you about have to when you ride with little to no gear..

As far as RR, they dont effect me or what I do. I don't know any personally so I have no opinion on them.
there are sides to everything or to any club. some of you all judge before you know th truth. you hear someone say somthing and you believe it. it is just like the news you hear mostly bad things and your one sided on the opinion. I know scott personally nd his wreck did freak him out and now he is better and safety cautious.. ood on him. and not all rr's are as you may think they are so you flaming morons should just go eat the foot you put in your mouth.

good on you SCOTT cant wait to run into you again maybe come up to the hizzouse and meet your boys...
sorry but the whole RR thing is squid oriented anyways, it's all about posing instead of riding, the RR i'v seen in action fly around town then park
Yeah, it's really posing when you see them flying around doing charity rides or toy runs for kids.  Or when they work the soup line, serving food to the homeless.  Like I said before, if you dont know what they do then you prolly dont need to know
yeah,I dont feel that vibe from all the chapters,i get that from the Philly group but read the Miami web site,, they say something to the effect that "Ruff Ryders of Miami is not just an ordinary Motorcycle Club. We're a unique group of people enjoying and living a lifestyle that's fun and fast pace. Somewhat radical but not far from the norm. We all ride ruff but it isn't just limited to the sport bikes that we ride, we roll ruff on all four as well. Our lifestyle is not for the faint at heart but can be enjoyed and respected by all. If you can't do it on two but roll on all four, we still welcome you to be apart of the "Ruff Ryder Lifestyle" so feel free to contact us..."

Scott wasn't talking about other chapters.  He was talking about his.
I got that ,i was just posting what I had read about one of the other "chapters"..thats the problem being in a MC, you take the bad with the good,not all of the chapters are apparently run the same way,guess that goes with all of them,but if your gonna wear the colors then you get all the good bad or indifferent attention...me, I ride alone and like it that way.
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