time 4 a BigDiesel public service announcement

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Oh I forgot... Gear is good. I dont move the bike in the driveway without a helmet on. I'm not pretty but I sure dont need any help getting uglier. Girls especially..... what guy wants some scarred up girl who has road rash scars all over her body. I want a tan beauty with flawless skin and pencil eraser ni.... anyway gear is good.

and tha peanut gallery speaks again

D let me know if you make it west anytime soon.
Welcomed to Being FLAMED BIGDIESEL !!!!  Whatever you do, Don't EVER post anything about Racing a GIXXER 1000 and Winning

PS:"How is that Beautifull Wife of Yours ?"
Prospects? Dudes seriously?

Do I need to smuggle some smack into the state pen in my butt or something? Is this a serious thing still? People prospecting to get into certain clubs? Im not being short I just didnt think this existed beyond anything but like Hells Angels or some other hardcore dope dealing, killing gangs. I didnt realize that this stuff was still going on. I guess with work, family, and everything else I just never thought of spending that kind of time on something like a bike club. To each their own I guess I just honestly thought this kind of thing had been gone since like the 70's, or that if it was still going on the only way to actually get in was to shank someone in the shower.....

I think I'm just getting old and missing out on everything. If anyone needs me I will be in the rockin chair on my front porch.


If you gotta ask, then you dont need to know.

And Scott, what were you thinking? You shouldn't have let her leave in the first place.

Good on the PSA, but you know they dont work. Remember your buddy Panda?
Prospects? Dudes seriously?

Do I need to smuggle some smack into the state pen in my butt or something? Is this a serious thing still? People prospecting to get into certain clubs? Im not being short I just didnt think this existed beyond anything but like Hells Angels or some other hardcore dope dealing, killing gangs. I didnt realize that this stuff was still going on. I guess with work, family, and everything else I just never thought of spending that kind of time on something like a bike club. To each their own I guess I just honestly thought this kind of thing had been gone since like the 70's, or that if it was still going on the only way to actually get in was to shank someone in the shower.....

I think I'm just getting old and missing out on everything. If anyone needs me I will be in the rockin chair on my front porch.


Now I KNOW we ALL know better than to judge a whole group of people on the actions of a few ?
(please don't judge thousands of people because you saw a few do on youtube !!)

(prospecting)It's all about paying your dues !! And gives the guys in the club a chance to get to know the people that they MIGHT be letting in. If you just threw a vest at any Tom, ****, and Harry that wanted in, how do you know how they are going to act, or what they're are doing out in public, with your name on their back. And this goes double with a group like the RR, they're VERY big, and one of, if not thee most known sport bike club.

Yo D, Madd Respect !!
Sup D. You can do one of two things bro. First, like you said earlier, just require gear. This will make the rules established and known therefore everyone will know the expectations. When riding with the club, gear up or no go. Simple as that. Or, you can stronly suggest gear and lead by example. Most people will follow an example, good or bad. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying you dont wear gear. I have ridden with you and know you do. All I am saying is people for the most part will do what the group does, peer pressure if you will, use it to your advantage in this situation. Know what I mean? If I were you, I would just require gear because you know there is always that one that wont wear his lid and making it a requirement will force him/her to develope a good habit of putting it on while saving face.
I always SWORE I WOULD NEVER wear a helmet when I got a bike. Well I only went on 1 ride without it, about 4 miles from my house. I hated it, never did it again. Mostly because of how LOUD it was, sand, and pebbles don't feel too good either.
I would have start with some pics like this one, post them for all to see. Start talking about it. Have safety part of your meeting. It can be riding tips and riding gear. Talk about where you can get the best prices. no one likes to be considered a "squid". Peer pressure from the experienced riders will go a long way.
Open it up for everyone to share their experiences or close calls. It could help someone else avoid a crash.
The ones that don't comply probably will not come back.
Why have to deal with them any way? You don't want the people you care about to be needlessly injured or scarred for life.

Just an idea............

Excellent exchange peeps......interesting initiative D...go with it, see where you can lead it. Those that know can influence.....but let's keep the smack-attacks out of it. It's repulsive. "We ARE the O-R-G..."
Welcomed to Being FLAMED BIGDIESEL !!!!  Whatever you do, Don't EVER post anything about Racing a GIXXER 1000 and Winning  

PS:"How is that Beautifull Wife of Yours ?"  
amen brother....amen-i never race anybody, anywhere

well, i really cant right now-clutch plates are pretty beat up, so it slips goin into 2nd thru 4th at 8000+ rpms...ummm, i found that out while we were 'dyno testing', yeah, thats it

ps:doing great bruddah-no more road-rash for EITHER of my babies, if I have a say in it

keep tha rubber side down, Boss
Prospects? Dudes seriously?

Do I need to smuggle some smack into the state pen in my butt or something? Is this a serious thing still? People prospecting to get into certain clubs? Im not being short I just didnt think this existed beyond anything but like Hells Angels or some other hardcore dope dealing, killing gangs. I didnt realize that this stuff was still going on. I guess with work, family, and everything else I just never thought of spending that kind of time on something like a bike club. To each their own I guess I just honestly thought this kind of thing had been gone since like the 70's, or that if it was still going on the only way to actually get in was to shank someone in the shower.....

I think I'm just getting old and missing out on everything. If anyone needs me I will be in the rockin chair on my front porch.


If you gotta ask, then you dont need to know.

And Scott, what were you thinking?  You shouldn't have let her leave in the first place.

Good on the PSA, but you know they dont work.  Remember your buddy Panda?
You know Sam??

I honestly did feel a lil at fault, until??
her b.f. started snapping on the rest of us (he's a vestd member so he can 'speak his mind', and he did so with relative impunity for about 5 min) like I have to tell here when n where to ride-n quite honestly?

If this girl needs THAT much guidance about riding/techniques/proper equipment; then she needs to take the MSF and give the RR thing a break until thats finished. (i know she's been riding for 2-3 years but never took MSF course)

I feel like a jerk n hypocrite tho, mandating safety courses etc. when I bought my Busa and wiped out on it (wearing ZERO gear-tshirt gloves n jeans was all I had on) after owning it for only 3 mos...I spent the next 3 mos. recouperating....and enjoying my disability checks, lol

dude I was kinda thinkn about Pandemic the other day-saw some doof riding a Buell on the interstate, in a 'tuck' going like 75mph-like it was going to help his speed...I passed by leisurly while waving with my left hand
     i liked the look on his face when I did it too

how is that bad blue scoot treating ya right now, bro
Sup D. You can do one of two things bro. First, like you said earlier, just require gear. This will make the rules established and known therefore everyone will know the expectations. When riding with the club, gear up or no go. Simple as that. Or, you can stronly suggest gear and lead by example. Most people will follow an example, good or bad. Dont get me wrong, I am not saying you dont wear gear. I have ridden with you and know you do. All I am saying is people for the most part will do what the group does, peer pressure if you will, use it to your advantage in this situation. Know what I mean? If I were you, I would just require gear because you know there is always that one that wont wear his lid and making it a requirement will force him/her to develope a good habit of putting it on while saving face.  
it would be SO much easier for me to influence the new recruits, if my own Pres. AND V.P. didnt insist on wearing no lid unless its below 50 deg. outside

seriously thats my biggest issue-I look like a tool telling all the new members "RAAAARRRR, you better wear gear, or you're an idiot....then the V.P. rolls by in sunglasses...doesnt help my sit. much, and YES, I have given both of them s**t about it, and they still wont wear lids.

But-I'm still in my position, and no member can be voted in w/o my & the Pres's express consent, so anyone ELSE who wants to gain access to all the parties, gear & bike discounts, and the International RR organization, will be forced to do what I say, or they'll have to join a different club...n lets face it, all the other ones are poopy

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