Trouble at obamas event?

never said a single negative thing about the new black guy in office and all the haters called the white guy every name in the book... why such a double standard?

What does skin color have to do with any of this? I'm another old timer that relishes the tradition of the Inauguration, regardless of who is taking the oath. It's a great part of history and the heritage of the U.S. I don't expect everyone to share my enthusiasm, but whether one does or not, it certainly shouldn't be about race.
Look at his ultra-liberal voting record in the senate. He won't change. The liberal party line should be "Nobody gets two pair of shoes until everyone has one". How long before car and bike 60 mph governors are required--with a $5,000 fine and immediate confiscation/destruction if it's not working?

It's all over, folks. Wait and see.:moon:

What? You obviously HAVEN'T looked at his voting record, nor compared it to Mccain's either. President Obama voted to support US VETERANS on virtually every vet bill that came along, including the new GI Bill of Rights. Mccain voted against it, along with many other "patriotic republicans" I might add.

Oh, and "the liberals don't have class" is a stupid statement. I am a former combat Marine, buried close friends and am a proud liberal. I've been to many rallys where repubs stood on the sidelines and shouted F words in front of children that were attending. Remember, when you stereotype, it is a sign of ignorance. We all have reasons for our personal values and, in this great Country, have a responsibility to peacefully coexist with those we don't agree with.

One more thing, if Mccain had won, I would never say, "I hope he fails" like Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama doesn't get lower than much for "class". Raydog USMC 1966-69
What does skin color have to do with any of this? I'm another old timer that relishes the tradition of the Inauguration, regardless of who is taking the oath. It's a great part of history and the heritage of the U.S. I don't expect everyone to share my enthusiasm, but whether one does or not, it certainly shouldn't be about race.

Well skin color does have to do with it. I at the beginning wondered WHY does everyone keep bringing this up? Who cares what color his skin is or which leg he puts in his pants first in the morning!

But then I started to realize what this really means. This is a HUGE step for our country. We DO come from a time when not all were treated equal (to say the least). But now when not only do ALL have the right to VOTE but now can AND DID run for President and WIN.

I am happy to see this accomplishment for our country.

HOWEVER!!! I would rather it have been Colen Powell:laugh:
Well skin color does have to do with it. I at the beginning wondered WHY does everyone keep bringing this up? Who cares what color his skin is or which leg he puts in his pants first in the morning!

But then I started to realize what this really means. This is a HUGE step for our country. We DO come from a time when not all were treated equal (to say the least). But now when not only do ALL have the right to VOTE but now can AND DID run for President and WIN.

I am happy to see this accomplishment for our country.

HOWEVER!!! I would rather it have been Colen Powell:laugh:

I can live with that. Well said.

What? You obviously HAVEN'T looked at his voting record, nor compared it to Mccain's either. President Obama voted to support US VETERANS on virtually every vet bill that came along, including the new GI Bill of Rights. Mccain voted against it, along with many other "patriotic republicans" I might add.

Oh, and "the liberals don't have class" is a stupid statement. I am a former combat Marine, buried close friends and am a proud liberal. I've been to many rallys where repubs stood on the sidelines and shouted F words in front of children that were attending. Remember, when you stereotype, it is a sign of ignorance. We all have reasons for our personal values and, in this great Country, have a responsibility to peacefully coexist with those we don't agree with.

One more thing, if Mccain had won, I would never say, "I hope he fails" like Rush Limbaugh said about President Obama doesn't get lower than much for "class". Raydog USMC 1966-69
