Well its official.....

Too bad man, you can be fired without cause now and you will work twice as much with less pay, why would they make someone management that is not smart enough to realize how much he will lose? QUOTE]

Edited post since masterblasters comment was mis-understood
Hold up Angel, I think you misunderstood. Masterblaster is speaking from experience and explaining the hazards of taking a management position. I don't see anything negative.
Hold up Angel, I think you misunderstood. Masterblaster is speaking from experience and explaining the hazards of taking a management position. I don't see anything negative.
Doesnt really seem that way to me...

If Im wrong I will apologize..
Yeah not really a joke but more wry irony, speaking from experience. Definite congrats is in order but being management is not as easy as it seems. No apologies needed anywhere , ever, we are all big boys and girls here.

Doesnt really seem that way to me...

If Im wrong I will apologize..
Yeah not really a joke but more wry irony, speaking from experience. Definite congrats is in order but being management is not as easy as it seems. No apologies needed anywhere , ever, we are all big boys and girls here.

Well I said I would apologize, so my apologies...I didn't seem to me that there was any note of congratulatory expression in your post.

I too, as many of us, are aware of the trap that management can be for MOST, the least we can do is HOPE Lav doesn't run across the same thing as progresses along in his career.

Your post could have been..ok obviously, mistaken by my account, I just wanted to make sure our dear friend Lav receives the kudos he deserves for working as hard as he does.

This is what we do around here masterblaster, we celebrate together, we feel sad together, and yes sometimes we cry together too..it's part of what makes this site different than all the others out there...

Again, apologies for the mis-interpretation

Definite congrats in order, just passing along some of my experience with him, first 10 years are hard but it pays off eventually. I am happy to see companies still pulling up into management, this is a rarity in America these days so it speaks volumes about Lav and his abilities.

As far as this site is concerned, your statement below is the reason I hung my hat here.

This is what we do around here masterblaster, we celebrate together, we feel sad together, and yes sometimes we cry together too..it's part of what makes this site different than all the others out there...

Look the new Manager must have posted this thread from the mens room,, his only break of the day!:whistle:
Ok my bad for not being more precise. I am a systems administrator at a hosting company, now I will be a manager for the same group.

So thanks for the gratz all just wanted to share.. and Cap.... Love your sorry......

oh and just so you know what I do and what we do as a group.. if your stuff is broke we are the guys that fix it.. not at a home level but at a production server level. Windows, Linux, cPanel, Plesk, IIS, etc.... This is by no means the complete list but gives you an idea. We don't get the my computer doesnt turn on or where is the start button type things. Just as an example, if Captain was hosting this site with us and he couldnt figure out why it just blew up we would be the people he called to help him figure out the problem and get it back up and running.
Well Lav... You will now get Dumber every day... Welcome to technical management