Well, Revlis Finally Got Nailed by a LEO

...But I do like to think that maybe if enough folks bitch about this sort of goofy assed revenue building that maybe it'll get looked into...  

I'm sending them Black Helo's by his place at about 0430...  
Yeah, every man has a right to dream.
I'm glad you didn't take my comments the wrong way. Figured you wouldn't but we never know. Yer still my bro, like it or not.

While the letter may not do any good, the black helos just might put some fear into 'em.

Rev... Get your car registation updated. Then go to court. The judge
will then throw it out.

Then seeing as how you don't care about the $60...write me a check!
That was my thought, But according to the stuff I was reading last night, even if I get my registration updated today, it was still outta date at the time of the ticket and I still have to pay my $60.  Then say I have to take two hours outta work to go sit in court (Optimistic figure) It will wind up costing me more.  So I am feeling kinda stuck Bro...  

Not the end of the world, I am heading to the DMV at Lunch today, I'll get my new tags on there and move on, more than likely anyway...  I will still prolly type my little letter to the Sheriff...
I'm not a lawyer Rev. So I can't guarantee anything. I was just passing on some personal experience. Here in FL they
seem to use tickets/court as a way of actually getting you
to resolve the issue. Show up in court, prove you have "fixed"
the problem and they "let" you off. No promises but its worked for me.
And while I was waiting my turn saw it work for most of
those in front of me.

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I'm not a lawyer Rev. So I can't guarantee anything. I was just passing on some personal experience. Here in FL they
seem to use tickets/court as a way of actually getting you
to resolve the issue. Show up in court, prove you have "fixed"
the problem and they "let" you off. No promises but its worked for me.
And while I was waiting my turn saw it work for most of
those in front of me.
Works like that here, too, in most courts. A quick, "Yeah, it simply slipped my mind but I went right after the citation and got 'em, yer honor." and a show of the tag receipt showin' when it was purchased ususally gets you out without as much as a fine or even court costs. It's not a given, but it does usually go that way.

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Hey rev,

Your a big boy, you broke the law and you got a ticket for it. End of story, if the LEO was a jerk, so be it. Trust me when I say this, nothing is going to happen from you writing a letter to the sheriff saying the county is after your money for revenue and the cop was being a jerk by not letting you out of a ticket. Like BT said, it all goes in the same barrel. When I was a LEO in the air force I heard it all. You can walk up to a car and give someone a ticket in the most polite manner, next day there is a phone call and letter sitting on the brasses desk about how rude you were. Its all smoke. The LEO has a job to do, you broke the law and he gave you a ticket. I'm sure BT can tell you, I have seen where a simple stop like yours can lead to an arrest from a warrant. So no, you weren't driving erratically or you are not one of the thousands of jerks on the road that deserve a ticket but there is never a cop around to catch them. Just go to court, show your tag receipt, and hopefully you wont have to pay a fine for breaking the law. I do agree that rookies are big headed, but they can't pull you over unless you broke the law. So don't break the law and you need not worry about the rookies. And yes Rev, there is favoritism out there, maybe if you were in the marines he may have given you a warning, but if you got pulled over by a LEO that was former AF, you may of not gotten a ticket. I wouldn't of given you one Rev
. But that is the way the game goes. Professional courtesy. Then again, I have received tickets from LEOs in GA. Flat out asked me if I was in LE, how many years, where I worked, I responded to all his questions like I was getting out of a ticket, finally he wrote me because he said "I should have known better". Can I get mad at him? NO, I broke the law, but I did think the guy was a jerk and vowed to give him a ticket if he ever came to Florida. End of story. I paid my ticket and left it alone.

Sorry guys, just tired of everyone pissed off at cops, the day you all strap on the badge and put your life out there, then you have a right to put down a Peace officer for doing his/her job. Just like the military, we all have orders and a job to do. It must be done. Some people go to a cushy office, some work out in the field, very few strap a gun a badge on and protect and serve the innocent. Those that do, get my utmost respect. I'm no longer a LEO because I couldn't handle the politics of it and the civilians that never appreciated anything until they needed you, I loved the job, I loved helping people, and I loved enforcing the law, but to often people do not appreciate what is being done. Yeah we may give out stupid tickets, but there is a law that has been broken. End of story. Damn, I keep rambling on.

BTW, to those of you that believe there should be a cop on every corner catching every one doing something bad. NO problem, we can do it, trust me when I say this, you wont be happy when your taxes are through the roof, you wont be happy when it takes you 4 hours to get to work when it normally takes you 25 mins because every one and there mother is slamming on the brakes because there is a cop around, or god forbid if you slightly screw up and you get pulled over. People are going to bitch if the cop is there and they are going to bitch if the cop isn't there.

So why cant we all just get along.

Still love you REV

I have no problems with any of the laws and regulations that are out there. I think the system is pretty good. It's there to protect us...I have a problem with the dipshits out there enforcing it....I think the guy cutting everyone off in traffic doing 80 in a 55 deserves a ticket, not the guy doing 60 in a 55 on a backroad. I've had plenty of veteran cops pull me over for my window tint being too dark....I live in Fl.-are you f-ing kidding me? Most the cops in my gym take steroids and would be the first to bust me if they found some in my car. I really don't have much respect for them. Their superiors aren't forcing them to hide out in the woods and mess with poeple for piddly-poop while you can't see one anywhere at major roads and intersections where there's serious poop going on every 5 minutes-sorry too much sugar in my koolade tonight!lol!
Ok, I have to put my .02 in here. Cops doing sterioids, if this is the case random drug testing will catch them. If the speed limit is 55 and you are doing 60, guess what, you broke the law and a cop has every right to pull you over. Just be thankful if he/she doesnt. And tinted windows, why do you need such dark windows? I live in Florida also, they make tint that has a high uv protectent that is not pitch black. Lets be honest, people buy really dark tint so they cant be seen. If a LEO cant see you, then you can pretty much get away with anything, smoke weed in the car, drive without a seat belt, have a infant in the front seat crawling around (seen this one to often). So if its to dark, your breaking the law. Remember the "Piddly sh*t" can lead to serious sh*t. Like I said before, dont break the law and you need not worry. Its as simple as that.
Revis, I am a cop here in CA. I just got a ticket from
CHP for doing 104 in a 50 zone. He saw my badge (
I showed it to him hoping for some of the ole "Professional
Courtesy" stuff) but I still got a ticket. Sucks, but the
reality of it was I messed up. He didn't, he was just doing
his J-O-B. Yea, I'm peaved that I got a ticket thats gonna
cost me a good sum of money, three points on my license,
and my insurance will now go up. But s*$t happens
and tomorrow is another day. Don't let it get you down.
Take a ride on the Busa and all will be forgotten.
Ok, I have to put my .02 in here. Cops doing sterioids, if this is the case random drug testing will catch them.
Nope, it won't. Not unless the department requests testing for those compounds. Most departments only request screening for illegal narcotics like cocaine, marijuanna, etc... Steroids are not on most of the pre-employ or random tests I have seen. I have also known cops that did steroids.

hahaha... Rides a busa and gets a tag violation! That's ironic!

Post your letter to Andy Taylor... It will be an interesting read no doubt!

Like I said folks, I am not denying that my tags are out of date... I am not simple, I am not some Fuggin pinhead trying to blame someone else. My problem is and was the fact that this particular dickweed thinks he's accomplishing something... It's pointless petty sh!t and he knows it. He's the kind of cop that makes the rest of the badges out there look bad, and I promise you he is the guy that hangs out on the far reaches of his patrol area writing these kinds of tickets to avoid having to respond to anything that might actually mean work... The kind of guy that used to get Beat up a lot in school...
I am generally a pretty good judge of character and I am telling you, this dude was just plain sorry...

Oh and If and when I get nabbed out in my playground going 140 in a 65... Guess what? I'll pay the the damned ticket without complaint because I was Intentionally and purposely breaking the law. I have no problem with accepting this, I do have a problem with some dipwad writing me a ticket in this instance. If I had been 2 months outta date it's likely that I was aware of it and purposly not getting my tags taken care of, I wouldn't have said a thing, but given the fact that they are barely 2 weeks past due, I would have prefered just a reminder you know, a fix it ticket, a warning, a bit of a wake up. I would have seen that as a whole lot more benificial, good relations, and a Win win situation. I would have jumped through my ass to make certain I got my tags next day, no sweat.. He does his job, actually helps out a citizen and I drive home thinking positive thoughts about the Deputies in this County... Instead I witness a prime example of who shouldn't be in a position of ANY authority... It's just Dumb...

EVERY one of you LEO's out there KNOW one or two folks that are on the job that have NO business wearing a badge, so quit fuggin coming on like I am not getting it, or am trying to pass off responsibility, OR THAT I AM SOMEHOW UNABLE TO IDENTIFY A PERSON NOT DOING THEIR JOB WELL.... OR that I am simply unable to understand the job, or the stresses you folks in Uniform deal with. It's a catch all I have heard used by way to many Uniformed officers, "You don't understand"... Hell, I am around enough Government and Federal types... I know the deal... I have a few family members that are LEO's of one flavor or another. Deputy, a Trooper, one Small Town honest to goodness Sheriff, and Secret Service. It's not like I am unfamiliar with the concepts here folks. It's not that complex... It's not that mysterious...
I'm not a lawyer Rev. So I can't guarantee anything. I was just passing on some personal experience. Here in FL they
seem to use tickets/court as a way of actually getting you
to resolve the issue. Show up in court, prove you have "fixed"
the problem and they "let" you off. No promises but its worked for me.
And while I was waiting my turn saw it work for most of
those in front of me.
Works like that here, too, in most courts. A quick, "Yeah, it simply slipped my mind but I went right after the citation and got 'em, yer honor." and a show of the tag receipt showin' when it was purchased ususally gets you out without as much as a fine or even court costs. It's not a given, but it does usually go that way.
Yeah, That's what I was thinking as well, but according to the documentation I have read thus far, it doesn't matter. In fact, I have to send in my current proof of registration along with my check or Money order for $60. I can have it droped if I prove it was registered at the time and I just didn't have the paperwork, but if the registration is expired, then I am SOL... It's how it's laid out on the Website, and on the back of the ticket...

Like I said, no sweat... I'll deal with it...

OH and just for the record, a LEO is that last person I expect to come keep my ass safe and protected... There aren't enough of them, and simply put, an Officers job IS NOT to keep you tucked in and safe in your house... But they will be glad to come get a description of your attacker/burglar/carjacker/mugger/tresspasser after a crime has been commited, not before... I don't expect bobo out of a LEO till after the fact...NOT UNTIL A LAW HAS BEEN BROKEN. Heh... I want all the fuggin flower sniffing, tree huggin, Anti-Gun, Anti-Protection dumbasses to think about that for a minute... Heh, So yeah if you think LEOs are actually on the streets to protect you? Your in for a big damn dissapointment...

Man.... You know... I really do think I need a smoke... Hrmm.... Nah... Just bear with me folks.... I should be less of a bitch in another month or so...
Revis,  I am a cop here in CA.  I just got a ticket from
CHP for doing 104 in a 50 zone.  He saw my badge (
I showed it to him hoping for some of the ole "Professional
Courtesy" stuff) but I still got a ticket.  Sucks, but the
reality of it was I messed up.  He didn't, he was just doing
his J-O-B.  Yea, I'm peaved that I got a ticket thats gonna
cost me a good sum of money, three points on my license,
and my insurance will now go up.  But s*$t happens
and tomorrow is another day.  Don't let it get you down.
Take a ride on the Busa and all will be forgotten.
Yeah, But Now I am kinda scared to get out there on the Busa... Bad things happen in threes right? Well I had the A/C go Tango Uniform, Then I get this little bit of hassle, so I am waiting for number three... Heh...

Seriously though I am going to wait a little while for me to cool down before I honestly do get out on the bike while still angry... Then get Pulled over again, this time on the bike...

Lemme ask you this though, when a LEO calls in your plate, do the other vehicles registered under your name show up as well?
Hmm... I smell a conspiracy?


EVERY one of you LEO's out there KNOW one or two folks that are on the job that have NO business wearing a badge...
Actually, I only know one or two folks on the job that DO have any business bein' behind a badge. It'd be quicker to name the ones who should be than to name all the ones that SHOULDN'T be, bro. I'm with ya on that.
Ok, I have to put my .02 in here. Cops doing sterioids, if this is the case random drug testing will catch them.
Nope, it won't. Not unless the department requests testing for those compounds. Most departments only request screening for illegal narcotics like cocaine, marijuanna, etc... Steroids are not on most of the pre-employ or random tests I have seen. I have also known cops that did steroids.
Good point, report em. Those are the kind that definetly do not deserve the badge.
Now Let me start by saying I aint trying to start a bigger argument here but rather making a point. I respect all LEO's for the job they do. I also understand that their job isn't always easy and in the end they are employed to enforce the law. I further understand that we are all human with all the same human frailties.

That being said I have a question for everyone who has opinioned on this thread. If you as a LEO realised that your personal tags were two weeks out of date, do you:

A - Write yourself a ticket

B - Get new tags and figure it was owed to you due to your service to the community

If you can honestly answer this as "A" I will be glad to take a ticket from you at any time I break the law. Answer this as "B" and you have no business being a LEO and no high ground from which to enforce any law. Just my humble opinion so please don't send the helicopters to my house.
Now Let me start by saying I aint trying to start a bigger argument here but rather making a point. I respect all LEO's for the job they do. I also understand that their job isn't always easy and in the end they are employed to enforce the law. I further understand that we are all human with all the same human frailties.

That being said I have a question for everyone who has opinioned on this thread. If you as a LEO realised that your personal tags were two weeks out of date, do you:

A - Write yourself a ticket

B - Get new tags and figure it was owed to you due to your service to the community

If you can honestly answer this as "A" I will be glad to take a ticket from you at any time I break the law. Answer this as "B" and you have no business being a LEO and no high ground from which to enforce any law. Just my humble opinion so please don't send the helicopters to my house.
Doah... DAYEM.. lol
i got a similar ticket last year and when i renewed the tag teh dropped the fine to like 10 bucks. i cant remember but ill ask my gather in law tomorrow but im sure thats what happened to me. i feel you on the cop issue though. when i wrecked i was in the ambulance bleeding all over the place and all morphined up and the highway patrol officer was in the ambulance yelling at me for not knowing how to ride and blablabla.... the medic had to kick him out of the bus. then he wrote me 5 tickets, i went to court and they all got thrown out! i was speeding among other things but i was paying a big price and he was an ass.
Now Let me start by saying I aint trying to start a bigger argument here but rather making a point. I respect all LEO's for the job they do. I also understand that their job isn't always easy and in the end they are employed to enforce the law. I further understand that we are all human with all the same human frailties.

That being said I have a question for everyone who has opinioned on this thread. If you as a LEO realised that your personal tags were two weeks out of date, do you:

A - Write yourself a ticket

B - Get new tags and figure it was owed to you due to your service to the community

If you can honestly answer this as "A" I will be glad to take a ticket from you at any time I break the law. Answer this as "B" and you have no business being a LEO and no high ground from which to enforce any law. Just my humble opinion so please don't send the helicopters to my house.
In all honesty, I have never let my tags expire. Im pretty responsible in that aspect. So the question is thrown out when it comes to me.

My father-in-law on the other hand, this exact situation came up where his tags were expired on his car. I busted his chops for days about it, he then informed me that he will never give someone a ticket with expired tags if his tags were expired also. Come think about it, he was old school, he wouldnt give you a ticket unless you really pissed him off with a cocky attitude towards him.

When I was in LE, I was the same way. If you didnt lie and give a load of Bull Sh*t when I stopped you, then you were pretty much in the clear. But you can tell the As*holes from the genuine good guys.
i got a similar ticket last year and when i renewed the tag teh dropped the fine to like 10 bucks.  i cant remember but ill ask my gather in law tomorrow but im sure thats what happened to me.  i feel you on the cop issue though.  when i wrecked i was in the ambulance bleeding all over the place and all morphined up and the highway patrol officer was in the ambulance yelling at me for not knowing how to ride and blablabla....  the medic had to kick him out of the bus.  then he wrote me 5 tickets, i went to court and they all got thrown out!  i was speeding among other things but i was paying a big price and he was an ass.
onetimedownbusa, im with on that fact that the LEO was being an ass, but think about it. Think about how many "kids" he has had to witness fuggin them selves up for being idiots on there bikes. Eventually it takes it toll on you. Every other night your picking up a kid off the street that wrecked, covered in blood, skin hanging off, brains on the street, body parts missing, shall I continue? Eventually you want to strangle someone, espcially if your reckless riding injured others or caused a family of 6 to wreck when they tried to avoid your downed motorcycle on the road. Killing three of there kids after the minivan flipped. Then how would you feel? To often the rider is all about me me me, I was hurt, I was in pain, I was paying for my stupidity. Bullsh*t, you aint payed until you tell the family of the child that you killed that there son is no longer going to be there. You aint payed until you have to tell the parents or your girlfriend or wife that there daughter is not coming home because you were acting like an ass with her on the back. So, did you really pay? No, you got just deserve for being a fool on a motorcycle. Im sure the cop saw that and couldnt take it anymore. LEOs are not super human, we can only take so much of the same BullSh*t.
Now Let me start by saying I aint trying to start a bigger argument here but rather making a point. I respect all LEO's for the job they do. I also understand that their job isn't always easy and in the end they are employed to enforce the law. I further understand that we are all human with all the same human frailties.

That being said I have a question for everyone who has opinioned on this thread. If you as a LEO realised that your personal tags were two weeks out of date, do you:

A - Write yourself a ticket

B - Get new tags and figure it was owed to you due to your service to the community

If you can honestly answer this as "A" I will be glad to take a ticket from you at any time I break the law. Answer this as "B" and you have no business being a LEO and no high ground from which to enforce any law. Just my humble opinion so please don't send the helicopters to my house.
In all honesty, I have never let my tags expire. Im pretty responsible in that aspect. So the question is thrown out when it comes to me.

My father-in-law on the other hand, this exact situation came up where his tags were expired on his car. I busted his chops for days about it, he then informed me that he will never give someone a ticket with expired tags if his tags were expired also. Come think about it, he was old school, he wouldnt give you a ticket unless you really pissed him off with a cocky attitude towards him.

When I was in LE, I was the same way. If you didnt lie and give a load of Bull Sh*t when I stopped you, then you were pretty much in the clear. But you can tell the As*holes from the genuine good guys.
Now that is what I am talking about Ridercoach!  

My point to the above is just that we all are human and some understanding from LEO's, like your post is showing, would help to improve relations between LE and general public. Without the high ground from which to enforce the law. we end up in a Jerry Fawell situation where all the preaching and good intentions in the world don't change the fact that he screwed a prostitute.

I have never got an expired tag ticket but I have got others and I can honestly say I have never been let out of a ticket and I honestly think I am not one of the as*holes out there. Maybe it is just bad karma on my part. Hell I got one for failure to come to a complete stop at a RR crossing 3 weeks ago. I didn't do anything but hand him my license and take the ticket when he came back. I wrote a check and paid the ticket the same day which cost me $60. I have been out of work for the last 4 months without any unemployment insurance to help me out by the way. I then see the same officer sitting in a well hidden spot for the next 2 weeks watching the same RR crossing just waiting. I have lived here all my life and do not remember ever hearing of or seeing an accident in this location so it is not a high risk thing, and sort of makes me wonder what public good this is serving other than revenue.

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Just for you Rev.


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