I missed the original Art of The Motorcycle show by the Guggenheim Museum in New York. But it was supposedly amazing. The 100 most amazing motorcycles in history, with the bikes standing on mirrors so you could see the engineering underneath if you wanted to. When the Guggenheim opened a museum in Vegas a few years later, the first-generation Hayabusa had just come out, and they added it to the show. I rode mine to Vegas, and on the second floor was able to stand in a hallway and look into two different rooms to simultaneously see my Hayabusa, and my GS1000SZ Katana designed by Hans Muth. I've owned four motorcycles, and two of them have been in the Guggenheim. So yeah, my brand loyalty is with Suzuki. That original katana was fast, bulletproof, and got more looks and comments (with its chrome Kerker megaphone) even than I've gotten from my Busa. It was different (which is why the new one doesn't do much for me).