Tables are good...but Bursig's are awesome.
They make it so easy to adjust suspension and remove wheels quickly, the bike comes on/off in seconds, and can be easily rolled where ever you want.
The other great aspect of the table, is you add the sides to it and it is a wide steel top table/ freestanding work bench when you need to work on wheels, engine, forks etc etc.
I've sat on my gen2 while it was up on the Bursig, and had a friend push me. Making sure to hit the gaps in the concrete with some force. I was mid 190's (lbs) in gear when I did that too. The Bursig was rock solid. If it was going to fail, it would have.
I like to give things a certain degree of abuse up front, that way I know what I'm working with.
I used the Bursig on my Bking as well, and have purposely held on to it for my next 1k.
It's so nice to put the bike on it, and roll the bike over against a wall, in a corner, or out of the way.
And unless you have some hulk buddies that can lift the front/rear of your bike while you measure sag(I do, lol), I don't think there's a quicker or better way to do it.
The Toad Needs this!!!