What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

I modified the back end and fitted a Yoshi R77 exhaust


Took the bike out for a first-run with the @POWERHOUSE flash.
Yes, the flash is everything (and more) that has been written here previously. I won't risk boring the regulars here with how noticeable, significant and awesome the bike responds after a FrankFlash (wait...I could name her Frankenstein!!!) , but will tell you I had very first encounter on this run with law enforcement who, fortunately, was a gang detail unit. No ticket, and I'll never know whether pulling the seat right there in the parking lot of a coffee shop to show him the ECU with Frank's badge on it had anything to do with my good fortune, but that is forever how I will remember and tell this story. Yes, I was speeding, in 2nd, which coincidentally is what "Hayabusa" translates to in English and couple dozen other languages: speeding in 2nd.
Evidence used to argue my case:
Took the bike for a nice ride through the countryside...along came a tuner car on my back-side. So I did what we Busa riders do best, I dropped a gear and made it disappear....

I stopped off to fuel up before I came home and that same tuner car came into the gas station and asked me what the hell my bike was.

I told him and he said well, I'll know better than to try to go against one of those.

I then told him I didn't even go over 9 grand on the tach and that's about where the power band gets real.

Actually a pretty nice young fella...he was surprised when he noticed I was an old grey haired guy....