What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

I installed my Helibars today, took off rear GSXR sticker, and added a chrome front tank bolt cover. On my 08 I added riser but decided to go with Helibars this time. I have ordered front and rear stands. I also need a tank pad for my knees. I took a nice ride today before the install so I can't wait to try them out tomorrow.
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You can do risers plus helibars combined. It’s a nice improvement.
Don’t both require new brake and clutch lines?
Helibars and .75 riser works. I believe sixpack had the same setup. I eventually went with braided lines and got longer ones while I was replacing them. Not sure if the ABS genII or genI bikes have shorter lines or not though. It might also be too tight of a fit for someone’s comfort, but it ran with no issues for me.
You can do risers plus helibars combined. It’s a nice improvement.
Thx...I might try that down the road. I rode it tonight and it was already and improvement. I ordered the touring windshield from Revzilla. I love this bike. I have been riding it more than my Harley.
Blacked out bolts and caps on them.

Haven't done a damn thing to it. I am waiting for an aluminum subframe and 2nd fan to come in though. Once that comes in it'll keep me busy for a couple. Hopefully I'll get my engine back soon and put that in.
I have braided lines and they’re fine. The throttle is what’s affected with the Heli-Bars but only slightly and only when in full left lock. The idle goes up a few revs is all. I read the rerouting advice that came with the bars but the kink or ‘turn’ the cable had to make seemed to cause other problems.
Woke up the other day to a flat rear tire. So I priced out a rear tire, and got my smoked LED tail light, and DB windscreen in the mail. I leave for vacation tomorrow so when I get back, I'll have a new tire and mods put on. For only owning my first Busa for 2 months in excited for my progress. More to come.

Woke up the other day to a flat rear tire. So I priced out a rear tire, and got my smoked LED tail light, and DB windscreen in the mail. I leave for vacation tomorrow so when I get back, I'll have a new tire and mods put on. For only owning my first Busa for 2 months in excited for my progress. More to come.

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Looks as though the wee lad has staked his claim.
It is sad to see any marriage cease to be but happiness is paramount. My wife and I bought both our boys bikes for this very reason (so their wives couldn't say they weren't allowed to have one). I believe motorcycling is a form of therapy.

I am fortunate my wife of 27yrs gave me the nod to get mine (although I have had a bike since I was knee-high to a grasshopper and came into our marriage with a bike).