What's going on with the flowing lines not lining up on ya body work bro !! Hahaha , shes sure looking pretty sexy for 108 thou kays Kiwi , you sure treat her right bro !!Stared long and slowly at my Gen 1 KNOWING how awesome the awesomenomity of the 1999 UNRESTRICTED Hayabuser actually is.
The smooth flowing lines and the stance of a stallion it beats the Gen 2 any day in my book!
Today is the final ride . . . . . .
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until the next oil and filter at 108500kms.
Every 8000kms she gets fully synthetic 10w40 Repsol and a fresh genuine Soozooki oil filter.
As Ali said . . . " Gen 1 For LIFE "
ps: the long stick lying on the ground in the foreground is the symbolic 'spanking' rod . . .
. . . be afraid, be VERY afraid !