What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

The flywheel bolt wasn’t torqued and backed off. Only issue now is idle. Doesn’t want to idle with clutch in. But I did just ride about 30 miles to break it in proper. Ran great. Damn near pulled my helmet off.

Was the electronically controlled idle setting removed during tuning?
Took the opportunity to take the bike apart and have it ready for the new bushings coming today. Also cleaned up a lot of the parts and undercarriage. Now to play the waiting game for the mailman to come by.

If I had everything I needed, I would paint the wheels while they were off.




Yes it did GAmedic . Did NOT have the hole for the light pig tail so I had to drill that . Used stock fender for hole location template .

That good. I'll stick to my factory parts until I find a FEK that I actually like.
No. Hasn't been tuned yet, but no it hasn't been off at any time. I had a bunch of issues with vacuum lines, so it may have something to do with that. On the highway it is great. When I come to stop I just give it a little juice until I can track it down.
I bet u cant wait to whoop up on some gen2s now.... lol... that comment ought to start some controversy...…… gen1 for life
Having a hell of a time finding people to race around here. Tons of posers who put $50k in chrome on their bikes to ride 5 miles an hour on the avenue. Lol. Once I put the windshield on I’m gonna find someone.

I need to buy some of those red cush rubbers and raise the back of the bike a bit. It’s too low.
Having a hell of a time finding people to race around here. Tons of posers who put $50k in chrome on their bikes to ride 5 miles an hour on the avenue. Lol. Once I put the windshield on I’m gonna find someone.

I need to buy some of those red cush rubbers and raise the back of the bike a bit. It’s too low.

I'll let you know if I notice a difference tomorrow when I head to work in those bushings.