What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Figured I would clean up my chain and put some fresh lube on it.

Does this sprocket look stock? Stamp says Sunstar 43T530. Also, does RK supply the chain from the factory?

Figured I would clean up my chain and put some fresh lube on it.

Does this sprocket look stock? Stamp says Sunstar 43T530. Also, does RK supply the chain from the factory?

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Sunstar Japan make factory fitted sprockets on a lot of Japanese bikes , looks stock steel to me .
Oh yeah , just fitted up the EK chain and 47t sprocket , used 119 links of chain .
Fitted up kickstand switch removal plug , pulled of fairings sides to clean and inspect everything . Thought I had 2 more engine bolts to swap out to titanium , but had forgot I'd already done them ! Full ti fasteners all done now . I will put the fairings cowlings back on today .
Woke up. Made coffee. Sat on my front porch drinking said coffee and staring at my bike. I'll go ride it in a bit.
What a great day! I do the same some days, it just makes ya feel happy with your lot in life.
I have a riding buddy that's ALWAYS up for a blast on the bikes, that makes the day better with a like minded soul to share it with.
Yesterday we were out riding and stopped at the Wheatsheaf hotel out on the Peninsula.
Got talking to a guy we had never met and he says, " Whose bike is the Black and Gold GSXR1100J out there in the carpark?"
My buddy says "that's mine".
He said, " My mate has a '85 GSXR750F for sale, he had a heart attack recently and he's selling all his bikes"
Mate says, "Can we have a look at it, I'm interested".
Next thing we are looking at it at another bloke's place and my mate bought it on the spot.
We just went and picked it up with my car and trailer, $3K but it needs about a grand spent on it.
It's all there, all fairings are ok, needs a clutch m/cyl and fork seals, been sitting for 12 years, 26000kms original mileage Jap import.
Needs fuel system clean out but what a great buy!
Now THAT is a good day!!


What a great day! I do the same some days, it just makes ya feel happy with your lot in life.
I have a riding buddy that's ALWAYS up for a blast on the bikes, that makes the day better with a like minded soul to share it with.
Yesterday we were out riding and stopped at the Wheatsheaf hotel out on the Peninsula.
Got talking to a guy we had never met and he says, " Whose bike is the Black and Gold GSXR1100J out there in the carpark?"
My buddy says "that's mine".
He said, " My mate has a '85 GSXR750F for sale, he had a heart attack recently and he's selling all his bikes"
Mate says, "Can we have a look at it, I'm interested".
Next thing we are looking at it at another bloke's place and my mate bought it on the spot.
We just went and picked it up with my car and trailer, $3K but it needs about a grand spent on it.
It's all there, all fairings are ok, needs a clutch m/cyl and fork seals, been sitting for 12 years, 26000kms original mileage Jap import.
Needs fuel system clean out but what a great buy!
Now THAT is a good day!!

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Looks like fate has taken a shine to your Gixxer mate , and has sent him a golden opportunity there Kiwi , here comes a full restoration with lots of luv , care and respect . Keep us updated on this Kiwi please .
I helped my mate with his new acquisition, a 1985 GSXR750F, we starting stripping the body work and sub frames off the ol' girl to clean her up some!
Next step is to remove, strip and clean the carbs, we've cleaned out the fuel tank, the spark plugs are new, remove the tappet cover, check the cams' condition and clearances, pour fresh oil over the cams, change the oil and filter and then we'll start the motor.
We were told by the previous owner the motor was sweet at the last time she was running, he's an old dude and he had the bike for years.
It hasn't been running for 12 years!
Isn';t she lovely?


That's his other bike, the black and gold limited edition 1988 GSXR1100J,
He's owned it since 1997. He rides it regularly as my wing man lol, after spending $3K on freshening her up a little, after 10 years in storage!

It's all totally original panels etc, slight crash damge, broken lock stop on the steering head welded back on and slight dent in the speedo surround.


Here's a riddle for RoadToad, how rare is that fuel tank? Look at that raised fuel cap area, race bike style! First time we have ever seen one like that on a slabside, and believe me . . . we've seen a lot of these slabsides !

He's found an even better bike the same model etc that he's considering buying as well, so I'm trying to talk him into selling this one to me. He's not opposed to the idea, so maybe, just maybe . . .
I love the old slabbies , I can remember when the GSXR750 and FZ750 Yamaha came out , the GSXR was so straight off the race track , real epic motorcycle , makes me conjure up nostalgic feeling about those bikes . It really kick the race replica market on a flying start to where we are now . More so than any other motorcycle of the '80 's IMO . You lads must be feeling like you are living the dream right about now Kiwi , soooo good to hear you may also have your share of the Slabbie good fortune bro !! Don't hold back , the both of you must act fast !! I love that blue and white beast , better get your asses in gear , that will be gone real quick !!
As for the tank , I wonder if it is from a limited model , say either from Jap market only or from the limited 750rr run with the solo seat production racer for superbike racing of the time , is it an aluminum tank ? Regardless , great score and something I will be interested in you both finding out !!
Great stuff my Kiwi bros .
Gonna rain for the next century here so I wont be doing much other than riding to and from work.

However, my new cush drive bushings come in today so I'll probably get bored later and throw them on.