What did you do to your other motorcycle today ?





Put the new radiator and one new fan in last night, with more Engine Ice.
Bled the brakes(first time ever bleeding abs on a motorcycle). It was basically the same, only I had to use the 2 return line bolts on the abs pump like bleeders to get the air out that was pushed up from the calipers.
All 3 calipers had fluid(and still a little air).
The front MC has a bleeder, with fluid there too. I could pump the front lever, watch the fluid level quickly drop, let off the lever, and the air in the line from the front calipers to the abs pump would push the fluid right back up into the MC resivoir, lol. That was the reason for breaking the line loose at the pump(rear was the same), both had a Big burst of air! Regardless, it was simple(took a while to run all the lines too).
I left the brakes pumped up and applied last night.
I'm going to go bleed them one more time in a few minutes(all the air left in the lines will have moved to the end of the lines, at the bleeders by now, since the brakes have been left applied).
Let it run, burp the radiator, get any air out of the cooling system, and it will be back running and rideable, minus headlight(have new one and will probably rig the old one on until the new fairing kit shows up in the next few weeks).



Your buddy might as well just give you that Gixxer....you should buy him out as you know that bike inside and out.

Him and I go way back, he even laughs and calls it 'our' motorcycle.
It's basically mine and he pays the insurance and parts...except what I tear up, lmao.
Maybe once a month he texts and asks me to get his bike ready or put it outside if I'm leaving, so he can ride it.
It's like loaning him my bike, lol.
Me and a few friends have passed our bikes around to each other for years too, so I have gotten spare keys and free rides for years.
If I didn't want to ride mine, I'de go get something else.
For some reason new riders my friends know usually want to see what I think of their bike, or see it wheelie by,
I've got a pretty good racket goin!
Why I want yet another motorcycle of my own I have no idea...those things cost alot of money! lmao!
Zip-tied the headlight on, and it's so sturdy I bet I can lift the front end under it with a jack, lol...at least it doesn't vibrate.
My friend has also been wanting to do vinyl wraps, so this was his first try.
The fairing kit ordered is carbon fiber, and the tank is obviously white.
The white left visible will be completely covered by the fairings and tank cover.
The cf pattern helps hide the flaws, but it looks good if you don't stare and try to find them. Regardless, he is going to re-do it soon, as he is a perfectionist.
I have to put the undertail back together and make a license plate mount and it'll be rideable again.


Hooked trickle charger to wifes machine and mine while i continue to comb through everything .
Almost done.
Dummies left out the lower front center, black plastic piece that holds the fairings together.
I ordered oem vs waiting 2 more months on these clowns.
Alot of small issues, and not that impressed, but, is what it is...almost rideable again.
Should have parts and be done by next weekend.





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Tag bracket is custom and completely hidden, along with the required tag light.
Might want to get that bike inspected, Haha. I have to go back to the foot rear brake before I can get mine inspected. That's one problem with mods, some inspection guys will reject it without even knowing what they are looking at. Some inspectors are cool and they will tell you they don't think the bike will pass. I had a bobo inspect it once who wrapped his rejection sticker around my Ohlins fork! Once they do this only the inspector who rejected it can pass it. Can't tell you how I got that sticker off my forks but let's just say I had to turn to my friends on the dark side....
I put some new jets in my 2003 kawasaki klx300r....it has Larry Roseler exhaust and hot start

I also am working on my 2005
Mazda rx-8....they are so cute,I just had to have one...and I look forward to rebuilding the rotary motor and learning about them more....but if I had big money,ide buy a good condition special edition 2011
Might want to get that bike inspected, Haha. I have to go back to the foot rear brake before I can get mine inspected. That's one problem with mods, some inspection guys will reject it without even knowing what they are looking at. Some inspectors are cool and they will tell you they don't think the bike will pass. I had a bobo inspect it once who wrapped his rejection sticker around my Ohlins fork! Once they do this only the inspector who rejected it can pass it. Can't tell you how I got that sticker off my forks but let's just say I had to turn to my friends on the dark side....
Everything is legal and will pass, with the exception that the rear turn signals aren't 8" apart(Va law), but since they are in a molded undertail, I have never seen one like this fail, and at multiple locations.
I take my bikes to car garages for Va State Inspections anyway.
Those guys check that the lights work, and occasionally glance at wear bars in tire grooves and what they can see of brake pads.
Most just check turn signals and write the sticker. I've never had a bike rejected.
The 2020 tag is just missing the '22 sticker, as he lost them, but once a cop runs the plate, they can see that the tag is current, and that the Registration paper is accurate.
He has been stopped twice, and neither cop mentioned it.
Replacement stickers are free, and he's going to order them, or just renew early, that way the State Inspector doesn't question the out of date tag sticker.
There is a tag light too(also required in Va).
I prefer the State Inspection sticker to not be on the bike at all, but since it has to be, the upper forks are the most discreet place for it. It can be seen there enough for a passing cop to know it's there, expired or good.
I hate the sticker on the frame or swingarm too.
And, I've seen your State Inspection sticker on the plate bolted to your passenger peg...also Illegal, lol.
By law it cannot be on any easily removed part, so your riding buddy can't bolt it to his peg and ride, and hope nobody checks.
State Troopers will write a ticket Quickly for that one.
Never been able to ride this early in the year, 36f hahaha. Weather gave a good window and took the bird out for a ride. And by window I mean not frozen solid. Been tuning and adjusting the Gripone ISIDE2 traction control system. Strange to be out riding and looking for parts of the road that will make you loose control and crash lol. So far it's been working amazingly well. Just needs some more fine tuning and I'll do a write up. Definitely worth the price.
Yup, a removable plate for the inspection sticker is illegal but I have never had a cop question it oddly enough. If you know the shop, that's the best option. I used to call them and the sticker was waiting when I got to the shop. Part of that is they did a lot of work and part that they knew I didn't ride anything unsafe.
I had that hook up for many years.
Another friend was a State Inspector for a dozen years(eventually left auto mechanics all together).
I would text him my info and he'd bring me a sticker home, lol.