What do you do for a living?

Hey RubberSD, where are you really located? oh and funny stuff on that pic of the covered bridge...
I'm on Vancouver Island....Islands are gr8, mine is not quite as nice as the ones you just came from thou....
Have a good 1....
Hey rubberside down, I'm in Pitt Meadows, the Ranch is Ashcroft.
I'm actually getting married there in three weeks aaaahhhh,
Is she going to take my toys away, nope thank goodness
she loves them.
If you're ever over on the mainland look me up
I'm in the book
Bill Robinson
I'll give ya a call when I'm over there, would like to meet Flyin Swan as well , maybe we could all do lunch at her eatery. An' dont worry about the gettin' married thing , I'm sure it'll turn out AWESOME . Me , on the other hand , I have givin' up more washer/dryer sets, microwaves,T.V.'s,etc than Sears and Curcuit City put together.
If you're serious about something, chase after it!!!!
Our dreams are all different.
The world would be a boring place if everyone was the same.
Happy miming.
The lunch thing sounds like an idea.
BTW there's another thread in here somewhere that talks about a couple other Busa riders coming up from the States
in Aug I think.
Maybe we should jump in on that action.
Ask flyingswan she knows lots about it.
I think Lobusa is going to be here, I'd sure like to see her bike
up close and personal like, I love what she's done to it.
Jeesh, thanks for straightening that one out rubsidown.
I was contemplating selling the Busa over the fact that a fellow rider was, let's say not completely straight.
I'm a "PIMP"...  :bunch:
.....I work for Stunnah.....
If you work for Stunnah, then you're a B!TCH!!!
 I think the type of employees that Stunnah employs don't get paid money...it's more of personal grudge match (if you know what I mean

Don't take it personal, but you just set yourself up for that one.  Surprisingly noone else jumped on it first.

Ya....surprising .

I am not a Marine but my drill instructor was. I am a federal agent with DHS. <---Homeland Security. Was active duty for eight years till just after Desert Storm. Stayed in the Reserves and have done well. Was activated last year, (see link if interested). My mother liked the story.


Was a Blue Knight for years. Not active with them now. Great guys but all rode HD's here in Minnesota. We looked so bad we would get pulled over all the time.

With all of the new faces around I thought I would bring this one back around. I think it's intresting to see what everyone does.
I am a software engineer for American Express Business Finance, I work on leasing and credit card approval software. Well its more like credit denial software since we decline more than we approve. I know what everyone's FICO score is
I'm the fleet manager for a Georgia county... the guy responsible for keeping up all the vehicles and equipment.
Let's just say I am in a massive transition for the better, right now. Ask me again six months from now.
Im a military contractor located in the northeast and travel the east coast repairing and constructing our Uncle Sams properties.
I have 2 jobs i work in the electronic section at the boca target and a driver for sumerlin pizza hut
Hey Verm,

I cannot remember just how old/young you are but I want to throw a small piece of advice at you...

If you have any incling at all about what you want to do career wise, look into something related and try to get into it NOW... Summer Interships etc...

I wasted probably 5 years working part time jobs when I should have been working at a Newspaper, sign shop, hell Kinko's even...any and all relevant experiance will become invaluable when you get out into the job market with a fresh degree... Trust me makes a huge difference...My wife got a position right out of college and within just a few weeks was making large money +60 to start at a great company, she got the position when others didn't because of her internship experiance while in school...

But keep the pizza delivery job, easy money right there.