Before I start, I just want you to know that I ain't trying to flame you or anything, just trying to present my opinion FWIW...
Unbe-fuggin-lievable. Bro...I would ask for input from other lawyers. Your downfall, my friend, would be that mass of flesh lodged behind one of your lungs. From what I read, you are either A) still in love with her and concerned with her well-being or B) spineless or C) truly torn and incapable of making decisions regarding your well-being.
I'd say burn it down...fug the three months. I hate to say it, but dude...she's a gold digger. Tell her to pick her nose instead of your pockets and bank accounts. I feel for you...I really do, but on the other side of the coin, if you don't want to get yourself outta this, then there's nothing really we can do. You're destined to suffer as long as you let gotta take the bull by it's horns and shove them up it's own ass.
Do this for sounds like you're not gonna get outta this anytime soon, and that's only because you might be unable to see past this situation now. Look ahead...take a step back and try to analyze the situation for what it's worth...amd try not to let your heart get in the way.
I'll share a quote with you that a family friend said once: "...that's why your head is above your heart; because your mind is a better leader than your heart is." Follow this for awhile...I don't agree with this all the time, but it does make sense.
Good luck...