What is the fastest you’ve been?

I will admit that it is not a bad looking car, as are quite a few of them.
I just can't get past all of the drama that comes with so many of them, especially BMW's.
I went to a tech school for a couple years, worked at a couple car dealers after, and really liked supercars growing up, but...I've always been a bike guy.
I quickly tired of working on vehicles, and no longer even like working on my own.
I havn't been into cars for 25ish years.
I've also always been a truck guy, I currently have a 2019 Ford F150, 4x4, 4 door that I got new, and I have been very fortunate to have only have had a few minor issues with it.
To me, it is practical, as it gets me anywhere off road that I need to go, goes great in snow, the family fits comfortably, I'm always hauling something with it, and it's pretty good on gas for what it is.
I am a very point A to point B guy in terms of vehicles, they serve a purpose, and a need for us that live in rural areas.
Otherwise, I could honestly care less about any car.
If I had a million bucks today, I'de probably buy a 20-30 year old Toyota 4x4 as an extra vehicle...and a thousand acres to play on, lol.
As said, I've been a life long bike guy, I ride year round, and that's what I enjoy.
To all you guys that enjoy driving and wrenching on your cars, I get it, as I enjoy drifting(what my generation called power slides), and on and off road 'stunt driving', for lack of a better term, and...somehow that always resulted in having to fix what broke, lol
Now days, of course I have my Gsxr1k, and another 1k to ride(keeps me macho, lmao)...but you DO realize who you're talking to now, right?!....an old man with a Goldwing....que the sad the sad music
I will admit that it is not a bad looking car, as are quite a few of them.
I just can't get past all of the drama that comes with so many of them, especially BMW's.
I went to a tech school for a couple years, worked at a couple car dealers after, and really liked supercars growing up, but...I've always been a bike guy.
I quickly tired of working on vehicles, and no longer even like working on my own.
I havn't been into cars for 25ish years.
I've also always been a truck guy, I currently have a 2019 Ford F150, 4x4, 4 door that I got new, and I have been very fortunate to have only have had a few minor issues with it.
To me, it is practical, as it gets me anywhere off road that I need to go, goes great in snow, the family fits comfortably, I'm always hauling something with it, and it's pretty good on gas for what it is.
I am a very point A to point B guy in terms of vehicles, they serve a purpose, and a need for us that live in rural areas.
Otherwise, I could honestly care less about any car.
If I had a million bucks today, I'de probably buy a 20-30 year old Toyota 4x4 as an extra vehicle...and a thousand acres to play on, lol.
As said, I've been a life long bike guy, I ride year round, and that's what I enjoy.
To all you guys that enjoy driving and wrenching on your cars, I get it, as I enjoy drifting(what my generation called power slides), and on and off road 'stunt driving', for lack of a better term, and...somehow that always resulted in having to fix what broke, lol
Now days, of course I have my Gsxr1k, and another 1k to ride(keeps me macho, lmao)...but you DO realize who you're talking to now, right?!....an old man with a Goldwing....que the sad the sad music

My enthusuasm for learning the new tech is waning. The Ultimate Wrenching Machine is a step or three beyond my comfort level. Thankfully, she's more or less a recreational car right now.
my goal is 250 Naked
that was body work on
250 naked seems safer than everyone using super aero wind sensitive bodywork to go 270+

This got me thinking. Apples to apples, the Suzuki body work is worth, what 20 -30 MPH top end? I read someplace that it takes three times the power to move an object at 100 mph vs 150 mph. Pretty wild.

Unless it's a BMW 325, which would be shifting into 3rd about then...
I've had my old 79 Yamaha XS11 special up around an indicated 130 mph on shitty roads and it felt pretty fast. This was in the early 80's when I ruled the roads on that bike. Honda 750's ate my dust as did every other two or four wheeler that wanted to try me. That was until a friend bought a new Kawasaki GPZ 1100. The chain drive made all the difference in getting the power to the rear wheel. It took him several tries to beat me because he couldn't get the tire to hook up, but when he finally did, he came past me at a pretty good clip at a little over 100 mph. We never needed to race again as he has proven his point.

As to my 04 Busa, I've only had it up to around 80 mph and that was strapped down in a two ton dump trailer when I hauled it back from the other side of the state. I really need to set aside some time and get it running. I found a video on youtube that I think is the answer and it involves drilling out a filter in the fuel pump and putting an inline filter in it.

I kind of figured that you guys could use a laugh and hopefully succeeded.

I've gone 75 mph on the water and it felt like 175.
I've had my old 79 Yamaha XS11 special up around an indicated 130 mph on shitty roads and it felt pretty fast. This was in the early 80's when I ruled the roads on that bike. Honda 750's ate my dust as did every other two or four wheeler that wanted to try me. That was until a friend bought a new Kawasaki GPZ 1100. The chain drive made all the difference in getting the power to the rear wheel. It took him several tries to beat me because he couldn't get the tire to hook up, but when he finally did, he came past me at a pretty good clip at a little over 100 mph. We never needed to race again as he has proven his point.

As to my 04 Busa, I've only had it up to around 80 mph and that was strapped down in a two ton dump trailer when I hauled it back from the other side of the state. I really need to set aside some time and get it running. I found a video on youtube that I think is the answer and it involves drilling out a filter in the fuel pump and putting an inline filter in it.

I kind of figured that you guys could use a laugh and hopefully succeeded.

I've gone 75 mph on the water and it felt like 175.

Brought back great memories of water skiing as a kid. At one point we came around the "shadow" of a peninsula and the water was glass smooth. I cut way out wide, nearly next to the boat. A magical moment.
It might sound crazy but I honestly don't know the fastest I have gone on a motorcycle....I know I went over 150mph down a long back straight on a race track but that was the only time my speed was tracked....we generally went by lap times not top speed but this was a rare occasion.

I know I've gone faster on other bikes but their speedometers are suspect of course...

Last year I maxxed out the speedo on the Bumblebee in a rare instance and it took a little while for the needle to come back past 300kms/hr but how accurate are they?

I rode one turbo Hayabusa in my life but the owner was following me so I was unwilling to do anything crazy but I was surprised just how docile it was for a bike that had a ton of power.
This got me thinking. Apples to apples, the Suzuki body work is worth, what 20 -30 MPH top end? I read someplace that it takes three times the power to move an object at 100 mph vs 150 mph. Pretty wild.

Unless it's a BMW 325, which would be shifting into 3rd about then...

Having owned a Busa and B-king, and ridden many Gen1 and 2's, I can say that the unfaired B-king feels no slower than the Busa all the way to top end
(I personally flashed both ecus the same, and with stock and later lower gearing. I also did the ram-air mod to the B-King).
Do the Busa's fairings make a difference?
Absoloutely, as the wind on the B-king is tremendous on the big end, but you will definately feel it even before you finish the quarter mile, as you are already approaching 150mph.
How close the 2 bikes would be in a race to top speed, I cannot say for sure, but I think that we'd all be suprised at just how close they really are.
Now, in no way am I saying that the fairings do not give an advantage with the aerodynamics to go faster, and we know that the faster we go, the harder it is to continue to go even faster.
I think that the best answer to that question will be someone like
@202mphbusa that has ran 200mph+, is familiar with their bike, and now wants to try without fairings.
Of course he has big hp to get there, but that will be irrelevant in terms of fairings on vs off.
Regardless, 180's without fairings feels Much faster than with them, and it is amazing to see just how good Busa aerodynamics are.
Even vs 1000's with full fairings.
I have ridden so many 1k's into the 180's, and it definately feels much faster and less stable than the Busa, as the smaller, lighter bike, with less aerodynamics, just doesn't cut through the wind the same.
The Busa, you hear more wind, but it remains stable, and extremely smooth.
As for my 197mph Busa run, I can say that it feels much faster than 185, 186mph does, lol
I knew that I would run out of gearing somewhere in the mid 190's too, the magic ton was just out of reach, but, if you talk to most bikers, everyone and their brother who ever rode a 600 has been 200mph
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It might sound crazy but I honestly don't know the fastest I have gone on a motorcycle....I know I went over 150mph down a long back straight on a race track but that was the only time my speed was tracked....we generally went by lap times not top speed but this was a rare occasion.

I know I've gone faster on other bikes but their speedometers are suspect of course...

Last year I maxxed out the speedo on the Bumblebee in a rare instance and it took a little while for the needle to come back past 300kms/hr but how accurate are they?

I rode one turbo Hayabusa in my life but the owner was following me so I was unwilling to do anything crazy but I was surprised just how docile it was for a bike that had a ton of power.

Yours is unrestricted, so it's safe to say past 185mph, and into the mid 190's.
Regardless of what the speedometer said, especially since it took a noticeable amount of time to start to drop back.
I did many a top speed run on my Gen2, and depending on the weather, it may or may not hit the redline in 6th.
All my runs were on multiple mile stretches too, no LSR distance limits or dead stop starts, as of course that makes things much more difficult.
The '18 Gsxr1k I keep for my friend should do 192, 193mph on stock gearing.
It's been flashed, has enough go fast parts, and that is what it's gearing should be capable of, but regardless, the speedometer sits on 185mph, it won't even read 186(digital display, not analog/guage needle), but it still pulls on for what seems like a very long time before it hits the limiter, if at all.
I'll have to ask him too, as I think he's only hit 6th redline once, even though he has held it many times, and I have personally watched from the roadside.
But, he's about 6'3", and I think 230ish lbs without gear now, so he can't get out of the wind like my 5'10" 190 lb geared self can either.
Yours is unrestricted, so it's safe to say past 185mph, and into the mid 190's.
Regardless of what the speedometer said, especially since it took a noticeable amount of time to start to drop back.
I did many a top speed run on my Gen2, and depending on the weather, it may or may not hit the redline in 6th.
All my runs were on multiple mile stretches too, no LSR distance limits or dead stop starts, as of course that makes things much more difficult.
It makes one wonder when all the testers in '99 were able to get 194 out of a stock gen 1 and even a modified ecu unrestricted gen 2 can only go a touch faster with more power....

Suzuki had the formula right in the first place.
It makes one wonder when all the testers in '99 were able to get 194 out of a stock gen 1 and even a modified ecu unrestricted gen 2 can only go a touch faster with more power....

Suzuki had the formula right in the first place.

Well, 20 more hp to squeeze out 3 more mph on top, and with very similiar final drive gear ratios, would be about right.
And yeah, make a Hayabusa...then try to make it better, at least in terms of top speed and aerodynamics...it's a tall order.
Well, 20 more hp to squeeze out 3 more mph on top, and with very similiar final drive gear ratios, would be about right.
And yeah, make a Hayabusa...then try to make it better, at least in terms of top speed and aerodynamics...it's a tall order.
Sure puts things in perspective......it takes a lot of hp to make any gains.

I'm sure the gen 2 gets to it's top speed a little quicker and the gen 3 even quicker still......but not by a lot.

I know my gen 2 with it's QS really gathers in speed in a real hurry.....hard to imagine a stock bike getting anywhere near it but I imagine even at full boil a headlight would be firmly planted in my mirror.
It makes one wonder when all the testers in '99 were able to get 194 out of a stock gen 1 and even a modified ecu unrestricted gen 2 can only go a touch faster with more power....

Suzuki had the formula right in the first place.

Their testers were probably 130 pound track racers that could form a perfect tuck behind the windscreen. Weren’t the cams different in the 99/00s too, in addition to being unrestricted?
Their testers were probably 130 pound track racers that could form a perfect tuck behind the windscreen. Weren’t the cams different in the 99/00s too, in addition to being unrestricted?
I never read anything about the cams being different...

I watched something on the testers that took it to the max from Australia and they were average sized individuals....