My experience with gay people is like yours. Never a problem. Your last thought, is what it is, I understand that’s your take. That’s fine except you forgot the it’s my opinion part. Sure, it’s implied; most of what we're saying here are our opinions, but your unsubstantiated leap to a conclusion of mental illness doesn't sit well with me. I'm probably just too literal a person.
Ok, it is my Opinion then that trans people are mentally ill, and if someone thinks that I am mentally ill for saying that, lol, ok, it doesn't bother me personally.
Equal rights, women's rights, gay rights, 100%
But trans rights? If you want to dress as whatever in public, I'm ok with that, so long as you are not indecent, especially in front of children, and all people in this country can and do daily.
But to demand to be on the opposite sex's sports teams, locker rooms, and public toilets...No.
And again, any woman that wants to do this and try living as a man, ok, fine, no man really cares, and they aren't a physical threat, just wierd, and at risk themselves if anything.
Now turn the tables.
The male who says he's female.
Women and girls don't want males in these places for countless good reasons.
If we respect women so much in society, then give them their privacy and their sports.
Without a stance against this, everything basically becomes co-ed, and any male can just say I feel that I'm a woman, and use their restrooms.
Women are rape targets by creeps in general...the same creeps who don't need these trans rights laws to work in their favor.
And, for the guys that do truly belive they are women, they also need to realize this, that outside of any unfair physical advantage in sports, that in general, women still do not want you in their game or locker room.
Women and gay men tend to have very good relationships, and not suprisingly, as they both like men.
But, how many women do you think want a gay man in their locker room?
None, as he's still a man...and he doesn't want to be there either!
So mentally ill.
If they can't play by the common sense rules that are here now, then by all means...get your own bathrooms, and get your own sports teams, and let the real women have their privacy and respect.