What kind of oil???


I am currently running synthetic 10w40 but have heard of others using 20w50. Just wondering what you guys use.
10w40 For me ............... still can't work out why people are using 20w50
semi synthetic is fine if you plan on keeping the book schedule, if you want extended protection then you might wanna try the expensive stuff.

Flushing money down the toilet if you buy expensive stuff and change it at 2k

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I don't have an answer for the half syn oil.

But I have a question about synthetics.  I hear so many people explain the advantages of synthetic oil.  I know why its so highly thought of but if you typically change your motorcyle oil every 1500 to 2000 miles (which I do), is synthetic still worth paying the extra $$ in lieu of using the old fashioned (economical) petroleum based oil ?

I had an old experienced auto mechanic tell me he wouldn't use synthetic oil because he's going to change his oil and service his cars every 3000 miles irregardless of what kind of oil he used ... thus wasting money in his opinion.

all opinions welcome ... and I'm sure I'm going to get an ear full


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My air/oil cooled CBXs run cooler, quieter and smoother with synth but I don't change it at dino oil changing schedules. It (is) a waste of money to change synth that soon. Under extreme conditions is when synth shines as compared to dino oil.
10w40 here, semi synthetic.
Can't believe that I'm responding to an oil thread but had to ask, isn't semi synth just half as good as it could be?
Leaving syn in for more than 3725miles because the oil won't loose viscosity doesn't do it for me.

I change the oil because its dirty.  I change the filter because its dirty.

So I go with the middle of the road oil.  

If I put full syn in, I would change it every 3725miles because it'd be dirty.  And that's a waste of money.

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Here's something I'm a little curious about.......... let's say you only do 1000 miles a year........... how many of you change your oil on a time basis rather than mileage!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By this I mean, if you were doing 1000 miles a year.......... would you wait three years before you'd change the oil??

The reason I ask this is because I was talking to someone yesterday........ who has owned their bike 2 years........ and has never changed the oil because he only has 1400 miles up on it...........

I myself would change it at least once a year regardless of how many miles I've gone either way....
Synthetic blend is a petrolium base oil with synthetic additives in it. Just some information you might find interesting?
My first year of riding I put over 8000 miles on my 05' Kawi 636 (which I still have).  I'll change my oil based on mileage ... but as I mentioned I'll change it every 2000 miles max.  I've had my Busa since April 1+-; and I've changed it three times (@80miles, @600, and again at 1300). I've already put 1650 miles on it in one month ... I like to ride

I'll now space out the changes to my usual 1500 to 2000 ... when I look at the guage glass, I want to see through the oil ... like a good brew of ale.

I'm most likely going to stay with "dino" oil ... that's funny, I never thought about calling it that ... but I may look into changing to a blend.

Any cons or pros for syn/dino blend oil ... ??


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