Mr Brown
Again, because it worked once for one person doesn't mean that it will every time, or any other time. That's what empirical research offers. Repeatable testing and discussion of likelihood of outcome.One of my first comments when I posted the specific viscosity of this <0W oil:
So motorcyclists are using oil far thinner than 20 weight in stock engines? Did I do something wrong here? And I was still wondering if 20 weight would maintain enough pressure in engines designed before the 20 weight came about? If yes, this is an astounding revelation."
You are right when you say "don't just believe the salesman". Who can disagree? So we await Blackstone results, and that really in hindsight would indicate a pressure problem. But selling a motor oil for specific vehicles that does not maintain rule-of-thumb pressure? LOL What is Brock planning? A rowboat full of cash and heading to the Caymen Islands to avoid bike owners?
When you cannot get secret, proprietary data, you only have logic to work through, and that can at a minimum guess pretty far ahead.
I don't know what Brock is planning, but do I believe that people are capable of lying to a group of motorcycle owners to take financial advantage of them? Absolutely, I've seen it happen. On this very site actually...
Formula is proprietary, test method and results aren't. Two separate things.