What Would Make The Hayabusa Exciting Again?

It’s already happened in cars, it will happen in bikes, and we will learn to handle it, it may take some electronics to keep bad riders from harm.
In 1999 state of the art in aerodynamics was smooth and curved. Stealth technology in planes redefined what state of the art aerodynamics is and made facets the in thing. A shape like the original and gen 2 Busa will look very dated today. Needs more edge to it. Personally I think the H2 is a bit of a mess. It's very mechanical looking but not aerodynamic at all. It has a certain charm but lacks a strong iconic form IMHO. Hoping for better from Suki.
I don't think you can compare high HP cars to bikes. First, cars have 4 wheels and a significantly larger footprint. Add four wheel drive and cars are nowhere near the limit of control even with 1,000+ hp. Second, cars are inherently much more stable than bikes. If one or even two wheels break lose with a car you still have a means of controlling it. More importantly, when a wheel breaks traction on a car it can be recovered while the other wheels maintain some control. But with a bike, lose the front wheel and there is almost no chance to recover things unless you're MM! So bike TC would need to have the ability to predict a loss of traction, not just react to the problem as cars do. The technology to do this is years away at best. A computer would have to instantly analyze power applied, g's, lean angle, tire temp, air temp, humidity, tire condition/type, road surface, leaves or sand, water, ice, and on and on. I'm going to say that it might just be impossible to get to a 100% reliable system.

So putting high horse power on the street requires a lot of talent (and maturity) to control, because riders are currently the only "technology" that can manage a complex task like that in real time. Selling a 500 hp motorcycle to the public would be like selling fully automatic weapons to lunatics. We all know that having $30K to spend on a motorcycle is not going to keep them out of the hands of idiots. I once saw a crash (on internet) where a bike was going 180+ mph and hit a minivan that pulled out in front of them. At 180+ mph, the minivan driver said they never saw anything. The road was clear, they pulled out and saw a flash then boom! The bike went through the passenger are of the van killing the woman's 2 kids who were strapped into their car seats. The rider was also killed.

There is an interesting possibility a friend came up with. They work in GIS (the map data GPS navigation uses). He suggested making a 500 hp bike that knows when it is on the street or a track and automatically adjusts the power. Otherwise, much more than 250 hp will have to be a track only bike IMHO. Please Suki, prove me wrong!
I think you proved my point, cars with this with less then 1000 hp use this technology to make them more useable. Nothing will replace a good rider on a bike, but Moto gp still uses this technology to assist the pros. I think it will all come down to the bikes someday.
Hey this is a serious conversation James.. You can't just thow a comment like that out in the middle of a discussion and expect me to not spit coke on my monitor...

LOL, I know right. I still one the one I have, will take something special for me time and to replace it, plus, you and Steve had it torn apart the first week I owned, memories!
Nobody needs 30K to go stupid fast. Any R6 can do a buck fifty for much much less. Can't prevent idiots from being idiots. As for nannys, my bikes don't have any but my car is supercharged and my last car was a Corvette. Without nannys those cars can get very loose very fast. I appreciate them during normal driving and absolutely depend on them. I'm sure they must be helpful on motorcycles but as any real rider knows, it's the rider who decides what his or her limits are. You can't argue with physics and on a motorcycle you may not have more than one chance to try.
When comparing cars to bikes. Bikes are already faster when it’s hp to weight ratios.

:DWhen people ask me how fast it goes I always say its not just the speed its the a c c e l e r a t i o n. That formula works against any car vs Hayabusa that doesn't have 1,000hp+. The hp to weight ratio really shows it's stuff in car vs motorcycle shoot outs.
Just more power would do it. More power and faster. Capable of even more power through the aftermarket. People are putting there own boost on these things and have been for years. Why not set the bike up for that and market it as such? I doubt the factory will ever produce a bike that comes close to what they are when they are really modded out so just make something that's easy to make go faster...and if that's not what you want, you stay stock and enjoy another stock 25-30 ponies. I think 'zuk is going to have to raise the bar that much because by now Kaw is ready to make it's next move.
Just more power would do it. More power and faster. Capable of even more power through the aftermarket. People are putting there own boost on these things and have been for years. Why not set the bike up for that and market it as such? I doubt the factory will ever produce a bike that comes close to what they are when they are really modded out so just make something that's easy to make go faster...and if that's not what you want, you stay stock and enjoy another stock 25-30 ponies. I think 'zuk is going to have to raise the bar that much because by now Kaw is ready to make it's next move.
I believe thee bikes are built with knowing people will build and add boost. the Ecu Can be edited, 2 injectors per cylinder and the stock internals are beast. Only real restriction is fuel pump.

When looking at boosting other bikes it just sounds like the busa is built for it.
I just know the busa is going to live on. As much as I hope they bring us something better next year, I know this bike will always be sought after like an old Toyota Supra still has people clambering to own it.

Red on the head(I didn't think retired folks got up at 5:30AM:D).Off myself today,waitin' to see if I can go pick up the 450 today.Installed a new FMF Powercore 4 pipe with a Mega Bomb header and dropped it off with Travis(TBT Racing in Corona)to get the carb dialed in,had some mid-range(4500-6000 rpm)hesitation that irritated me and he said he'd get it straightened out.
Anyone else notice this similarity? HAYAKABUKI?
