Mr Brown
Best 60' I've done yet is 1.64, still launching soft. I'm guessing that's where some more time is. Watched a video of myself, it's amazing how much that helps. I hit the button as soon as my tach shows 11k, seems to work good for me. Tomorrow is practice day......didn't hit my goal last week, try again tomorrow. Best I did so far is a 6.661, that was w/ a 1.75 60'. Is it Friday yet?OK guys, hit the track again lastnight. And i must say, after a year and 3 months off I'm not that rusty.The busa impresses me more everytime I ride it. Anyway, my best pass was as follows:rt .1001, 60ft 1.61, 330 4.28, 1/8mi 6.46@112 mph. My best 60ft of the night was a 1.60.
1 question I have, where is everyone shifting ? I'm just holding it to redline. I'm sure there's a tenth there. Gonna get my airshifter and shiftlight put on in a week or so. hope to run some 6.30's before i extend it. View attachment 604151