???I can almost swear I've heard this hard break in theory since i owned my first bike in the 6th grade. That was back in the late 70s. The idea isn't new but for some reason, the proof, if it exists, is not widely shared. Only evidence I've seen is Moto Man's Piston Graveyard which I'm sure many of you have seen on the infamous web page. I wouldn't call that alone proof or even hard evidence but I hear too many experienced racers supporting the notion of breaking in hard for it to be a fantasy. True, you may void your warranty but maintaining your warranty is the only reason I have ever heard anyone give for going with a manufacturer break in.
I have nothing against playing it safe. That is the thing to do, always, when you don't know what you should do. I have asked a lot of questions about this and listened to a lot of advice and when I got on my new bike, it didn't feel wrong to make it work hard-- so that's what I did. I will never know what effect, if any, doing a manufacturer siggested break in would have had but I did it the way it felt right to me. I guess that's what I was doing when I broke the 14 in. I went gentle as can be on it and I'm happy with it.
I have nothing against playing it safe. That is the thing to do, always, when you don't know what you should do. I have asked a lot of questions about this and listened to a lot of advice and when I got on my new bike, it didn't feel wrong to make it work hard-- so that's what I did. I will never know what effect, if any, doing a manufacturer siggested break in would have had but I did it the way it felt right to me. I guess that's what I was doing when I broke the 14 in. I went gentle as can be on it and I'm happy with it.