How many miles before change to syn. oil?

from beginning to end I only run full synth. but that's me.

ooohhh what a big ol' can of worms each time an oil thread pops up. :moon:
yea and in all actuality.. it probably makes about zero difference.. the motors are dyno'ed before install and the rings are seated.. the difference would be calculated at 50K or more down the road...

So far the only oil related failures I have seen or heard of is "low on oil" issues.. so turns into a personal preference issue...

MORAL: keep it changed and full.....
On top of that, you spend that kind of money on a machine, they have the funds for quality control and tighter build specifications.. Again, there is no "blanket" answer for oil when working across the broad spectrum.. Also your Duc has a dry clutch? could be a big factor in oil selections..

Nope, the 848 has a wet clutch and the same rules apply. There is a reason that not just Ducati's, but Mercedes Benz's, Porsche's, Bmw's, Corvette ZO6's, and all other high spec, tight tolerance, top of the line built engines come with full synthetic from the factory and only recommend using the same.
Also your Duc has a dry clutch? could be a big factor in oil selections.
Nope...sorry...dry clutch has sweet bugger all to do with it.

My 850ss had a wet clutch, as does the new 848, and both come with synthetic oil.

Each to their own. I suspect it makes little difference either way as long as the oil is changed regularly and traditional mineral oils are used by so many because, well, they're traditional! As an organic chemist before I started fixing broken dogs and cats for a living, I can tell you that, chemically speaking, synthetic oil is superior in every way as an engine lubricant.

But I'm no mechanic.
my '77 Gremlin came with synthetic :cheerleader: :laugh:

my point is, you can go synthetic at any mileage, synthetic oil will "not" keep a new motor from breaking in properly, :rofl:


I agree why would high end cars come with it from the factory?

Now that we have that settled, Mobil or Amsoil ?
I agree why would high end cars come with it from the factory?

Now that we have that settled, Mobil or Amsoil ?

I would take a long hard look at amsoil or at silkolene pro 4 plus for a motorcycle application. Both are excellent oil and absolutley top quality.
My Vette comes with Mobile 1 Synthetic from the factory... She is going to stay like that. I have never done synthetic on any of my bikes. Some people say synthetic will give you Hp. I don't know but I know I won't notice it... I don't think I will put synthetic on my busa...
I have 3300 miles on my K8 and have already purchased Amsoil for the next LOF which I will do in the next week or two.:thumbsup:
3,000 is the rule we use, you want to make sure everything is seated before you switch.

plus 1 but mine was a rebuild so what some others said about not mattering coming from the factory doesnt apply to my 2cents. there's my 2 cents.
THX guys for all the input,didn't know this topic would stir up a Hornets nest:laugh:did my older Busa with Amsoil after 8000+ miles,and it made a big difference in I'll stick with 2500-3000 miles,and hope
:please:that I can get that mileage in before "Stinkin'" snow arrives:laugh:
P.S.whats with the "Rookie" moniker under my username??
THX guys for all the input,didn't know this topic would stir up a Hornets nest:laugh:did my older Busa with Amsoil after 8000+ miles,and it made a big difference in I'll stick with 2500-3000 miles,and hope
:please:that I can get that mileage in before "Stinkin'" snow arrives:laugh:
P.S.whats with the "Rookie" moniker under my username??

The "rookie" moniker will change when you get to 300 posts :moon:
I did a HARD break in and dumped the oil @ 80 miles. Then @ 600 miles changed the oil and filter...the first two oil changes I used a synthetic blend. @ 2800 miles I changed the oil and filter again...went with a full synthetic and that is all she gets now :thumbsup:
I did a HARD break in and dumped the oil @ 80 miles. Then @ 600 miles changed the oil and filter...the first two oil changes I used a synthetic blend. @ 2800 miles I changed the oil and filter again...went with a full synthetic and that is all she gets now :thumbsup:
And you did this because, presumably, the very best advice is that which is pulled from your bottom?