When it rains....


The last year has been difficult for my Mom and Dad. They have been working hard to pay off any debts so they can retire. My Mom and Dad are two of my best friends. They are more important to me than anything else.

Last year my Mom had a stroke (many of you already know about this). She is doing much better, but still has her bad days. She is doing what she can to be healthy and happy.

My Dad has known about the Hodgkin Lymphoma for about two years. He decided to do nothing about it. Yesterday he had a checkup and the results were not good. He has a mass in one of his lungs and one on the inside of his nose. Friday he has two doctors appointments to get find out the extent of the damage.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

If you know someone with cancer, please convince them to seriously pursue treatment. Most cancers don't have to be a death sentence.
I hope everything works out with your dad, and tell your mom to have some fun, and for you, hang in there,things have away of working themselves out.
Man, I am sorry to hear that. We will be thinking and praying for your dad and the rest of the family.

The offer still stands if you are in the Portland area for anything. Just drop me a pm or call.
My dad had a scare a few years back with prostate cancer. Your parents get my thoughts, well wishes, and prayers.
Goin through the stroke thing with my dad right now and it's not easy on anyone. You have both in bad shape so I can only emagine what you are goin through. We can never repay our parents for all they've done for us but, Truwrecks I think you'll come really close. Hang in there man, all will work out. God bless you and all your family.
Man...my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
I thought being jobless was bad, but things like this make you thankful for being healthy.