Which rear stand do you guys use?

I have this one....

Right on!! I use the CycleCat rear and also the CycleCat front since I have a non-stock front fender. For ease of use by one person and safely lifting the bike they can't be beat. Just a little more $$ than Pit Bull and the others.  
+1 million bazillion on the Cycle Cat.  A bit more $$$ but worth every penny, I assure you.

Pretty sure there is a video floating around of yer wife using it huh?

And, the long leverage lifting handle is removable. No tripping over it.
Worth its weight in gold!
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I have a pit bull forward facing rear stand and a redline front stand.  Both a great.
I like that rear stand where did you purchase it? It looks like with that stand it would be easy to hold the bike while you put the stand up.
I have one too. Very secure to lift....but you don't get the leverage of a rear handle stand....and you have to adjust the height right (high enough to get the job done but not too high), and it still takes ALOT of force to get the bike up
And spools are a MUST
Suzuki pro stands front and rear..  
Doyel, do you have a picture of the front stand.  I have the rear and think it's the best stand, better than pitbull...
No I don't.. I'm still on the road. Its real nice though.

I'll get pics asap out to you..  
I have the Suzuki stands too. If they are the same as DR1300 they look like this.
Yep thats them.
I have this one....

Right on!! I use the CycleCat rear and also the CycleCat front since I have a non-stock front fender. For ease of use by one person and safely lifting the bike they can't be beat. Just a little more $$ than Pit Bull and the others.
+1 million bazillion on the Cycle Cat. A bit more $$$ but worth every penny, I assure you.

Pretty sure there is a video floating around of yer wife using it huh?

And, the long leverage lifting handle is removable. No tripping over it.
Worth its weight in gold!
Yup. Here it is.


<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/r-ZIO3B-zws"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/r-ZIO3B-zws" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
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I actually went to the local dealer and picked up the Vortex one.. Nice solid piece, and they had it in stock so I could wrench on the Busa right away.. It was pricey though, $120.

Got-Busa, Did you get a chance to try your pit bull front stem stand on your Gen II Stock bike ? Did the stem lift the triple tree okay or did it put too much pressure on the front light housing plastics before it even started to lift the bike at the triple tree?
So I got both my redline stands in yesterday, with Delrin rear spools/sliders. Got an awesome deal from Ian at Redline, a sponsor here if you haven't checked. Installed the spools and went to lifting her for the first time last night.

It's not so easy by yourself...

Whats the secret... I ended up taking off the rear hump and using the metal back there to hold her steady while I ever so carefully leaned her to the right and lifted her. Pucker factor was very high...

Any tips for me???
So I got both my redline stands in yesterday, with Delrin rear spools/sliders. Got an awesome deal from Ian at Redline, a sponsor here if you haven't checked. Installed the spools and went to lifting her for the first time last night.

It's not so easy by yourself...

Whats the secret...  I ended up taking off the rear hump and using the metal back there to hold her steady while I ever so carefully leaned her to the right and lifted her.  Pucker factor was very high...

Any tips for me???
Sounds like you have the technique, but need some practice. What you experienced is the reason some folks mod their hump to fit the grab rail. I know that's why I did. Just be careful and take your time.