Registered need to step out of the darkness and out into the motorcycle side of this forum....
Who really cares about politics and politicians? Do they really care about us? need to step out of the darkness and out into the motorcycle side of this forum....
Who really cares about politics and politicians? Do they really care about us?
Sexism at it's best I see....View attachment 1652171
View attachment 1652170![]()
The election is over | Politics
It’s over, Biden will be the new captain of the ship. The only thing left now is the noise, which will be healed by time. I always support and respect authority in leadership, so let’s hope for the best. Let’s hope we are not four years closer to the Chinese Yuan becoming the new
To bring it full circle... do you vote? In our country we do have a small percentage of politicians that actually do care about the people they need to step out of the darkness and out into the motorcycle side of this forum....
Who really cares about politics and politicians? Do they really care about us?
I admire and respect women that succeed ... I know a good dozen or more involved in real estate.Sexism at it's best I see....
Lot of males are intimidated by a successful woman and more so by a successful black woman....the best way to diminish her is to spread these sorts of rumors.
Hi. I also respect a woman who is successful [ I am not sure if I can day WOMAN as I am not a biallajest I guess (he she) could be a man I can not tell for sure.) I girl friend Tina ( I am sure she is a woman.) Has a MBA. I also have a Masters but it is in being stupid.I admire and respect women that succeed ... I know a good dozen or more involved in real estate.
Now Biden has topped Obama.Fraud or not, Obama is hands down the worst ever..... ever.
Well he was his VP after all. Tree & Apple.Now Biden has topped Obama.
So I'm going to be real honest here. Pre COVID I spent about 6 years making it a point to visit other countries and explore the notion of living there.At the end of the day, we all have our opinions.
If you are of the opinion that the U.S. and World governments, right down to your own home town council, have corrupt and evil people in them, out for their own gain, and that many of them, from both parties, wish to destroy the quality of life and freedoms that we have, thinking that they are somehow better than the rest of us, and exempt from what they wish to impose on us...then we are in agreement.
The solution?
Torches and pitchforks sadly no longer stand up to the technology that we would be met with.
Spread the truth? Ok, so more people catch on.
Vote out the bad guys? Yes, that always works.
"Evil prevails when good men do nothing"....agreed; but what does anyone suggest that we do to correct this?
Please don't say vote again...because I have sadly heard many say that Biden is doing a good job, and that they would vote for him again.
Remember an old saying, 'beware stupid people in numbers'.
So, as someone who is Not a negative person, I ask again; what does anyone suggest we do to correct this?
As much as I hate to say it; what can we do? Complain? Debate? Hope we 'vote in' better candidates? lol
The ship is sinking, and taking on water faster than anyone can bail it out.
So...I'm gonna ride it down...and I'm gonna ride a F**kin' wheelie right off the stern!
All the discussion, debating, and arguing is changing few to no minds.
Let it go, ride more while you still can afford gas and have the freedom to do so.
Tomorrow is promised to no one.
I love my country, but eventually every great nation falls...and this is how it starts.
Is the sky really falling?
Sure looks like it...and if it is, there's nothing I can do to stop it, so I'm not concerned...and I'm going's therapeutic...and highly recommended.
This is a fact though, not a conspiracy theory....
I don't have tiktok, but was able to view this link a friend sent me.
Cops stand around for an hour and listen to the gunfire in the elementary school, as they were afraid to go in engage the shooter(wtf!!)...and arrest parents that try to go in and stop it!!
And people wonder where conspiracy theories come from!
This is a fact though, not a conspiracy theory....
Sad there was loss of life but perhaps this event will both shed light on similar tactics and hopefully prevent these types of tactics from being used in the future....
Knowing many police officers like I have, I can almost guarantee they didn't want to be outside nor were they cowards
Sadly only time and an investigation will tell us the real situation as it unfolded.So why obey?
I'm no hero, but no way as a cop, or an armed way am I hangin out outside listening to gunfire, for an Hour, while some sick f*ck murders little children! And they Knew it!!
Then the cops have the gaul to arrest parents trying to go in!
I'de have shot the cops trying to stop me from going in! And no, that's not keyboard commando bs, that is doing the right thing while those pos 'cops' did nothing!
Orders my ass too, nobody in a position to do something had the guts to do what was right.
F*ck those cops...I hope somebody shoots them all, Every F*ckin One Of Them..Not Sorry!!!
So they're that stupid?
That cowardly?
High up orders pushing a gun agenda?
As dozens of cops cant take out one shooter?
As said, this is where conspiracy theories come from...and for good reason.
Sadly only time and an investigation will tell us the real situation as it unfolded.
As neither of us were on the ground, and not part of the process, all we are seeing and hearing is what is told to us.
I can tell you while on operations, things went on that if the public or the media got hold of it would not go well for us even though we had everything under control and knew exactly what was going on at our level.
I'm not saying it is the same in this situation but it seems there was more going on than what we are seeing. Going in after an active shooter who has potential hostages in a large building like a school seems cut and dry but it's not....the cops wouldn't know if there was more than one shooter, if the gun fire they heard was from a fire-fight with other law enforcement...there are many variables in play....variables we as the public are and were not privy to.
One of the reasons I'd never want to be a police officer....whatever they do is wrong.
I feel you....I can agree with that...but.
Gunfire in an elementary school means horrible things.
Kids are worth the risk.
An hour? There was no denial of that time either.
So why obey?
I'm no hero, but no way as a cop, or an armed way am I hangin out outside listening to gunfire, for an Hour, while some sick f*ck murders little children! And they Knew it!!
Then the cops have the gaul to arrest parents trying to go in!
I'de have shot the cops trying to stop me from going in! And no, that's not keyboard commando bs, that is doing the right thing while those pos 'cops' did nothing!
Orders my ass too, nobody in a position to do something had the guts to do what was right.
F*ck those cops...I hope somebody shoots them all, Every F*ckin One Of Them..Not Sorry!!!
So they're that stupid?
That cowardly?
High up orders pushing a gun agenda?
As dozens of cops cant take out one shooter?
As said, this is where conspiracy theories come from...and for good reason.
If I may inject....What conspiracy? And who was a part of it?