I find any full faired bike gets this cross wind push..at least the Busa has a little weight behind it...I was on a friend's R1 one time in a cross wind and it was not fun...I've got a guy I ride with that has an s1krr and a busa and when we got caught in some bad wind he was wishing he had his busa but to me it seems the busa get pushed side to side real bad by cross winds. It's the one thing that bothered me when I first got her but I've gotten used to it.
Then again, I was on my brother's BMW RT a few times and it was pushed around pretty good too.
What sucks are the wind gusts...I've had a few of them hit me when I break out into the open from the trees or deep into a corner where they try to stand me up vertical-it was a chore to stay on my line.