Who Rode Today?

Been neglecting my other Sunday rides so I gave the busa a break.

Rode a 175 mile loop thru the Park and along the Merced River Valley today. Spectacular weather! The Glacier Pt. road just opened having been closed all winter. The road up high was a lil sandy and bumpy but the 32 mile round trip is always worth it. It’s a unique feeling standing on a giant rock nearly 8,000’ high and reading the sign that says the top of the Glacier that was there during the Ice Age was a thousand feet above me. The waterfalls were running at full speed too. You’ve seen most of these before, Liberty Cap is one of the big ones I think and the other is Half Dome. Both were split by glacial activity.
Funny how the ride to work is always shorter than the ride home.
When I used to go to work my wife also worked on the base and I'd purposely leave a few minutes after her so I could catch up and blow by her....

She mentioned the other day she's never seen the Bumblebee do a high speed pass by her and if I wanted I could relive the old days and catch and pass her....maybe one day this summer I'll go out and do just that....of course this will be the exact day the cops decide to train a rookie on their laser system....

I could hear the call my wife would make to work "Yeah, I'll be late as I have to go bail out my retired husband"
Rode about 65 miles today. Have been waits to get bike tuned but as of yesterday I have to get some dental work done. Broke a tooth. However, bike ran great but is definitely rich. At 75-80 mph cruise I get about 29mpg with a +2 rear sprocket. Still fun to ride though