The impact lifted the front tire a couple inches with some harsh headshake.
I had 2 fingers on the brake anyway, and just eased on them at first impact, and immediately off after.
The second and side impact lifted the rear tire off the road several inches, and leaning right, it sent me into a 3-5 second coaster stoppie, wobbling on the front and putting me near the ditch on the opposite side of the road.
I countersteer jerked the bars and nailed the gas, it straightened out, and I stopped about a mile and a half down the road.
The radiator go pushed back, the cap knocked loose, and the right fan cage crushed against the blades.
I put a paper towel in place of the missing overflow cap and headed back, the deer was dead, I'de have shot it if need be/put it out of it's misery).
I felt very little in the intial 2 impacts, no adreniline, no raised heartbeat...just saddness, lol, this won't be cheap.
After about an hour, the soreness has kicked in(suprise).
Could always be worse.
Thank you Lord.
And, what have we learned here today?
Apparently nothing because I'm ready to go riding.