Who Rode Today?

Not sure but I read somewhere I think on this forum that someone said their TFT displayed the Falcon and wasn’t sure why it displayed.
Not sure but I read somewhere I think on this forum that someone said their TFT displayed the Falcon and wasn’t sure why it displayed.
Yeah there’s another message telling you to take a break with a bird on a branch. Pretty cool.
You were in Brooksville recently? Should meet up sometime. I was there for the little rally they put on a week or so ago. I think Crystal River HD put it on.
120 miles this afternoon
75* and sunny:beerchug:
Went on a short ride yesterday since it was in the 70s for the first time. A lot of bikes on the road. I came up on a group of Harley riders that were in the left lane going the posted speed limit. I passed on the right and as soon as I pass, they try and catch up. This seems to happen often with a group of Harley’s going slow in the left lane and getting upset when they are passed.
This game of competition driving is so prevalent these days... its not just the Harley guys... just driving a car in Socal shows us how often some people are to get ahead of you to show us how important it is to be in the lead. I applaud them by clapping my hands if I see them looking my way in the mirror.
This game of competition driving is so prevalent these days... its not just the Harley guys... just driving a car in Socal shows us how often some people are to get ahead of you to show us how important it is to be in the lead. I applaud them by clapping my hands if I see them looking my way in the mirror.
I drive a good bit for work, over 60k last year, and I see this all the time.
I love setting the cruise to just over the limit and watch people pass me as if I’m standing still only to see them lit up by a trooper a few miles up the road. That “me first” mentality gets em every time.
I drive a good bit for work, over 60k last year, and I see this all the time.
I love setting the cruise to just over the limit and watch people pass me as if I’m standing still only to see them lit up by a trooper a few miles up the road. That “me first” mentality gets em every time.
Here our main hiway has stop light on it...I often have a car pass like a rocket and watch it weave around traffic ahead (many times very dangerously) only to pull up behind it at a set of lights....as soon as those lights go green, the person punches their car to the mat and off they go......until the next light a few miles down the road.....

Once in a while you see them sitting in front of a cop car with it's lights flashing.....that's the best karma right there...
Yeah there’s another message telling you to take a break with a bird on a branch. Pretty cool.
You were in Brooksville recently? Should meet up sometime. I was there for the little rally they put on a week or so ago. I think Crystal River HD put it on.
Yes we should meet up, since I’ve had my Busa I’ve looked for other Busa’s but only seen the one I mentioned. I live 2 hours South of Brooksville but prefer the central Florida area for a half day ride. Taking the wife to our beach home in South West Florida this weekend but plan on riding back up to central Florida in a couple or few weeks.
I got in a lil over 200 miles today into Kings Canyon NP from 294’ to around 7,000’. The forecast up high was supposed to be 44 and below, 96. Well, the 96 was accurate but up high it was a balmy 61. Still, a 35 degree difference descending the mountain. Also a very fast ride outside the park. Miles and miles of orange groves line the road. Beautiful riding weather in the mountains. The evergreen scent in the air, birds chirping, giant Sequoias…:firing: Was nice. Surprised there was no snow but a couple roads inside the park were still closed. Mostly gorgeous green scenery but still evidence of fire ravaged sections. The General Grant tree is estimated to be almost 1,700 years old. And yes you can walk thru that old growth hollow log.