Who Rode Today?

I rode about 45 miles today. I stopped by the dealer and a couple other places.
I saw a lot of bikes. High 80e.





Well I am lucky to be here today, lol! In my ride yesterday I got reminded the Beemer is not a Busa! I tried a 4 car pass on a 2-lane and found myself a car short when a truck came around the corner ahead doing about 85 or 90. Just remember your first intuition should be to find an escape route and ride through a problem. If I had grabbed a hand full of brakes I probably would have been hit from behind. Funny thing is I don't think this even raised my heart rate, just another day at the office. When I looked at the video I realized just how close it was. Watch to the end!

I've been getting out for short (er) rides each day I can, usually in the morning before it gets scorching out.

Today I went to see my friend and we had a good conversation solving all the world's problems..

It was hot coming home, reminded me of Afghanistan kind of hot.