Women may ride Busa's

Well gentlemen, i can only speak for myself here.  there was a time when i couldn't go a day without reading/posting on the board.  i have learned so much from so many here at hayabusa.org and hope that i have been able to help others as well.  i have also met some pretty wonderful people here that i have forged lifelong friendships with.  i keep in touch with those folks regularly outside of .org.  and as always, i think Cap is doing a mahvelous job....

i have most recently (over past 6 mos. or so) become disenchanted with the direction the board has been taking.  it's not to say that anything is wrong here, perhaps just not to my liking anymore.  i have been offended here more times that i care to say, had nasty remarks made about pictures i have posted, had disgusting e-mails from perverts who felt the need to share their innermost ugly thoughts with me, received racially motivated hate mail....  need i go on?  i guess instead of continuously %*%^$#ing about it, i have chosen to remove myself from the situation...  

i do believe for the most part that 80% of the people here are great and have positive things to share.  but i guess it's that lowly 20% that has caused me to stray away....

i still look forward to meeting/seeing many of you at Laguna and hanging out/partying in the local Pubs braggin' about our Busa's and talking much shi^  i promise to make your trip to Cali as much fun as possible!!


damn girl. i didn't know you went through all of that... sorry that has happen to you. you are an awsome person. although we only met once at Alice's but i do look foward in riding out with you someday. take care of yourself and talk to you laters.

Well gentlemen, i can only speak for myself here.  there was a time when i couldn't go a day without reading/posting on the board.  i have learned so much from so many here at hayabusa.org and hope that i have been able to help others as well.  i have also met some pretty wonderful people here that i have forged lifelong friendships with.  i keep in touch with those folks regularly outside of .org.  and as always, i think Cap is doing a mahvelous job....

i have most recently (over past 6 mos. or so) become disenchanted with the direction the board has been taking.  it's not to say that anything is wrong here, perhaps just not to my liking anymore.  i have been offended here more times that i care to say, had nasty remarks made about pictures i have posted, had disgusting e-mails from perverts who felt the need to share their innermost ugly thoughts with me, received racially motivated hate mail....  need i go on?  i guess instead of continuously %*%^$#ing about it, i have chosen to remove myself from the situation...  

i do believe for the most part that 80% of the people here are great and have positive things to share.  but i guess it's that lowly 20% that has caused me to stray away....

i still look forward to meeting/seeing many of you at Laguna and hanging out/partying in the local Pubs braggin' about our Busa's and talking much shi^  i promise to make your trip to Cali as much fun as possible!!


Lo.........beautiful woman......beautiful bike......wish you were hangin more often so we could get to know ya better, but I certainly understand how you feel.
Maybe we'll see ya at Swan's place soon if yer gonna be up in B.C.
This is the WWW(WorldWideWeb). Everyone that can afford the internet is invited to roam freely.
AS in the "real world", there are AZZHOLES!
Please just take it in stride and move on!
  I haven't bin around here the longest . I dont think that really matters . You can figure peepull out real qwik . I've offened some here on the board . Big deal . I've bin offended too . Big deal .  See that button on the tower...PRESS IT . Problem solved .

 For lobus too "drop out" , thats a shame , most of it is just typed word . Nuthing more .  MOODS .  You know moods . Everyone gets them .    Example:   Some guy gets cut off in traffic on Monday , he wants to run em down an' kill 'em .
AN' TRIES .     Same guy Thursday . You cut him off , HE DOES N'T EVEN NOTICE . He's on his cell phone with his new girlfriend he met on TUESDAY .

     These internet weirdo's....thats different .

  I'm gonna ask Cap an' Cache.... see if there's a logical approach to situ's like this .   See if "women" , "girls" , "females", or whatever is politically correct these dayz (dont want to offend anyone) can be more annonymous here on the site .  No email. No PM's.
Just make it easier for them .   Take the logical approach .

  It's all too easy . I got this part of the world covered .
   Cache got the lower . The L.A. boyz got south of that .
  Monsta got my left .
  Rips there.
  Rev my bro...he's there .
  Ninja ,marc ,owen,big e,tree,'course the cap,Narc,...everybody...I dont haffta spell em all out .
   There's good folks here .  
 Lo got some shiddy email frm some "lo life" .   oops . hee hee. that dosent sound right .  ANYWAY .  
  20 % of the board is...shid...I don' think so, Lo .(yer quote, but no need to get defensive,seriously,there isn't)    There's the regulars . (That dosent mean they are better or worse ) just means they might be around a bit more .  
 Bottom line...if yer just a total fuggin goof , I think yer days here are numbered .  
 Capn...will toss ya .    Cache...he's everywhere,he's like fuggin GOD or sumthin' , he's all around . Dusty,the Duster, DustMite....you know...DUSTMAN .  That boy clever .

  I mean seriously .   Rev/msf/cache/etc etc etc sends me an' email , says that his wife has been sent shiddy email from someone on this site ,  they say the purp lives near you , can you help me , the fug might be some kind of weirdo .  O ya . I'm there .  I'm shuttin' them down .
 Their pc goes thru the window,followed by their body...
There's no need for B.S.   I dont think it happens all that much on this site . I really dont .

   If Lo says she cant visit here anymore because of bad emails , or gallery picture posts. Thats sad .  I've seen Cap post up address of suspected FREAKS .   I'm sure there's not a thing them boys(cap,cache,dust,ninj)  cant do on a pc . They can find 'em .  Find 'em , capture them , torture them, kill them .  hee hee hee .

   There are AZZHOLES....deal with it...or dont .

   Whichever .  

    I've said it before...I'll say it again....


 IF YER BAD...we'll keep an ............on you .
I'm with ya RSD...... well put big guy.
The board has changed since I first came here as well.  I remember how easy it was to get the LA Ride together.  A couple of posts and it was done.  Now its like going through Congress to get anything done here.  I guess disenchanted is the right word.

I hope that Laguna will change all that since I get to see Doc, Jester, Big O and Hawaii again.  Plus I get to meet a lot more of you and meeting in person can take the edge off the internet personality that gets built up in our minds sometimes.

Will be seeing all the non blu/sil busas in my rear view mirrors at Laguna.       Looking forward to meeting you all.

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Yup! We got 50 riders from all over the US and Canada to meet at the "Hills" One person rode (his bike) 1,900 miles to get there! So long Hayabusa.org
First National Meet
The site has changed alot since my first post.. but I wouldnt' say it was for the worse... it still answers every question I have, and provides alot of insight into the bike.. so it's all cool I guess...

I hate that peeps were pickin' on Lo cuz she's cool.. (she is a raider fan afterall!! haha) It seems most females kinda get singled out on motorcycle websites... mainly cuz they are somewhat unique ya know.. plus hey... what dude wouldn't want a hottie who owned her own busa?

anyway.. just rambling.
Your right. I still look twice when I see a woman on a bike. I think it's so cool. My girlfriend the other night kept saying "why do you keep saying that one is a girl?" when we went to a Thursday night bike thingy in Minneapolis and I said it's because I respect that so much. Whew, long sentence.

LoBusa, don't give up on us. Just tell us who is bothering you and as a family we can all deal with it.

I want everyone who wants to ride to be able to. I don't care if they want to ride scooters, still two wheels and you have to remember Quadrofinea (sp?) and the Mods.

Your right.  I still look twice when I see a woman on a bike.  I think it's so cool.  My girlfriend the other night kept saying "why do you keep saying that one is a girl?" when we went to a Thursday night bike thingy in Minneapolis and I said it's because I respect that so much.  Whew, long sentence.

LoBusa, don't give up on us.  Just tell us who is bothering you and as a family we can all deal with it.

I want everyone who wants to ride to be able to.  I don't care if they want to ride scooters, still two wheels and you have to remember Quadrofinea (sp?) and the Mods.

Yep....women on bikes.......gets me every time......than there's LO....... not just another woman on a bike.......a woman on a Busa that rivals any bike on this site.
Extremely cool!!!!!!!
YES THINGS HAVE CHANGED. iT IS HARDER TO GET TOGETHER, BUT THAT IS A GOOD THING. THERE IS JUST A LOT MORE OF US. Now the other snikey stuff I hope will just stay away. Make sure we treat the women of this board with respect.
Sorry to see you go Hank. I hope everyone else will feel your loss to the board. I hope you continue to come and visit.

Marc "Howlin Mad"
Well Im willing to go places this summer for riding, since well I dont have anyone to ride with until my fiancee has a bike
I really wish you'd be around more Lo, but I can't blame you.

If I had to put up with crap like that I'd want to stay away too. Do come and visit us once in a while though, won't you?

Can't wait for Laguna!
Sorry to see you go Hank.  I hope everyone else will feel your loss to the board.  I hope you continue to come and visit.

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Thanks for the kind word. Maybe I look you up if I ever get to Cali.....

As far as Woman being treated diff - not on other sites I vist. It was just some wacko going after Lo...
Sorry to see you go Hank.  I hope everyone else will feel your loss to the board.  I hope you continue to come and visit.

Marc "Howlin Mad"

Thanks for the kind word. Maybe I look you up if I ever get to Cali.....

As far as Woman being treated diff - not on other sites I vist. It was just some wacko going after Lo...[/QUOTE]
Hank is right you know... its not us/.org with the problem, it is one or a few fuggin psychos. I don't know what numbnutz did that crap to Lo for the last time, but its not right. AND should be brought to justice... getting his/her ass kicked by the princess herself!
Well Hell...I remember Lo's Post a few weeks ago but I missed all of this. I suppose there is allways good with the bad...I got my own little hassle here but you know what? I love this place, it's the only reason I have a 2002 LE, and I appreciate that. Every question I have had has been answered and has proven invaluable.

As for having a hard time getting a group together? I am thinking that it may have some to do with the current economic situation as much as anything else. I know it's been rough on a lot of folks out there, they may just not be able to go...I WOULD LOVE TO GO TO Laguna man that would be sweet...But I cannot afford the time off, there is just no way.

IT's a shame that the ladies get hassled... Just plain messed up because they definatly add some much needed class and perspective to the .org.

Good luck Hank...Take care.

Well gentlemen, i can only speak for myself here.  there was a time when i couldn't go a day without reading/posting on the board.  i have learned so much from so many here at hayabusa.org and hope that i have been able to help others as well.  i have also met some pretty wonderful people here that i have forged lifelong friendships with.  i keep in touch with those folks regularly outside of .org.  and as always, i think Cap is doing a mahvelous job....

i have most recently (over past 6 mos. or so) become disenchanted with the direction the board has been taking.  it's not to say that anything is wrong here, perhaps just not to my liking anymore.  i have been offended here more times that i care to say, had nasty remarks made about pictures i have posted, had disgusting e-mails from perverts who felt the need to share their innermost ugly thoughts with me, received racially motivated hate mail....  need i go on?  i guess instead of continuously %*%^$#ing about it, i have chosen to remove myself from the situation...  

i do believe for the most part that 80% of the people here are great and have positive things to share.  but i guess it's that lowly 20% that has caused me to stray away....

i still look forward to meeting/seeing many of you at Laguna and hanging out/partying in the local Pubs braggin' about our Busa's and talking much shi^  i promise to make your trip to Cali as much fun as possible!!


Well Lo, you will always be regarded as the "Queen Bee" around this here board. No disrespect for the other lady members, but Lo was one of the so-called "first responders." I agree with much that you have said Lo and I respect your wishes. Still miss you coming in here back and forth on a regular and sharing your insights. Board just doesn't feel the same without the ladies. Just remember that I've got mad love for all you ladies even though I may have been in that 20% you were referring to
