You have got to be kiddin me...


The Shaver Immortal
Donating Member
Looks like we got some issues. I'm about two inches away from breakin out da big-azz mo-fuggin HAMMER....

Bike won't start...which is particularly odd, since it was just Saturday afternoon that she ran.

She'll turn over, but won't maintain idle. She'll cough and sputter...then the engine will seem like it's gonna start, but then she cuts off. No error code coming from the gauges, fuel pump works. Fuses are fine...checked them last nite. Starter relay is least, last I checked. Don't think I did anything to mess it up.

I removed the fuel filter from the pump... installed an external one. Perhaps it's a fuel starvation issue? I dunno. Sounds ok to me...although, I could be wrong. I can post up pics of the set-up later this evening if need be.

So yah...that's the jist of it. It's like she just won't catch fire...won't maintain idle an stuff. Even if I open the throttle a little bit, it still won't fire up. Last time I checked, the plugs have spark, so I don't think it's that.

Can anyone offer any insight? Pleease?  
it might have fouled the plugs, mine was acting pretty much the same and it had fouled the plugs.
Check the plugs , just to make sure . Always 3 parts .....air , fuel , fire .
plugs looked fine the last time...I dunno why they would be fouled now. Guess I'll hafta pull the tank and check again.

I'm thinkin it could be fuel starvation, but how? Lines are free of kinks, pump seems to be workin fine.

ECM shouldn't be defective...was working fine when Busafever was using it (came off of his 99).

Could it be possible that the pump is not puttin out enough PSI? And if the plugs are gettin fouled, what would be the cause of this? Bad igniter/coil? Wiring? I checked the plugs coupla weeks ago...had spark.

Ooooh shiiiiiiit......... *(@*#$)&@*#^$)(!*@^$#

Pleeeease dont' tell me that loss of compression is a possiblity! DAMNIT!!! WTF is that damn crying emotion?!?!?! *Sob*
Ooooh shiiiiiiit......... *(@*#$)&@*#^$)(!*@^$#

Pleeeease dont' tell me that loss of compression is a possiblity! DAMNIT!!!  WTF is that damn crying emotion?!?!?! *Sob*
I meant your vaccum line coming off the air box. This will cause the bike to stall after you start it. You did say that it wont stay running, right ? And here somthing else for ya I thought I would add.

hrmm....that's an idea too, Rythm-nator. Just gotta get the right tool to measure the output.

This poor 'ol bumpkin's gonna hafta sella shidload of me island chickens to get that money. Damn...
No worries, Pimpn, leave the chickenz alone, just snag a measureing cup from your wifez Kitchen tool shack.  


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ooouuch, playa....that's some heavy-duty stuff right there. Well, at least the tappets and the valve clearance and stuff. That's startin to get out of my domain.

Mebbe the gaps are too wide on the plugs? Perhaps I can try pushin 'em down closer.
ooouuch, playa....that's some heavy-duty stuff right there. Well, at least the tappets and the valve clearance and stuff. That's startin to get out of my domain.

Mebbe the gaps are too wide on the plugs? Perhaps I can try pushin 'em down closer.
Guess we'll all know in a few if it your plugs. JD (Iceman) had a similar problem a few years ago. After he replaced his plugz it fired right up.
ooouuch, playa....that's some heavy-duty stuff right there. Well, at least the tappets and the valve clearance and stuff. That's startin to get out of my domain.

Mebbe the gaps are too wide on the plugs? Perhaps I can try pushin 'em down closer.
Guess we'll all know in a few if it your plugs.  JD (Iceman) had a similar problem a few years ago. After  he replaced his plugz it fired right up.
hmm...the plugs are new. Damn lousy-azz $10 a pop laser iridiums.

They can go iridium on my azz. They be shiddy plugs if they gonna cost that much and give out so soon.
And are they a resistor type plug ?

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It should have a R labeled on the white part of the plug, indicating its a resistor type plug. I was told this by the parts person when I stressed that I need the plug to be a R type NGK plug.