My review after 950 miles on my first busa

Me - I want more power

You all - ZOMG He thinks he is the best rider ever!! What is his problem, the stock power is enough!! He is young, that explains his arrogance. He is so cocky, he is bound to wreck and kill himself!! Just wait till he goes around the twisties and gets raped by lower cc bikes!

Seriously wtf?

You haven't mastered the power that you have.

When you take your Busa to the track (Straight line) 1/8 mi, 1/4 mile.

The bike has the ability to run 1/4 mile in the high 9's / low 10's at better than 140+ MPH.

Until you learn to do that more power ain't gonna help you.

With this awesome learning curve you should be able to do this in about 2 runs.

With all this learning ability on dirt bikes and street bikes you should be famous by your third run.

Good luck and Gods Speed
I HAVE gone WOT in first gear. However I HAVE to let off around 6k rpm otherwise it will go skyward if I stay in throttle!! If you have a solution to this problem please let me know... and NO I do not want an extended swing arm

You keep saying you've mastered the bike and are ready for more power, yet you also keep saying that you can't handle the power you have. If you had mastered the bike, and mastered the power you have then you would have figured out how to keep the front end down on a hard 1st gear pull.... Period. End of story. Case closed. So until you come in here and can HONESTLY say that you've gone all the way out in 1st gear without wussing out due to the front wheel coming up because you don't know how to control it. . . . . You haven't mastered the bike or its power. You ARE arrogant, you ARE cocky, and if you want people to think differently then you need to stop acting that way.

And because you keep using it improperly and no one else has done so, let's take a trip through The Synonym Finder by J. I. Rodale, shall we? Overconfident: adj. 1: Cocksure, dead certain, too certain, arrogant, brazen, audacious, impertinent, swaggering, blustering, inf. Pushy, bumptious, self-assertive, self-assured, self-assuming, imperious, over-bearing, egotistic, lofty, inf. toplofty, condescending, vainglorious, conceited, high-and-mighty, pompous, self-important....This next one is soooo appropriate it's not even funny...... riding for a fall,

2: brash, hasty, prcipitate, pell-mell, impetuous, impulsive, unrestrained, ungoverned, head-over-heels, reckless, risky, incautious, careless, unwary.

3: foolhardy, harebrained, thoughtless, regardless, careless, shortsighted, daring, spontaneous, unpremeditated, injudicious, unwise, ill-considered, ill-advised, impolitic, indiscreet.
i have ridden and owned plenty of bikes, raced worked 1ks on a track for a while....i would def recomend getting her on a track if u really want to know what shes about, i have just myself picked up a 09 busa....i have less than 600 miles on her and she is bone stock and iam still impressed not just on the pure power but the handling capability of her is just as currently undergoing a build for her, however im not building it for more serious speed like that, maybe some gear work in that dept of mods...becarefull on it, they are one wicked 8!atch.
You haven't mastered the power that you have.

When you take your Busa to the track (Straight line) 1/8 mi, 1/4 mile.

The bike has the ability to run 1/4 mile in the high 9's / low 10's at better than 140+ MPH.

Until you learn to do that more power ain't gonna help you.

With this awesome learning curve you should be able to do this in about 2 runs.

With all this learning ability on dirt bikes and street bikes you should be famous by your third run.

Good luck and Gods Speed

Not to steal you thunder here bud but here's my review of the Busa after 1300 miles 1. this is one of the fastest machines on planet earth bar none with that comes a big responsibility knowing your limits as the bike can be as tame as a kitten or as ferocious as a rabid mountain lion.2 to all the people that say the Busa is a str8 line bike they do not know what they are talking about. it handles great especially when the whale dongs fall off:laugh:.I'am far from bored with mine and I doubt I will ever be considering the more you ride the better you get better rider === better riding experience.

As far as being bored with it I don't understand how you can be unless you just bought it for the speed aspect of it if thats the case go ahead and get it unrestricted take a good life insurance policy out tell your family you love them then go find a place where you can twist the throttle until you are not bored :whistle:
23 years old???
I have a pair of riding boots older than that. LOL!

Like the late Lewis Grizzard used to say, "I am smarter now than ever before, except for one time when I knoew everything."
I've waited a while before making comments on this post. Mainly to see what others might suggest or offer. I don't personally know you,........but from the things that you have written,...........I've had close dealings with people much like you. Don't be offended by the many comments,.......whether good or bad. But do absorb the wisdom that comes from the many years of riding. The combined "wisdom" on this board is staggering. You can do one of two things: Listen and apply what you have learned,.........or end up like an associate of mine. 6 guys go out for a 1 hour ride during lunch,.........5 guys return. (True story..............and yes,........he lived,........but totally the bike!) REMEMBER,............we must all be Padawans before we can be Jedi Masters!!!!:thumbsup:
I respect all the comments from this thread, whether good or bad. If I was an older guy like most of you and some guy came in saying he wants more power on the worlds fastest bike, I would probably fire back with what everybody is saying....

So anyways all is well, thanks for the input everybody, in life there is always room for more learning and I stilll have more to learn on this incredible bike :thumbsup:

....Despite my awesome learning curve :rofl: ;)
Learn to use all the power the bike has, then you can justify seeking more. If you've not tickled the limiter in 1st through 3rd on the stock bike then you're just thowing away your hard earned money on something you won't use. That front wheel lifting at 6K in 1st isn't from a headwind forcing it up, the bike is perfectly stable at everything indicated on the speedometer.

Play with the sprockets if you want, but I think you'll find that wheel lifting sooner. The power is there, applied to abruptly it'll either pull the nose up or lightup the rear.
Have fun learning to manage it in a controlled environment. Public roadways are no place for playing. :rulez:
When you can, run it at the track and see how it does.. may have a fuel map problem or something.. you may have some more hp in her.. have you raced any fast bikes? Take it out to your local track!! Great way to max out your bike and SKILLS :bowdown:
This is alot of power for that chasis - but do the math the weight to HP is greater on the Busa

230 lbs / 55 = 4.18 lbs for each HP (dirt bike)

600 lbs / 197 = 3.04 lbs for each HP (Hayabusa)

The 450 creates a lot more across the power band, unlike the busa where you only feel the power kick in around 6k. Yes the busa has more horsepower but you feel the horsepower a lot more on a 450 because there is a ton at low rpm.
The 450 creates a lot more across the power band, unlike the busa where you only feel the power kick in around 6k. Yes the busa has more horsepower but you feel the horsepower a lot more on a 450 because there is a ton at low rpm.

Rider experience being equal the 450 will 0-60MPH just as quick as the Busa.
Not quicker than the Busa, just as quick.
Run the 450 past 60MPH and run the Busa past 60 and when you compare this it looks like you let off the throttle of the dirt bike.

The 450 will have a more consistent pull throughout the RPM range. And its peak will be lower in the RPM range.

Pull some specs on both bikes and look at 1000 RPM increments at the HP/Torque.

Once again the 450 is a powerful machine, but not even close to the Busa as far as HP/Torque. And the difference in the power to weight ratio is significantly to the advantage of the Busa.