Pathetic women...

These stories are a dime a dozen...

Women get the home, the alimony, the car, the kids, the retirement, the boyfriend. Men get a hotplate and a room in someones house with visitation every other weekend, chaperoned of course.

Seen it so many times
...and dont't forget how easy it is to get thrown in jail. Just one call by a woman and a man goes to the slammer. It's that easy!!
I don't under stand some of the child support decisions judges make too. My friend has 50/50 split custody of his two kids yet he still pays child support and is responsible for paying 100% of health/dental premiums. If the children split there time evenly no child support should be paid and the rest of the costs should be spread evenly. He even has to cover all the costs of stuff like new school clothes and braces. Why.... Just because his cheating ex wife is a girl??? I'm just sick and tired of hear woman are equal I'm everything except when it come to child support and alimony! Then its this poor woman can't care for herself and her children.
I don't under stand some of the child support decisions judges make too. My friend has 50/50 split custody of his two kids yet he still pays child support and is responsible for paying 100% of health/dental premiums. If the children split there time evenly no child support should be paid and the rest of the costs should be spread evenly. He even has to cover all the costs of stuff like new school clothes and braces. Why.... Just because his cheating ex wife is a girl??? I'm just sick and tired of hear woman are equal I'm everything except when it come to child support and alimony! Then its this poor woman can't care for herself and her children.

Oh, don't get me started on the topic of child support! Watching so many men get run in to the ground by a vindictive woman (NOT looking out for the children, but herself) made me decide some hard and fast rules during my divorce. He lives his life, I live mine, he gets the boys one week, I get them the next (equal time with both parents IS important)...there are no child support payments, no alimony, we split assets and we do share the bigger expenses for our boys like braces, medical, etc. The only thing I did ask for was that my ex continue to cover the boys with his medical insurance. If I changed it to mine, it would have cost 4x more. He agreed to that and we got on with our separate lives.

Ask Omar how child support has worked for him...OMG, you would not believe the crap...and he's not alone; I know far too many, here on the oRg, that have to fight just for the right to see their children. I am the first to stand up and say men ARE mistreated by the system, time and time again, and that oftentimes, the moms they're left with are not caring for their kids the way that they should, they're NOT trying to work and provide for themselves and their kids. They are milking a system they KNOW works in their favor, just waiting for the free ride each month. It's all about the almighty $ and any woman dragging her ex through hell and back is lying if they say otherwise. It's never about the kids, or what's right and's nothing but selfishness :banghead:

See, I shouldn't have even started! :laugh:
That's why you never let em leave.
Folks just notice you have really well fed turtles in your lake....:whistle:

i had to put her, six feet under, and i can still hear her complain
i knew i'd miss her, so i had to keep her she's buried right in my back yard
she *****ed so much. she drove me nuts, and now i'm happier this way

Guns N' Roses had it right :thumbsup:
i had to put her, six feet under, and i can still hear her complain
i knew i'd miss her, so i had to keep her she's buried right in my back yard
she *****ed so much. she drove me nuts, and now i'm happier this way

Guns N' Roses had it right :thumbsup:

I love that song :rofl:
Love makes a man do crazy things. A man has to be very crazy to get married. Then sometimes when things like this happen a man can go even crazier and when he does try not to be in the line of fire..:poke:
Oh boy, here comes the marriage bashers again.. :banghead:

Why can't we all just talk about vaginas and have a happy Friday? :dunno:

Just please, let's not talk about Vabs vagina.. :down:
Probably for sure she owns at least one thing that's pink.
Lends it to Omar from time to time but its still hers.