2024 Pashnit Touring on a Hayabusa


Fall colors


Kinney Reservoir at the 8300 ft level

Gorgeous! I can’t decide which direction I prefer to ride over the passes. You sort of get a two for one pass deal riding 89 from 395 west over the ‘hill’ all the way. Before you know it, 4 offers another mile and a half high mountain pass to cross. Same heading east on 4, right after its summit you turn onto 89 and yet another high summit before getting to 395. Also, the east side (bottom) of the Sierras is still well over a mile high. The west ‘bottom’ like where I live is only a half mile in elevation.
I was real close to the tiny mountain town of Railroad Flat

Railroad Flat Rd is a single lane mountain road that descends into a canyon, fun stuff!



I hadn't back here in years. This was the same hairpin corner I got hit head on by a truck while riding my Z1000 back in 2015, almost 10 years ago.

Odd sensation to come back here. Same corner. Everything is exactly the same, even 10 years later. Deja Vu sensations. Ten years ago, I came around this blind corner and this truck was on the wrong side of the road. Nowhere to go but I swerved & missed his front bumper by about four inches with the front tire. But he was on the wrong side of the road and there wasn't enough room; he hit me head on. The front of the truck hit the bike with me on it. My knee went through the headlight. I always used to shoe polish my riding boots & leather jacket before every ride (it's a Marine Corps thing) and the truck had streaks of shoe polish on the hood.


The black on the bumper is paint from the motor of my bike. The Z1000 was totaled & the kid was found at fault. He also had no plates, no registration, and no insurance. I was a hauled off to the emergency room in Angels Camp & the doc in the ER got real excited about something called Compartment Syndrome which was a term I had never heard of.


Do not recommend getting hit head on. The armor in my leathers saved my knee, but the bumper of the truck impacted me directly on my shin causing extreme swelling. No armor on that part of the leathers. My leg swelled up so much I couldn't get my boot on & I had a motorcycle tour group to lead in 14 days. On the tenth day, the swelling went down just enough I could get my riding boots on & I led the next tour 14 days after the accident on a borrowed motorcycle. I was so mad about the kid totaling my super awesome Z1000, I bought another Z1000, the same exact bike in Minnesota and shipped it myself to California.

Central Coast Motorcycle Tour

This is the 21st year I have offered this organized motorcycle tour based around the twisty roads in the Central California Coast Range.
I first offered an organized tour of the Central Coast Range in 2004. A lifetime ago. My oldest was a toddler back then & she's about to graduate from college. Things were a bit different back then. First time I offered this tour, I invited a few Bay Area biker friends so the pictures would (appear to) have some people in them. Getting a tour business off the ground would take time.

The very first Central Coast Pashnit Tour in 2004 - a lifetime ago.

Many years ago, I had just one person show up for this tour. One! That actually happened twice after everyone else cancelled. I didn't care though, I was going riding and things slowly improved. 21 years later, I'm 95% repeat business on these tour. I get a few new riders each year, but the majority of my tour participants ride between 3-9 tours per year with me (of 17 to choose from).

This crew was a veteran group of all Pashnit Tour Alumni all eager to ride and all smiles upon seeing each other once more.
But our sweeper Mark wasn't here. He’s in Morocco riding on the other side of the globe with IMT Tours.

On the bike at 4:30 am for the early-morning ride down to the SF Bay Area to the meet spot. We meet all over the state for these motorcycle tours - this ride starts on the southern edge of the San Francisco Bay Area. That mileage.... I got this bike less than two years ago with 1000 miles on it. :D

Reaching San Miguel for fuel & eats are right across the street. Convenient.

Then I notice this.


Mike & the Picture of Shame. Thankfully, we're near Paso Robles, one of the largest towns on the Central inland Coast. We sent Mike off in the middle of the day to go find a tire. He made some calls during our lunch stop and was able to find a shop that would swap out a tire in the middle of our tour day on his H2. He was back with us in record time.


The Picture of Shame is a time honored tradition. Here's my buddy Chad with his Picture of Shame.
