A little video to get you talking

I don't think I'm crazy(apparently most crazies don't:laugh:)but I firmly belive based upon my own experiences that there is more going on than the masses belive. As I said before, somebody is flying around in unconventional aircraft. The 2 seasons of Acient Aliens on the History channel is something that I find Fascinating. Do I belive it all? No. Do I think some of it is hard to deny? Yes. UFOs in the sky are in many rennasance paintings. There are South American ruins of Diarite stone that fit with perfect precision. Using mathematics centuries advanced to there carbon dating. Diarite is the 2nd hardest stone on Earth, only second to the diamond. Therefore these stones had to be cut with a diamond tipped saw or something unknown...by people supposedly just out of the stoneage.
There are countless unexplainable examples. A tribe in Africa that are so primative and pointing to a star(planet) in the Plaetes constellation that they say their gods came from. This was though to be nonsense until the Hubble telescope discovered that there really is a star or planet in that constellation just like they said, because it can't be seen with the naked eye! These people are speer chuckers, they no nothing about the modern world.
When Wernher Von Braun(One of the most famous german scientists pardoned to work for the U.S. after WWII who became chief scientist and head of N.A.S.A) was asked were Germany got it's huge leap in technology during WWII, he is quoted to have seriously said "We were helped by people from other worlds." Hard to belive? Sure, but it makes you wonder.
Bottom line, the version of history accepted by the masses that the pyramids were built with ropes and wooden levers(which for some strange reason can't be duplicated today) and Christopher Columbus discovered America...it's BS.
Am I a conspirecy theorist saying that the lizard people have taken over our government? No. Is there holes in the story of what's really going on and what technology mankind's elite really posess? Yes.
As I said, the truth is stranger than fiction.
What is interesting to me is the technology that could be used...so many things could be made that are unmanned both in the air and underwater that are unidentifiable to the public. It is intriguing to see the gold airplane shaped pieces that were found at a Mayan site, of which somebody made a scaled up model and the flew well.
What is interesting to me is the technology that could be used...so many things could be made that are unmanned both in the air and underwater that are unidentifiable to the public. It is intriguing to see the gold airplane shaped pieces that were found at a Mayan site, of which somebody made a scaled up model and the flew well.

Wasn't it just?! Truly amazing. I also belive mankinds elite has knowledge of clean, renuable, unlimited energy too. But that doesn't make any profit for big oil, which in a nutshell, really runs the world. Take the oil away and what happens? So whoever has it, wins.
im just a little weirded out by that...however.If they want me they GOTTA catch me on the busa first! Good luck with that e.t. !!!!!!
thats just Tony Stark and a couple of his friends :laugh:

Not Buzz, Glen Cooper and few others.:poke:

Yeah, I went and watched one by Cooper... Interesting. Initially I would think it is the aforementioned pannel like Buzz was talking about, but then again, Cooper has actually been in space and I havent, so I dunno...

I guess another main issue I have with UFO's is that I have never personally seen one. I saw a weather balloon once, looked like a UFO, did some searching and it was indeed a weather balloon being flown in the area. If I see anything nearly as incredible as the things depicted in the OP's video, I will be more inclined to agree. But no one I have ever talked to has ever seen anything like this, aside from TV/youtube. So I would think its some good video editing/photoshop skills on someone's part.

Go back 500 years and the Earth was mandated my the catholic church to be the center of the universe, with eloquent equations to explain and predict the looping orbits of the plannets. Only a handfull of people believed the Sun was the center.

What's fact and what's fiction is mostly dictated by the basic assumptions you make.

1) Fixed.


2) (bold) Yeah, thus is the nature of science. We are constantly improving it. While in the earlier times, we may be way off , and completely wrong at times, over years we refine and refine or theories and equations so that we can better describe our environment. While the future may easily prove me wrong, I believe we are getting fairly accurate.
Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated!

That video was kinda freaky and it has me scared to go outside right now.
The news orgs have the UFO in Jerusalem from four different views so I don't see how anyONE person could edit or fake the sighting? The video where you can hear the girl talking 'omg' with the three balls coming down then like a flame trail in what looks like a falling comet then all three level off and fly away? Weird!
Glen Cooper claims to have seen a craft land on a runway where they were filming test flights of jets in the 50's, and in the daytime. When the film crew ran towards it, it took off. He says he only got to look at the negatives of the film before it was handed off to higher authority.
Unbeliveable? The man's got credentials.
Why am I so interested in all of this? Well, here goes. First of all I'm a Christian and Nothing will every change that(that's strike one against me for alot of folks...not that I care)
Second, I have seen things like in that video on several occasions with my own eyes. No, not jets or helicopters, or whatever you want to call it, but genuine unidentifiable flying objects. Little green men from space? Who knows, but definately unconventional aircraft and or unexplainable phenomenon. Seeing is beliving. To every else, I'm just a liar or a crazy. The fact that our military admits it has technology 25+ years ahead of the general public should be defense enough. That they(and who knows who else) are flying craft that cannot be identified or explained by anyone who's not directly "In the Know".
I see alot of military aircraft where I live. I occasionally see high altitude black jets at extremely high speed after sundown against blueish sky before most stars are visible. Here's the kicker, they have no lights, no beacons, nothing(these are not the conventional fighters I'm used to seeing). Am I crazy? Maybe, and if I am...it sure is fun. Anyone who would like to disregard me as a storyteller, crazy, internet idiot, or the like, that's fine. This is simply my take on this subject. I have been fortunate enough in my life to be around and meet several brilliant minds. As well as see things in daylight and night that I cannot explain or have explained under conventional knowledge. I was not alone during all of these either. If I had photos to disprove my now percieved lunacy they too could/would be written off as explainable or a hoax as so many of these sadly are.
I'm not here to debate with people who don't belive that there is in fact something to all of this, that is a losing battle that I don't care to fight. I simply enjoy intelligent conversation on the "what ifs?". There is plenty from the past still here today that cleary proves that there is incredible technology that has been lost. It is clear to me that someone still has it.
I'm going to bed, goodnight, and I look forward to intelligent response as well as some good old fashioned "you're a freakin idiot", after all, I get that often as a wheelie ridin hooligan. As you laugh at me too, just remember...it sure is fun to be nuts!:laugh:
Is it really that hard to believe that we are a Primitive Race of People to the Outside World. Our Technology seems State of the Art to us but come on.......We can't even get along as a WORLD so why would you think these Other Worlds would WANT to talk to us. Simple Common Sense and Logic leads me to believe there are others OUT THERE !!

We are Just Not Ready :rulez:
bending space and wormholes are sci-fi.

The theory of wormholes (if I am correct in my recollection) came from the discovery of black holes. It was thought that maybe at the center of a black hole a wormhole exists that takes you elsehwere, because they couldnt explain where all this matter (and the light itself) was going. It seemed to 'disapear'... Well all a black hole is, is a massive chunk of stuff... It is a star that ran out of energy. Essentially stars are ballancing acts. You have the gravity of all the material pulling towards the center, and the energy from the fuel reacting pushing outwards. When the fuel runs out, it collapses as theres nothing pushing outwards anymore. So its the same mass, just in a very very small area. There is no 'hole' at all. The interesting aspects of black holes come when you get extremely close to them, as gravity is a square function of distance, so it gets stronger and stronger the closer you get, to the point that not even light can escape. Everything is still there, it hasnt gone anywhere. This is where it was all going, and thus, there is no such thing as a wormhole, stable or unstable.

As for folding space, we have no reasoning to back this up. Again, just a theory. The theory came from Einstein's theory that gravity is due to mass displacing the fabric of space and time. So if you think about it, a planet is like a bowling ball sitting on a sheet. It presses down and makes a dent around it. Well this happens with space and time around all object, and there is a larger deflection around bigger objects. Now while one could theoretically make the connection that if large objects can displace it, one may be able to control this somehow, right? Well to even make a displacement the size of a planet takes a massive ammount of force (i.e. the weight of the entire planet). Think about how much force you would have to generate to displace the entire space time 'fabric' of the whole universe... When in reality, the size of a planet to the universe is like the size of a germ to the planet Earth...

Faster than light travel is likely in our future, as Dr. Alcubierre's theory shows. Below is a Wikipedia link and you can search out his peer reviewed theory elsewhere on the net. The bottom line is, although impossible for us to produce the kind of power needed for FTL travel (currently), it doesn't mean another species hasn't attained that already. But I tend to agree with Stephen Hawking, that if a superior being decides to visit, it likely won't go well for us.

As for the video and any chance of any alien contact here in our recent past, I say hogwash......distant past or future, different conversation.

Miguel Alcubierre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's something to wrap your brains around. This is building on the phone conversation as well as some of the videos.

"Extra terrestrials" are beings from another dimension whom have taken an interest in our dimension for who knows why. They far exceed us in every way and in essence "created" us and our dimension. They are the creators of the religions of our planet from a more primitive times to give us clues about their existence and where we actually came from until one day we put it all together. They are essentially our god(s).

Just figured I'd tie religion and science together to give both sides something to discuss.

DISCLAIMER: This in no way reflects my religious beliefs or any other views I have.
The one from California at around 7 minutes into the video. There is a TV show called faked or fake paranormal files. I don't think it was the exact same video, but they did research and proved that one that was very similar, the big solid piece that broke into three into a triangle shape and hovered was indeed a group of skydivers with flares tied to their feet. Free fell together then broke into that shape and pulled shoots and that's where the hovering effect came from. With a little more research it was determined that yes it was a military group doing training missions. I do believe their is something unbelievable to us out in space. But it is truly hard to distinguish between what is fake and what is real. If you study each event and there is no possible way to recreate it then your left with something unidentifiable and unexplainable.
1) Fixed.


2) (bold) Yeah, thus is the nature of science. We are constantly improving it. While in the earlier times, we may be way off , and completely wrong at times, over years we refine and refine or theories and equations so that we can better describe our environment. While the future may easily prove me wrong, I believe we are getting fairly accurate.

You didn't fix #1 by changing science to the church. While the church came up with the basic assumption the Earth was the center, their science came up with the proof of it based on that assumption.

#2 Flawed initial assuptions lead to flawed conclusions. They thought they were getting fairly accurate 500 years ago too.
The universe is so damn massive its incomprehensible.

That is not a fact. The size of the Universe is unknown. We don't know whether it is finite or infinite, and there is no way to prove either one.

In any case, the dimensions of the Universe have no bearing on whether or not life exists on other planets.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is life elsewhere but I do not believe it has ever reached Earth. The sheer distances involved make it unlikely, nor do I believe that a species sufficiently advanced as to be capable of interstellar travel would then keep crashing into deserts.

I do believe in UFOs...that is to say, "Unidentified, Flying Objects". - That is all they are: objects that are flying, which are not recognised. That doesn't mean they are extraterrestrial in origin. When an RAF pilot saw an early SR-71 while he was on patrol, he called it in and described a black aircraft unlike anything he'd seen, that flew away from him at more than Mach 3, leaving an exhaust trail that looked like balls of fire. No-one believed him and he was told that he was imagining it. Then, many years later, the existence of the SR-71 was made known and his story was vindicated. The point being that there is almost certainly a huge number of experimental aircraft being flown all over the world. Just because you don't recognise it, or it has flight characteristics unlike any aircraft you've previously seen, doesn't mean it wasn't built here on Earth.
1) Glen Cooper claims to have seen a craft land on a runway where they were filming test flights of jets in the 50's, and in the daytime. When the film crew ran towards it, it took off. He says he only got to look at the negatives of the film before it was handed off to higher authority.
Unbeliveable? The man's got credentials.

2) Why am I so interested in all of this? Well, here goes. First of all I'm a Christian and Nothing will every change that(that's strike one against me for alot of folks...not that I care)

3) Second, I have seen things like in that video on several occasions with my own eyes. No, not jets or helicopters, or whatever you want to call it, but genuine unidentifiable flying objects. Little green men from space? Who knows, but definately unconventional aircraft and or unexplainable phenomenon. Seeing is beliving. To every else, I'm just a liar or a crazy.

4) The fact that our military admits it has technology 25+ years ahead of the general public should be defense enough. That they(and who knows who else) are flying craft that cannot be identified or explained by anyone who's not directly "In the Know".

1) Yeah, I saw that video... Not entirely sure what I think about it. Because yeah, he is a credible expert, but on the other hand, he is relating 2nd hand information (thus third hand once it reaches us) with no actual proof... "yeah there was a video, but it was never seen again"... So Im not calling anyone a liar, but you played the telephone game when you were a kid, right?

2) No problem there... religious people can be equally insane as non-religious people :laugh: ... But in all seriousness, I got no problem with it as long as you arent that dude standing around at my college campus, holding signs and spewing closed-minded ignorant hate... Those are the only religious people I got a problem with.

3) Yeah, I suppose this is where you and I differ the most. Seeing is believing, and other than that weather balloon I saw, (which looked cool enough to make a UFO video, but was just that; a weather balloon) I have never really seen anything unbelievable, or unexplainable. Maybe if I ever do see something like whats in OP's vid I will change my mind. But as of now, I am still convinced that most of these sightings are either fake, or just not understood. For example, the parachuters as explained above. That makes perfect sense, because at night you wouldnt see the people, you wouldnt see the chutes, you would just see the glowing. Which is why it could easily be called a UFO from the ground... I believe a lot of these are also experimental military aircraft being tested, which brings me to my next point:

4) This is by far the most interesting thing to me... The military is ages ahead of what we see today. The stealth planes/bombers were under development and testing for many many years before the public had any idea of it... By the time the public had any knowledge of the planes, they were getting ready to retire them from service! I have no doubt that a lot of these ufo sightings are just experimental military vehicles (whether manned or unmanned). Thats what a lot of the UFO sightings in the 50's and 60's were, is the initial tests of the stealth planes. The side-profile of those planes look just like a sleek saucer type plane. Hell, the military even had a prototype saucer type aircraft that they flew around and tested for a long time.

Faster than light travel is likely in our future, as Dr. Alcubierre's theory shows. Below is a Wikipedia link and you can search out his peer reviewed theory elsewhere on the net. The bottom line is, although impossible for us to produce the kind of power needed for FTL travel (currently), it doesn't mean another species hasn't attained that already. But I tend to agree with Stephen Hawking, that if a superior being decides to visit, it likely won't go well for us.

As for the video and any chance of any alien contact here in our recent past, I say hogwash......distant past or future, different conversation.

Miguel Alcubierre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

interesting read. I noticed a lot of the backing for this theory was that it doesnt mathematically break any of the laws of physics. It deals a lot with negative mass and energy, which theoretically dont break the law of conservation of energy, but I think its about as useful to us as the square root of -1. Yeah, theoretically on paper it makes sense, but whats the use or application in the real world? I dont think there is any, as it just seems unfounded.

But then again, thats why hes the theoretical physisist, and im not.

You didn't fix #1 by changing science to the church. While the church came up with the basic assumption the Earth was the center, their science came up with the proof of it based on that assumption.

#2 Flawed initial assuptions lead to flawed conclusions. They thought they were getting fairly accurate 500 years ago too.

I am of the opinion that religion does not belong in science (regardless of whether you are religious or not. I have no problem with religion. It is more of a moral guide for one's life, IMO than any kind of basis to include in scientific research). The earth being flat, and being in the center of the universe came from a few sentences in the bible. And if these things were proved untrue, then they would have no defence as to the rest of the bible. They said the bible is 100% the word of god, and thus the world is flat and the center of the universe.

Many of the more educated people actually had no doubt that the world was round, and later on, that it wasnt the center of the universe. You just couldnt say such things without getting burned at the stake. And as for the equations and models to predict the motion of the planets in an earth-centered solar system, these were not the result of science. These were the result of the church telling a scientist to come up with a model that matched their flawed view. I wouldnt call it a result of science at all, I would call it a result of blind ignorance.
I am of the opinion that religion does not belong in science

Some people take the view that science is the study of God's creation, so there is no axiomatic incompatibility between the two.

The earth being flat, and being in the center of the universe came from a few sentences in the bible.

That is absolutely untrue. Neither the Old Testament nor the New Testament state that the Earth is flat, nor do they state that the Earth is the centre of the Universe. Those ideas came about from such things as mistranslations, and the Roman Catholic Church's arrogant insistence that since we are made in God's image, the Universe must revolve around us.

These were the result of the church telling a scientist to come up with a model that matched their flawed view.

OK, that's actually true. And it was dumb. But that wasn't about science, nor was it about religion. - It was about power. The RCC controlled the lives of millions and didn't want anyone questioning their teachings.
OK, that's actually true. And it was dumb. But that wasn't about science, nor was it about religion. - It was about power. The RCC controlled the lives of millions and didn't want anyone questioning their teachings.

Y'all kind of missed the point. It doesn't matter the source of the flawed hypothesis, science can and does come up with scientific "proof". not anti-science. We've learned alot in 500 years, but nothing really changes b
Y'all kind of missed the point. It doesn't matter the source of the flawed hypothesis, science can and does come up with scientific "proof". not anti-science. We've learned alot in 500 years, but nothing really changes b

No, I haven't missed the point. What I am saying is that there is a common misconception that science disproves religion, when in fact it does nothing of the sort. It is all about how information is interpreted.
No, I haven't missed the point. What I am saying is that there is a common misconception that science disproves religion, when in fact it does nothing of the sort. It is all about how information is interpreted.

Against my usual better judgement, I'm jumping in and then jumping right back out. Sometimes science can prove religion wrong.....Lots of "stuff" can be carbon dated farther than the biblical age of the earth. The following information was taken from a very nice "creation" site. Lots of good information on biblical facts and creation science. Enjoy!

How old is the earth according to the Bible?

HOW OLD is the earth according to the Bible? The following timeline by Theodore Pederson appeared in The Christian News, March 26, 2001, page 18.

How old is the earth?
If we go back 500 years, we come to the time of Martin Luther (born in 1483), and Columbus, who “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.â€￾

If we go back 1000 years, we come to the time of Leif Ericson, Christian explorer, who preached Christ to pagans. (World Book, 1983, vol.6, page 270.)

If we go back 2000 years, we come to the birth of Jesus Christ. Our calendar is dated from His birth.

If we go back 3000 years, we come to the time of David and Solomon; they ruled Israel about 1000 BC.

If we go back 4000 years, we come to the time of Abraham (2000 BC), ancestor of Arabs and Jews.

If we go back 5000 years, we come to the time of Enoch, who “walked with God 300 years … and God took him [into Heaven].â€￾

If we go back 6000 years, we come to the time of Creation, and Adam and Eve (4004 BC). Luke, evangelist and historian, records Adam as the first man (Luke 3:38).

The earth is about 6000 years old. Let God's people rejoice in Him who made them! (Psalm 149:2)

If not, then when?

Although many people don't accept the Bible's timeline of history, they have difficulty deciding exactly when to start disagreeing with it.

Was Jesus Christ real? The Bible says he was, and no serious historian doubts it.
Was King David real? The Bible says he was. Again, there is no reason to doubt it.
Was Abraham real? The Bible says he was. There seems no reason to doubt this either.
Was Enoch real? The Bible says he was. There is no reason to think the Bible has suddenly lapsed into fiction when the other people were genuine historical figures.
Was Adam real? Well, Enoch was a son of Cain, who was a son of Adam. So if Enoch was real there is no reason to think that his father Cain wasn't, or that his grandfather Adam wasn't. They were only two generations away.

And Adam was the first man, created in the first week of the earth's existence.

According to the Bible, he lived about 6000 years ago. So according to the Bible, the world also is about 6000 years old.

Ussher's calculation

Irish Archbishop James Ussher (1581-1656), calculated a similar date.

In his famous work The Annals of the World, Ussher used the Masoretic text of the Bible to come up with fairly precise dates for people and events mentioned in the Bible. His calculations led him to determine that God created the universe on 23 October, 4004 BC.

Other Bible historians and scholars always come up with a date not far from Ussher's, because even if you use slightly different methods for determining Bible chronology, you can't get away from the fact that the Bible will point you to a date of creation about 6000 years ago.
I hope no other species comes to earth. Because we will be stupid and piss them off and they will more than likely decimate us