A little video to get you talking

Against my usual better judgement, I'm jumping in and then jumping right back out. Sometimes science can prove religion wrong.....Lots of "stuff" can be carbon dated farther than the biblical age of the earth. The following information was taken from a very nice "creation" site. Lots of good information on biblical facts and creation science. Enjoy!

I'm sure there are going to be people from both sides flaming this one. The Bible only provides dates for humans on Earth from the date of creation of man. Using this as the date of the creation of the Earth as well is based on taking the word day in Genesis literally as 24 hours. If you look at the Bible as a whole, the word "day" can represent any amount of time to God. God created life in the ocean and birds on day 5. Ceatures and then lastly humans were created on day 6, the last day of creation, which is when the calender in the Bible starts.
well this seems to be turning into a religious debate, and while I can be very long-winded on this topic, I do not want to offend anyone.

My hats off guys, it was a great, thought provoking discussion! :thumbsup:
Back on topic, the film is showing some interesting stuff, but who knows what's real? I have never witnessed anything similar to these things so I'm a little skeptical but also realize the likelihood of other forms of life out there is highly possible.
well this seems to be turning into a religious debate, and while I can be very long-winded on this topic, I do not want to offend anyone.

My hats off guys, it was a great, thought provoking discussion! :thumbsup:

I belive Jesus is the son of GOD, and that GOD created the heavans and the earth. GOD's time isn't our time. Man's dating and skepticism doesn't phase me, and nothing will ever change my belifes. I simply stated that in my long winded post. These are MY belifes, and I'm imposing them upon no one. I can belive this and still belive that GOD created life elsewherer that has/does have contact with us. It's vein as a species to think otherwise. My personal belifes do not have any effect on this conversation from my standpoint for the above mentioned reasons. I can still have an intelligent conversation(or at least try:laugh:) without argueing religeon. It was not my intent or desire to turn this thread to religeon anyway. I liked the orginal topic, and I'm happy to listen, talk, and even have a freindly arguement about it.:thumbsup:
well this seems to be turning into a religious debate, and while I can be very long-winded on this topic, I do not want to offend anyone.

My hats off guys, it was a great, thought provoking discussion! :thumbsup:

Sorry you are leaving. One should be open minded to all possible answers when seeking an answer to a question. Evolution, the Big Bang, String theory, Membrane theory are just that, theories. There may be some evidence to support the science behind then, but it take a tremenous amount of faith and belief to overlook the huge gaping holes and believe they are not more question than answer.
I'm sure there are going to be people from both sides flaming this one. The Bible only provides dates for humans on Earth from the date of creation of man. Using this as the date of the creation of the Earth as well is based on taking the word day in Genesis literally as 24 hours. If you look at the Bible as a whole, the word "day" can represent any amount of time to God. God created life in the ocean and birds on day 5. Ceatures and then lastly humans were created on day 6, the last day of creation, which is when the calender in the Bible starts.

Yet still, humans have been on Earth far longer than 6,000 years.

Sorry you are leaving. One should be open minded to all possible answers when seeking an answer to a question. Evolution, the Big Bang, String theory, Membrane theory are just that, theories. There may be some evidence to support the science behind then, but it take a tremenous amount of faith and belief to overlook the huge gaping holes and believe they are not more question than answer.

You are attempting to downplay how much proof is actually behind some of these theories.

The defining characteristic of a scientific theory is that it makes falsifiable or testable predictions. The relevance and specificity of those predictions determine how potentially useful the theory is. A would-be theory that makes no predictions that can be observed is not a useful theory. Predictions not sufficiently specific to be tested are similarly not useful. In both cases, the term "theory" is hardly applicable.

In practice a body of descriptions of knowledge is usually only called a theory once it has a minimum empirical basis, according to certain criteria:

It is consistent with pre-existing theory, to the extent the pre-existing theory was experimentally verified, though it will often show pre-existing theory to be wrong in an exact sense.
It is supported by many strands of evidence, rather than a single foundation, ensuring it is probably a good approximation, if not totally correct.

Wormholes are indeed possible and not science fiction. I do believe some scientists believe that the universe is folded, think of a napkin falling and how it folds. I find it hard to wrap my head around all of these concepts, but this just means that right now, anything is still possible.

With our current technology, travelling great distances to far galaxies is near impossible. That doesn't mean that it is impossible.

Some of you treat a far superior being with human characteristics and flaws. They may treat us the way we treat an ant farm - simply to watch and learn. They may see us as a dog, again to watch, maybe manipulate, and to learn or defend. I find it hard to believe that an alien race advanced enough to conquer space and time would have any ill intentions on another species and life form, why would they?

This is a great question however because we only know how life has evolved on one planet. Who is to say that there aren't some underlying biological principles that would govern that life evolves similarly elsewhere.

We as a species seem to have thwarted evolution. We have learned to master our environment and no longer require a pruning of the species. This may be the downfall of life on all other planets. Life gets to an apex - such as ourselves - and then kills itself off. We are raping our planet of its resources with reckless abandon, will we stop before it is too late? Is this the fate of all species that get to our level? Kind of like the final boss in an impossible game.

Maybe that is why they are observing us. Maybe its all in our head. :dunno:

I agree that religion has no place in science. So far history has shown that science has had to tippy-toe and dance its way around religion so as not to "offend" anyone. Look at all the problems we face with evolution - which is becoming harder and harder to blow off as "just a theory."
Personally I think Eric Von Daniken has things figured out, and scientifically with hard evidence he's gathered and studied for decades. He is also a Christian:laugh::poke: He said "I was raised catholic, and I've never lost my GOD, and my GOD does not need a craft to travel in."
Christanity does fit into alot of science, strange as that may seem. I'm not dragging religeon into this, but he's just a good example that belivers and non belivers alike can support his theories. Even if you're not Christian, Von Daniken is an extremely interesting and intelligent man.
The world history taught in the public and private schools is not how things went.
Again, I like to discuss these types of things, and I'm in no way trying to impose my belifes on anyone. Or turn this to a religeous debate, but rather that they can fit together.:beerchug:
I think if you ever make it this way for a ride, our lunch conversation will be looooonng:laugh::thumbsup:
Personally I think Eric Von Daniken has things figured out, and scientifically with hard evidence he's gathered and studied for decades. He is also a Christian:laugh::poke: He said "I was raised catholic, and I've never lost my GOD, and my GOD does not need a craft to travel in."
Christanity does fit into alot of science, strange as that may seem. I'm not dragging religeon into this, but he's just a good example that belivers and non belivers alike can support his theories. Even if you're not Christian, Von Daniken is an extremely interesting and intelligent man.
The world history taught in the public and private schools is not how things went.
Again, I like to discuss these types of things, and I'm in no way trying to impose my belifes on anyone. Or turn this to a religeous debate, but rather that they can fit together.:beerchug:
I think if you ever make it this way for a ride, our lunch conversation will be looooonng:laugh::thumbsup:

There are definitely some great Christian scientists and there are definitely some very smart Christians. I also dislike that schools seem to water down and even at some points misconstrue history - again not to offend anyone. I think if a school cannot teach something accurately than they shouldn't teach it period. I watched a special on HBO about how history is not always accurate and sometimes goes along with fads, but I can't seem to find a youtube video about it.

Two great examples though of religion affecting someone's abilites are the absolutely great Isaac Newton and Einstein. Einstein, though most likely a deist, had a hard time with the probabilities involved in quantum physics. Newton was a devout Christian, but well, we all know all of his accomplishments.

Here it is

There are definitely some great Christian scientists and there are definitely some very smart Christians. I also dislike that schools seem to water down and even at some points misconstrue history - again not to offend anyone. I think if a school cannot teach something accurately than they shouldn't teach it period. I watched a special on HBO about how history is not always accurate and sometimes goes along with fads, but I can't seem to find a youtube video about it.

Kinda like what the Texas Department of Education is doing to history. If they don't like what is in the books, they change it.
If there is life outside the planet earth, they won't want to come visit here anyway. Aren't they supposed to be "intelligent" life? Why come here and dumb themselves down?

You think they want to come here and watch a Nascar race or something? :whistle:
There are definitely some great Christian scientists and there are definitely some very smart Christians. I also dislike that schools seem to water down and even at some points misconstrue history - again not to offend anyone. I think if a school cannot teach something accurately than they shouldn't teach it period. I watched a special on HBO about how history is not always accurate and sometimes goes along with fads, but I can't seem to find a youtube video about it.

Two great examples though of religion affecting someone's abilites are the absolutely great Isaac Newton and Einstein. Einstein, though most likely a deist, had a hard time with the probabilities involved in quantum physics. Newton was a devout Christian, but well, we all know all of his accomplishments.

Here it is

Nice find, I completely agree with the video. The history taugth to the masses truly is pop culture stories. The real history must be sought out and proven by hard undeniable facts, or ones that are pretty close given the flaws in science:laugh: Science is also only flawed because it's like a giant jigsaw puzzle. We simply don't have all the pieces, which opens the door for many interpretations of what the big picture really looks like.
Myself and countless others belive Von Daniken is the man finding the truth...which as said, is stranger than fiction.:beerchug: What he has found and pointed out over the last 40+ years of research is very hard to deny, Christian or not.
I have no doubt that there are many very inteligent christians (and/or catholics/budhists/muslims/insert religion here's) as I know many. I however, prefer not to discuss religious topics, because everyone is very opinionated and has strong beliefs on the issue (whether a believer or not), and nothing (from what I have seen) comes of religious debates but high tempers.

Anywho, about history. History is very flawed by its nature. All we have to go on for historical knowledge is written records, and archaeological evidence. While archaelogical evidence can give hints as to what happened, it cannot paint the whole picture. And written records can be very flawed. For example, Marco Polo was not the first European explorer to go to Asia, as commonly believed; he was the first one to write that he was. Collumbus was not the first one (other than the native americans) to come to America; the Vikings had made it here LOONG before him. All we can do is guess as to what happened until we find more info.

That being said, I think the future will have a very well laid out account of our history, as the information technology has lead to a massive rise in the number/quality of records.
I have no doubt that there are many very inteligent christians (and/or catholics/budhists/muslims/insert religion here's) as I know many. I however, prefer not to discuss religious topics, because everyone is very opinionated and has strong beliefs on the issue (whether a believer or not), and nothing (from what I have seen) comes of religious debates but high tempers.

Anywho, about history. History is very flawed by its nature. All we have to go on for historical knowledge is written records, and archaeological evidence. While archaelogical evidence can give hints as to what happened, it cannot paint the whole picture. And written records can be very flawed. For example, Marco Polo was not the first European explorer to go to Asia, as commonly believed; he was the first one to write that he was. Collumbus was not the first one (other than the native americans) to come to America; the Vikings had made it here LOONG before him. All we can do is guess as to what happened until we find more info.

That being said, I think the future will have a very well laid out account of our history, as the information technology has lead to a massive rise in the number/quality of records.

You'll get no temper from me on religeon. MY belifes are just that, Mine. I don't wish to impose them on anyone. I simply like history, more so the alternative and usually more true versions. As well as u.f.o.'s, which of course doesn't nessacerily mean aliens, just unidentified craft and phenomenon.
As I mentioned before, the 2 seasons of Ancient Aliens on History channel is very interesting. Do I belive it all? No. Is most of it hard to deny? I think so.
I enjoy hearing other's perspectives. If this became a high tempered arguement between others, I would not want to be involved.:beerchug:
"Some of you treat a far superior being with human characteristics and flaws. They may treat us the way we treat an ant farm - simply to watch and learn. They may see us as a dog, again to watch, maybe manipulate, and to learn or defend. I find it hard to believe that an alien race advanced enough to conquer space and time would have any ill intentions on another species and life form, why would they?":laugh:

MMMM, "They taste like chicken",, What is there? about 7 billion "Meat poles", walking around on this rock??
"Some of you treat a far superior being with human characteristics and flaws. They may treat us the way we treat an ant farm - simply to watch and learn. They may see us as a dog, again to watch, maybe manipulate, and to learn or defend. I find it hard to believe that an alien race advanced enough to conquer space and time would have any ill intentions on another species and life form, why would they?":laugh:

MMMM, "They taste like chicken",, What is there? about 7 billion "Meat poles", walking around on this rock??

Why does everything supposedly taste like chicken!?:rofl:
Well the cannibals say, "We taste like stringy pork", and I was trying to add a little humor to this interesting thread. However, think about it, I mean really think, what would we have to offer? C`mon--we (are)can, be pretty rotten to our own kind, animals don`t even do that.
You are attempting to downplay how much proof is actually behind some of these theories.

When I graduated from HS, I was and athiest who bought into mainstream science hook line and sinker.

When I graduated from Colledge, I was and athiest who bought into mainstream science hook line and sinker.

My undergrad work was in Theoretical Mathematics

My post grad work was in Computer Science.

Maybe I've learned a bit more than the science the masses get fed.
"Some of you treat a far superior being with human characteristics and flaws. They may treat us the way we treat an ant farm - simply to watch and learn. They may see us as a dog, again to watch, maybe manipulate, and to learn or defend. I find it hard to believe that an alien race advanced enough to conquer space and time would have any ill intentions on another species and life form, why would they?":laugh:

MMMM, "They taste like chicken",, What is there? about 7 billion "Meat poles", walking around on this rock??

Another option would be they are just here to mine all the natural resources and move on. I think that was the premis of District 9.