
Actually quite familar with Commie/socialist crap, American history buff especially interested in keeping and reading the Federalist Papers copy on my desk. Having spent 25+ years defending my country in places that hate freedom and liberty, My country is pretty special to me. Also having some experenice with Socialist Regimes and Communists governments around the world..... I can smell a worthless pile of manure socialist/commie pig a mile away.

Domestic enemies aren't always standing in the shadows with a loaded weapon intent on killing free people. Sometimes they are smiling easy going pleasant comrades only out to help the less fortunate....always at the expense of others. You just have to know when they cross the line and eradicate the cancer they cause.


Just a note to alert you that I'm not oblivious to the cancer being sown in our land.


They are always humanitarians aren't they...with someone elses money.
:rofl: Go turn on Glen beck or something. :moon:

I watch should too, it would do you some good.

I'll get you a sandproof tv if it would help...

Social programs are provided/offered to "all" of society. You had to have a job(military) in order to benefit. All the other programs you listed are provided/offered to everyone without asking for anything whatsoever.
Wrong!! This does not benefit, nor is it offered, to just anyone who wants it. The people who use the VA actually had jobs before.

The examples listed by the poster certainly DO NOT have anything socialist by nature in them.

Police, Military, Social Security, yada, yada, yada, have foundations built on providing a service after one works and contributes their labor.......while this seems to at face value to meet a loose interpetation of "socialism", it's quite the opposite.

Military personel contract their lives to provide a service to us in general, much the same way a plumber contracts a number of hours of labor to fix your pipes.

Police perform a service much in the same means.

The poster is confused in the actual real life application of socialism/communism, therefore believes we already operate in a socialized enviroment to some degree. Perhaps we do to a small extent, BUT only because the general population doesn't yet understand the consequences of REAL socialism which is just a term used in transforming a Free society to full blown Communism.

Once the general population wakes up to whats's either going to correct the cancerous politics by voting.....or worse yet resort to violence to keep America safe.

We'll see come November! :usa:
The examples listed by the poster certainly DO NOT have anything socialist by nature in them.

Police, Military, Social Security, yada, yada, yada, have foundations built on providing a service after one works and contributes their labor.......while this seems to at face value to meet a loose interpetation of "socialism", it's quite the opposite.

Military personel contract their lives to provide a service to us in general, much the same way a plumber contracts a number of hours of labor to fix your pipes.

Police perform a service much in the same means.

The poster is confused in the actual real life application of socialism/communism, therefore believes we already operate in a socialized enviroment to some degree. Perhaps we do to a small extent, BUT only because the general population doesn't yet understand the consequences of REAL socialism which is just a term used in transforming a Free society to full blown Communism.

Once the general population wakes up to whats's either going to correct the cancerous politics by voting.....or worse yet resort to violence to keep America safe.

We'll see come November! :usa:

Thats strange. None of these things are part of socialism, but for some reason we are going down the path of a socialist country? Please explain.
the consequences of REAL socialism which is just a term used in transforming a Free society to full blown Communism.

Socialism and Communism are both economic systems, just like Capitalism. Democracy and Fascism are forms of government, as are monarchies, and dictatorships. People who think that socialism and communism are evil, don't understand that in their pure forms they are actually far more noble and evolved systems than capitalism. The problem comes from coupling these system with a tyrannical dictator, or a fascist type of government. Many people don't realize that even their beloved capitalism can get out of control and become fascist in nature which has been happening for the past few years.
Socialism and Communism are both economic systems, just like Capitalism. Democracy and Fascism are forms of government, as are monarchies, and dictatorships. People who think that socialism and communism are evil, don't understand that in their pure forms they are actually far more noble and evolved systems than capitalism. The problem comes from coupling these system with a tyrannical dictator, or a fascist type of government. Many people don't realize that even their beloved capitalism can get out of control and become fascist in nature which has been happening for the past few years.

unless someone on tv explained the differences, most do not really understand what:


actually are.

for god sake, most people think we live in a democracy.

for the most part all you will get hear is the ramblings and talking points that most people hear from tv or the radio.
Socialism and Communism are both economic systems, just like Capitalism. Democracy and Fascism are forms of government, as are monarchies, and dictatorships. People who think that socialism and communism are evil, don't understand that in their pure forms they are actually far more noble and evolved systems than capitalism. The problem comes from coupling these system with a tyrannical dictator, or a fascist type of government. Many people don't realize that even their beloved capitalism can get out of control and become fascist in nature which has been happening for the past few years.

No comment needed..........really!
ACORN's troubles should be considered in the context of a history of honorable service to the dispossessed and impoverished. No doubt it was fun to dupe a few morons into providing tax advice to a "pimp and ho," but what ACORN actually does, every day, is help struggling families with the Earned Income Tax Credit (whose benefits were expanded by both Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton). And while the idea of getting housing assistance for a brothel was clever, what ACORN really does, every day, is help those same working families avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes.

Perhaps the congressional investigation now demanded by some Republican politicians would be a useful exercise, if conducted impartially. A fair investigation might begin to dispel some of the wild mythology promoted by right-wing media outlets.

Among the most popular canards on the right, repeated constantly by conservative pundits and politicians, is that ACORN has been found guilty of engaging in deliberate voter fraud, using federal funds. In reality, ACORN has registered close to 2 million low-income citizens across the country over the past five years -- a laudable record with a very low incidence of fraud of any kind.

Over the past several years, a handful of ACORN employees have admitted falsifying names and signatures on registration cards, in order to boost the pay they received. When ACORN officials discovered those cases, they informed the state authorities and turned in the miscreants. (That was why the Bush Justice Department's blatant attempt to smear ACORN with rushed, election-timed indictments became a national scandal for Republicans rather than Democrats.) The proportion of fraud is infinitesimal. For example, a half-dozen ACORN workers were charged with registration fraud or other election-related crimes in the 2004 election. They had completed fewer than two dozen false registrations -- out of more than a million new voters registered by ACORN during that cycle. The mythology that suggests that thousands or even millions of illegal registrants voted is itself a fraud.

If only the Republicans who have worked up a frenzy over ACORN's alleged crimes were so indignant about real and damaging voter fraud -- such as the amazing case of Young Political Majors, the firm that ran GOP registration efforts in California, Massachusetts, Florida, Arizona and elsewhere before the authorities in Orange County, Calif., busted its president, Mark Anthony Jacoby, and sent him to jail last year. He had built a lucrative partisan career by teaching his minions to deceive thousands of voters into registering as Republicans rather than Democrats, among other scams. Of course, the only on-air mention of the Young Political Majors scandal on Fox News was made by blogger Brad Friedman -- and the national media, mainstream and conservative, generally ignored it. They were too busy generating "controversy" over ACORN.

So now the overhyped voting registration tales are metastasizing into wild accusations about ACORN's finances and programs, including claims that the group will receive billions in federal bailout funding and that it is a hotbed of corruption, perhaps even murder. In fact, ACORN affiliates -- those not involved with voter registration -- have received a few million dollars annually in federal funding. The group is not scheduled to receive any bailout money (although working people would probably benefit more from subsidizing ACORN than greasing AIG and Goldman Sachs).

The fans of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck regard ACORN as a criminal enterprise that fosters tax fraud, prostitution, child prostitution and even murder (thanks to a satirical "confession" by an employee filmed surreptitiously in the San Bernardino ACORN office). But ACORN chief organizer and CEO Bertha Lewis swiftly dismissed the employees caught on those videotapes and set about reforming the flawed processes that enabled those individuals to speak for the organization. No overt acts were committed by any of the people caught on those tapes -- and so far nobody has found that any of those theoretical "crimes" ever took place.

To claim that the stupid behavior of a half-dozen employees should discredit a national group with offices in more than 75 cities staffed by many thousands of employees and volunteers is like saying that Mark Sanford or John Ensign have discredited every Republican governor or senator. Indeed, the indignation of the congressional Republicans screaming about ACORN and the phony streetwalker is diluted by the presence of at least two confirmed prostitution clients -- Rep. Ken Calvert and Sen. David Vitter -- in their midst. Neither of those right-wing johns has been even mildly chastised by their moralistic peers. Nobody is cutting off their federal funding.

ACORN has pledged to institute reforms, with the appointment of a distinguished outside panel to oversee that process. Let us hope they succeed. Even now they seem far more likely to improve their performance -- and to be more sincere in their intentions -- than the Washington hypocrites who are trying to destroy them.

Would you care to cite that post to its proper author?
Socialism and Communism are both economic systems, just like Capitalism. Democracy and Fascism are forms of government, as are monarchies, and dictatorships. People who think that socialism and communism are evil, don't understand that in their pure forms they are actually far more noble and evolved systems than capitalism. The problem comes from coupling these system with a tyrannical dictator, or a fascist type of government. Many people don't realize that even their beloved capitalism can get out of control and become fascist in nature which has been happening for the past few years.

And while you're at it, perhaps you can cite this one too.
Socialist Programs in America
The New National banking system
The VA Hospital
The Post Office
Parks (national and city)
Beaches (national and city) Privet beaches are nude beaches!
Road, Streets, Highways, byways, Freeways
Street lamps and or any lighting paid by the Gov't (city included)
The U.S Military (Paid by the Government using tax dollars)
I guess your saying your against all this? If not, I guess your a socialist. :beerchug:

You are really reaching on a lot of these. But facts don't really matter when you are trying to prove a point, right?