
You are really reaching on a lot of these. But facts don't really matter when you are trying to prove a point, right?

Instead of trying to say its a stretch, why not prove me wrong and post your "facts" of what socialism is and where it is in this country? ???
Although usually short lived, this nation was formed as a republic. laws and enforcement are a necessity to any civilized culture. These services you have listed are a necessity for any society. The va hospitals are a benefit earned by those who have honorably served this country. If there are going to be any social programs they should be handled locally. More government has never been the answer. As far as proving you wrong, how have you proved yourself right?
Google it, Its not that hard. :rofl:

Ben, I would like to think that our discourse is original thought, not a cut and paste from Google. When you do this, it makes me (and maybe others) discount your real feelings on the subject as if perhaps you don't really have the time nor the desire to make a well thought out commentary on the issue. At the very least it would be nice if you cited your source, so that our brothers (and sisters) here won't waste their time replying to an author that doesn't even frequent this forum. Your thoughts are important to me, and I want to hear what you think, not some random internet poster.
I'm glad I'm at the bash otherwise this drivel would really upset me...Ben really how old are you? Communism in it's purest form may be noble in your opnion; but history has proven ITs application has been a disaster.

Gonna go ride the Dragon now...
Socialism and Communism are both economic systems, just like Capitalism. Democracy and Fascism are forms of government, as are monarchies, and dictatorships. People who think that socialism and communism are evil, don't understand that in their pure forms they are actually far more noble and evolved systems than capitalism. The problem comes from coupling these system with a tyrannical dictator, or a fascist type of government. Many people don't realize that even their beloved capitalism can get out of control and become fascist in nature which has been happening for the past few years.

Your very misguided and delusional (explains a lot though)...
Nobel and Evolved :rofl: in the land of Unicorns and Rainbows.
In the real world it's far from it...

Was the 50-70 MILLION killed by Chairman Mao Noble...
how about the starvation of the Holodomor...very "evolved".
The problem is, people suck.
Maybe Cuba...there is a model state... ???

Oh yeah I know, it's the "evil" dictator thing, Socialism/Communism/Fascism work...
it's just with the evil dictator, they can't quite get it right :rofl:. Like I said, people suck,
that's how you get an "evil" dictator.

Regardless of that fact, on the grass roots level, you have one goat, your neighbor
has 10...he wants your goat too and have your missus to bring it over...and not
to work for it, he want's to sit on his :moon: and have you tend his fields.
Because he's entitled...

That's why the high minded ideals of the hippie utopias ALWAYS FAILED.

The whole problem with the marxist theories...they are based on the premiss
that man can be and is inhearantly good. :rofl: Read the news, look at society,
we are regressing and wallowing in immorality (original sin anyone...???) That
is why Socialism will NEVER work...the nature of Man.

A friend of mines father went to the U.S.S.R. and said as country...what a POS.
You can't get fired and you don't get extra for everyone just sits
around, fresh fruit rots on the ships while the dock workers sit on their :moon:
they don't get your ship unloaded you have to bribe them to work.
He said you have to bribe to get anything done...nice noble and evloved system.

Nature of Man...

Capitatism don't work, you don't eat. Gets people motivated...
Your very misguided and delusional (explains a lot though)...
Nobel and Evolved :rofl: in the land of Unicorns and Rainbows.
In the real world it's far from it...

Was the 50-70 MILLION killed by Chairman Mao Noble...
how about the starvation of the Holodomor...very "evolved".
The problem is, people suck.
Maybe Cuba...there is a model state... ???

Oh yeah I know, it's the "evil" dictator thing, Socialism/Communism/Fascism work...
it's just with the evil dictator, they can't quite get it right :rofl:. Like I said, people suck,
that's how you get an "evil" dictator.

Regardless of that fact, on the grass roots level, you have one goat, your neighbor
has 10...he wants your goat too and have your missus to bring it over...and not
to work for it, he want's to sit on his :moon: and have you tend his fields.
Because he's entitled...

That's why the high minded ideals of the hippie utopias ALWAYS FAILED.

The whole problem with the marxist theories...they are based on the premiss
that man can be and is inhearantly good. :rofl: Read the news, look at society,
we are regressing and wallowing in immorality (original sin anyone...???) That
is why Socialism will NEVER work...the nature of Man.

A friend of mines father went to the U.S.S.R. and said as country...what a POS.
You can't get fired and you don't get extra for everyone just sits
around, fresh fruit rots on the ships while the dock workers sit on their :moon:
they don't get your ship unloaded you have to bribe them to work.
He said you have to bribe to get anything done...nice noble and evloved system.

Nature of Man...

Capitatism don't work, you don't eat. Gets people motivated...

OMG dude, you take no prisoners! Every time you dish out one of these mental a$$ whoopins I become more impressed. :beerchug:

We need more well educated, stand up guys like you in this Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth! :bowdown:
Your very misguided and delusional (explains a lot though)...
Nobel and Evolved :rofl: in the land of Unicorns and Rainbows.
In the real world it's far from it...

Was the 50-70 MILLION killed by Chairman Mao Noble...
how about the starvation of the Holodomor...very "evolved".
The problem is, people suck.
Maybe Cuba...there is a model state... ???

Oh yeah I know, it's the "evil" dictator thing, Socialism/Communism/Fascism work...
it's just with the evil dictator, they can't quite get it right :rofl:. Like I said, people suck,
that's how you get an "evil" dictator.

Regardless of that fact, on the grass roots level, you have one goat, your neighbor
has 10...he wants your goat too and have your missus to bring it over...and not
to work for it, he want's to sit on his :moon: and have you tend his fields.
Because he's entitled...

That's why the high minded ideals of the hippie utopias ALWAYS FAILED.

The whole problem with the marxist theories...they are based on the premiss
that man can be and is inhearantly good. :rofl: Read the news, look at society,
we are regressing and wallowing in immorality (original sin anyone...???) That
is why Socialism will NEVER work...the nature of Man.

A friend of mines father went to the U.S.S.R. and said as country...what a POS.
You can't get fired and you don't get extra for everyone just sits
around, fresh fruit rots on the ships while the dock workers sit on their :moon:
they don't get your ship unloaded you have to bribe them to work.
He said you have to bribe to get anything done...nice noble and evloved system.

Nature of Man...

Capitatism don't work, you don't eat. Gets people motivated...

Ok, I'm back from the Bash now. Thank you for this excellent post. I LOVE a good :spank:
Nice try, you may think you are clever with your long retorts and rants, (after all it's your fingers and keyboard) so keep on talking because November is coming and we're on to you all. Oh by the way, the race card isn't going to work this time too but go ahead and play it.......after all it's your right....right? I'm so going to laugh this November, can't wait to see what you all have to say after the November elections......Oh Oh Oh, I know, you Libs will say that the conservatives stole the elections because of the Tea-Party Nazis facilitators. So pathetic........det45

Socialist Programs in America
The New National banking system
The VA Hospital
The Post Office
Parks (national and city)
Beaches (national and city) Privet beaches are nude beaches!
Road, Streets, Highways, byways, Freeways
Street lamps and or any lighting paid by the Gov't (city included)
The U.S Military (Paid by the Government using tax dollars)
I guess your saying your against all this? If not, I guess your a socialist. :beerchug:

A little off topic here. Did you know my family on my fathers side actually owned the boats the tea was thrown off during the original Boston Tea Party.

Pretty cool stuff if ya ask me.

Now back to your originally scheduled arguing.
A little off topic here. Did you know my family on my fathers side actually owned the boats the tea was thrown off during the original Boston Tea Party.

Pretty cool stuff if ya ask me.

Now back to your originally scheduled arguing.

Now that is pretty cool lav :bowdown:
Actually quite familar with Commie/socialist crap, American history buff especially interested in keeping and reading the Federalist Papers copy on my desk. Having spent 25+ years defending my country in places that hate freedom and liberty, My country is pretty special to me. Also having some experenice with Socialist Regimes and Communists governments around the world..... I can smell a worthless pile of manure socialist/commie pig a mile away.

Domestic enemies aren't always standing in the shadows with a loaded weapon intent on killing free people. Sometimes they are smiling easy going pleasant comrades only out to help the less fortunate....always at the expense of others. You just have to know when they cross the line and eradicate the cancer they cause.


Just a note to alert you that I'm not oblivious to the cancer being sown in our land.

Hey, when you can't argue with substance you can always try personal attacks. :thumbsup: I call B.S on your story.

So did I just fall off the wagon and hit my head or did you say you call B.S. on his story where he detailed for you that he spent 25yrs protecting our country ??? Cuz if you are poo pooh'in a vet who's spent probably more years defending this great land than you have occupying it, someone should come to detriot and kick your ass :rulez:
Amen brother, consider the source.......det45

So did I just fall off the wagon and hit my head or did you say you call B.S. on his story where he detailed for you that he spent 25yrs protecting our country ??? Cuz if you are poo pooh'in a vet who's spent probably more years defending this great land than you have occupying it, someone should come to detriot and kick your ass :rulez:
Thank you zuk for posting what I was thinking....and I served 26....(gotcha by one Rick!)
Thank you zuk for posting what I was thinking....and I served 26....(gotcha by one Rick!)

Damn, always by one...........Yea I got your back too!

Dirt bags(Socialist/Commie) always think they are so much smarter than the everyday working man.

So did I just fall off the wagon and hit my head or did you say you call B.S. on his story where he detailed for you that he spent 25yrs protecting our country ??? Cuz if you are poo pooh'in a vet who's spent probably more years defending this great land than you have occupying it, someone should come to detriot and kick your ass :rulez:

:rofl: Yep, sure did call B.S. Someone should come to detroit and kick my ass? You wanna be the first to step up and actually do what they say sukracer, or are you going to join the group of all talk? :rofl:

Im sure we'll welcome anyone who wants to come and try it with open "arms". :whistle:

Now if a VET wants to come on this board and challenge what others think by using the "I've fought for this country" line to try and trump others then by all means do it, but it means very little to me and others in a discussion.
Your very misguided and delusional (explains a lot though)...
Nobel and Evolved :rofl: in the land of Unicorns and Rainbows.
In the real world it's far from it...

Was the 50-70 MILLION killed by Chairman Mao Noble...
how about the starvation of the Holodomor...very "evolved".
The problem is, people suck.
Maybe Cuba...there is a model state... ???

Oh yeah I know, it's the "evil" dictator thing, Socialism/Communism/Fascism work...
it's just with the evil dictator, they can't quite get it right :rofl:. Like I said, people suck,
that's how you get an "evil" dictator.

Regardless of that fact, on the grass roots level, you have one goat, your neighbor
has 10...he wants your goat too and have your missus to bring it over...and not
to work for it, he want's to sit on his :moon: and have you tend his fields.
Because he's entitled...

That's why the high minded ideals of the hippie utopias ALWAYS FAILED.

The whole problem with the marxist theories...they are based on the premiss
that man can be and is inhearantly good. :rofl: Read the news, look at society,
we are regressing and wallowing in immorality (original sin anyone...???) That
is why Socialism will NEVER work...the nature of Man.

A friend of mines father went to the U.S.S.R. and said as country...what a POS.
You can't get fired and you don't get extra for everyone just sits
around, fresh fruit rots on the ships while the dock workers sit on their :moon:
they don't get your ship unloaded you have to bribe them to work.
He said you have to bribe to get anything done...nice noble and evloved system.

Nature of Man...

Capitatism don't work, you don't eat. Gets people motivated...

I guess if you would of read what was posted you'd realize that it was in purist form that these things would work, but of course you fly right over it and reply to it as though Im in full support of socialismt, communisim, capitalism ect. Basically it said in a perfect world socialism could work, but since we have people like me, and yourself, it would never work. Keep spinning though, you might end up on the floor one day. :rofl:
I guess if you would of read what was posted you'd realize that it was in purist form that these things would work, but of course you fly right over it and reply to it as though Im in full support of socialismt, communisim, capitalism ect. Basically it said in a perfect world socialism could work, but since we have people like me, and yourself, it would never work. Keep spinning though, you might end up on the floor one day. :rofl:

Nooo....again and as usual, you miss the whole elephant.

Communism/Socialism/Fascism as I pointed out is a deeply flawed philosophy and
labeling such as "nobel and evolved" is absurd and shows a lack of logic skills.
There is no "spin", it's (un)common sense.

Oh but in it's purist form....gimmie a break.

Marx was wrong and an idiot (and evil)....
Now if a VET wants to come on this board and challenge what others think by using the "I've fought for this country" line to try and trump others then by all means do it, but it means very little to me and others in a discussion.

Really...??? That's interesting, and yet another layer is peeled back.

I think...anyone who has put their life on line in service to their country for me
and mine so that we are free to even have this discussion not only has my
deep appreciation...but my undivided attention.