
funny story:

wal-mart was coming to my town.....there were meetings, town hall assemblies, protestst and petitions....

Wal-Mart was going to:
1. ruin business for the locals
2. create traffic nightmares
3. lower the quality of life

3 years later, quality of life is good.....Wal-Mart has not runed the local business and brought new revenue to the city....

Wal-Mart, is the easy to blame evil that ruins local economies.....but the sad fact is like everything else, the problem is us.

just like the illegal immigration issue, if we stopped buying at Wal-Mart they would go away....if we stopped buying products from those that hire illegals...they would go away.

funny thing is...i have never seen a Wal-Mart that was not filled with cheap ass customers, 24/7 trying to buy chinese made T-shirts because american made t-shirts cost $2.00 more
funny story:

wal-mart was coming to my town.....there were meetings, town hall assemblies, protestst and petitions....

Wal-Mart was going to:
1. ruin business for the locals
2. create traffic nightmares
3. lower the quality of life

3 years later, quality of life is good.....Wal-Mart has not runed the local business and brought new revenue to the city....

Wal-Mart, is the easy to blame evil that ruins local economies.....but the sad fact is like everything else, the problem is us.

just like the illegal immigration issue, if we stopped buying at Wal-Mart they would go away....if we stopped buying products from those that hire illegals...they would go away.

funny thing is...i have never seen a Wal-Mart that was not filled with cheap ass customers, 24/7 trying to buy chinese made T-shirts because american made t-shirts cost $2.00 more

You can get 5 for 10 bucks at walgreens !
Like Wal-Mart, I shop at Harbor Freight because I'm cheap and like to have a lot of tools that I may only use twice in my lifetime. You just can't pass up a 100 pc bag of nitrile coated gloves for $6.49. :whistle:
Nooo....again and as usual, you miss the whole elephant.

OMG...I have been sitting on my hands to keep my "thoughts" on this to myself, but this just made me bust out laughing...hee hee.

BTW - if I have to google a post because the author was not properly cited, isn't that what my English Teacher used to call "plagiarism"??

Now if a VET wants to come on this board and challenge what others think by using the "I've fought for this country" line to try and trump others then by all means do it, but it means very little to me and others in a discussion.

You know I have not read past this page, but find this the most offesive thing you have said (for now). I am not a vet, but stood by as my husband served for 12 years. I have the utmost respect for anyone who has served and your comment is not only offensive, but takes so much away from those who have served their country and it's people (even if some of those people don't necessarily deserve their service).
the fact that a man or woman chooses to serve thier country, says a great deal about them......

but to imply that serving means that they can never be wrong, or that a veteran can never be questioned or challenged is just plain ludicrous.

PS: pre -9/11, there were thousands of "stafford" soldiers that were no more patriotic than than anyone else, they were just looking for college money, or even a way out of the ghetto....
:rofl: Yep, sure did call B.S. Someone should come to detroit and kick my ass? You wanna be the first to step up and actually do what they say sukracer, or are you going to join the group of all talk? :rofl:

Im sure we'll welcome anyone who wants to come and try it with open "arms". :whistle:

Now if a VET wants to come on this board and challenge what others think by using the "I've fought for this country" line to try and trump others then by all means do it, but it means very little to me and others in a discussion.

Don't be judging the journey of a Veteran unless you are one. BTW, no one needs to go kick your A.., you are doing a fine job all by yourself. :beerchug:
I find Ben's snide remark about Vets particularly offensive. Vets certainly aren't right 100% of the time (I am one, and I know I'm not right ALL the time :); But don't make light of their contributions to the remaining freedoms for which you enjoy. You know, military service MIGHT make him a better person (or at least offer him a different perspective). Military service is an honorable profession; one poll said that the military was one of the most trusted professions (certainly over politicians). Being a VET meant you once wrote a blank check, payable with up to your life, to the people of the United States. I just somehow doubt that Ben has yet ever made a committment to anything that selfless. Someday I hope he does.

It means more than he thinks, as the VET is the one that fought and died for his right to HAVE this discussion.
I dont think Benny has visited many socialist countries in his life ?
Has he ever walked the streets of old Soviet Union ?
Walked the streets of Sadam controlled Iraq ?
Prolly not..

A small apology may be needed here Benny ?
the vets and service you take so lightly is the reason you can sit there and say things like that.
Without them this would be communist China and the internet would be highly censored.

Freedom is not Free and your freedom has been paid for with the blood of patriots and vets.
Whether you agree with them or not you OWE THEM MUCH !
i think that most of the problems we have in this country can be traced back to a few core issues.

1. americans, do not travel abroad. we like to talk about things socialism,communism etc...but we don't really know what its like, for the regular guy living in communist china, or the USSR.

when we do travel we stay at resorts, or tourist towns....we see working public transportation and roads, because this is where the money is.....but we don't see the shack's or shanti towns and we don't visit the factories....

2. most people do not serve in the military, they know nothing about it. they listen to talk shows and movies, and liberal proffesors and teachers talk of the evils of the "war machine"...but few of us have ever carried a ride and stood a post, much less seen combat.

3. americans live a sheltered life, we have no idea that most of the world is poor. we are protected by two oceans and thousands of miles from our nearest enemies and our media refuses to show what is really going on in the world.

4. we are influenced by movie stars like g. clooney, di-caprio and Shawn Penn that take trips to places like Cuba, or Ven. and let dictators like Castro and Chavez show them around and see all the happy people.....
No tuf I have just cut back on trying to argue with stupid :beerchug:

Dang Dino, you can't wait to get to work and fire that tax payer's computer up to argue so you look in the mirror and fire up the chimney before you have your caffeine, eh? :laugh:

But then if I crawled out of bed in the morning to see this :moon: looking back at me in the mirror, I'd start my day all pisst off too! :beerchug:
Dang Dino, you can't wait to get to work and fire that tax payer's computer up to argue so you look in the mirror and fire up the chimney before you have your caffeine, eh? :laugh:

But then if I crawled out of bed in the morning to see this :moon: looking back at me in the mirror, I'd start my day all pisst off too! :beerchug:

Thanks for making my point.